1,450 research outputs found

    Continuity and change in arable land management in the Northern Isles : evidence from anthropogenic soils

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    Human activity can affect the soil in ways which are traceable long after the land has been given over to other uses, and past land management practices can be reconstructed by investigation of these relict characteristics. In some regions the addition of fertilising materials to the arable soils has created artificially deepened anthropogenic topsoils which can be over 1m thick. Such relict soils are found all over the world, and are widespread in north-western Europe. This work focuses on the anthropogenic soils in the Northern Isles, which were formed from the Neolithic period up until the 20th century. Three multi-period sites were investigated using thin section micromorphology, organic/inorganic phosphate analysis, soil magnetism, particle size distribution, loss on ignition and soil pH. Current views of anthropogenic soil formation, based on pedological investigation and historical documentary sources, are that they are formed as a result of the addition of domestic animal manures and turf used as animal bedding to arable areas. This project sets out to test the hypothesis that in fact anthropogenic soils are the result of a wide range of formation processes which took place over extended periods of time. The hypothesis has been tested by analysing soils and associated middens of different dates, which have been sealed and protected by blown sand deposits. The results have shown that in the Neolithic period arable soils were created by cultivating the settlement's midden heaps as well as by adding midden material to the surrounding soils. In the Bronze Age human manure, ash and domestic waste were spread onto the fields around the settlements to create arable topsoils up to 35cm thick. In the Iron Age arable agriculture was intensified by selective use of organic manures on one of the sites investigated, but organic waste material was not used as efficiently as it was in later periods, and on both sites it was allowed to accumulate within the settlements. In the Norse period, when the intensive system used in historical times appears to have originated, organic waste may have been used more efficiently. These changes appear to reflect a greater organisation of land resources and manuring strategies and increased demand for arable production over time

    Partially directed paths in a wedge

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    The enumeration of lattice paths in wedges poses unique mathematical challenges. These models are not translationally invariant, and the absence of this symmetry complicates both the derivation of a functional recurrence for the generating function, and solving for it. In this paper we consider a model of partially directed walks from the origin in the square lattice confined to both a symmetric wedge defined by Y=±pXY = \pm pX, and an asymmetric wedge defined by the lines Y=pXY= pX and Y=0, where p>0p > 0 is an integer. We prove that the growth constant for all these models is equal to 1+21+\sqrt{2}, independent of the angle of the wedge. We derive functional recursions for both models, and obtain explicit expressions for the generating functions when p=1p=1. From these we find asymptotic formulas for the number of partially directed paths of length nn in a wedge when p=1p=1. The functional recurrences are solved by a variation of the kernel method, which we call the ``iterated kernel method''. This method appears to be similar to the obstinate kernel method used by Bousquet-Melou. This method requires us to consider iterated compositions of the roots of the kernel. These compositions turn out to be surprisingly tractable, and we are able to find simple explicit expressions for them. However, in spite of this, the generating functions turn out to be similar in form to Jacobi θ\theta-functions, and have natural boundaries on the unit circle.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to JCT

    A new transfer-matrix algorithm for exact enumerations: Self-avoiding polygons on the square lattice

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    We present a new and more efficient implementation of transfer-matrix methods for exact enumerations of lattice objects. The new method is illustrated by an application to the enumeration of self-avoiding polygons on the square lattice. A detailed comparison with the previous best algorithm shows significant improvement in the running time of the algorithm. The new algorithm is used to extend the enumeration of polygons to length 130 from the previous record of 110.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, IoP style file

    Punctured polygons and polyominoes on the square lattice

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    We use the finite lattice method to count the number of punctured staircase and self-avoiding polygons with up to three holes on the square lattice. New or radically extended series have been derived for both the perimeter and area generating functions. We show that the critical point is unchanged by a finite number of punctures, and that the critical exponent increases by a fixed amount for each puncture. The increase is 1.5 per puncture when enumerating by perimeter and 1.0 when enumerating by area. A refined estimate of the connective constant for polygons by area is given. A similar set of results is obtained for finitely punctured polyominoes. The exponent increase is proved to be 1.0 per puncture for polyominoes.Comment: 36 pages, 11 figure

    A numerical adaptation of SAW identities from the honeycomb to other 2D lattices

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    Recently, Duminil-Copin and Smirnov proved a long-standing conjecture by Nienhuis that the connective constant of self-avoiding walks on the honeycomb lattice is 2+2.\sqrt{2+\sqrt{2}}. A key identity used in that proof depends on the existence of a parafermionic observable for self-avoiding walks on the honeycomb lattice. Despite the absence of a corresponding observable for SAW on the square and triangular lattices, we show that in the limit of large lattices, some of the consequences observed on the honeycomb lattice persist on other lattices. This permits the accurate estimation, though not an exact evaluation, of certain critical amplitudes, as well as critical points, for these lattices. For the honeycomb lattice an exact amplitude for loops is proved.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures. Changes in v2: Improved numerical analysis, giving greater precision. Explanation of why we observe what we do. Extra reference

    Wither the sliding Luttinger liquid phase in the planar pyrochlore

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    Using series expansion based on the flow equation method we study the zero temperature properties of the spin-1/2 planar pyrochlore antiferromagnet in the limit of strong diagonal coupling. Starting from the limit of decoupled crossed dimers we analyze the evolution of the ground state energy and the elementary triplet excitations in terms of two coupling constants describing the inter dimer exchange. In the limit of weakly coupled spin-1/2 chains we find that the fully frustrated inter chain coupling is critical, forcing a dimer phase which adiabatically connects to the state of isolated dimers. This result is consistent with findings by O. Starykh, A. Furusaki and L. Balents (Phys. Rev. B 72, 094416 (2005)) which is inconsistent with a two-dimensional sliding Luttinger liquid phase at finite inter chain coupling.Comment: 6 pages, 4 Postscript figures, 1 tabl

    Perimeter Generating Functions For The Mean-Squared Radius Of Gyration Of Convex Polygons

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    We have derived long series expansions for the perimeter generating functions of the radius of gyration of various polygons with a convexity constraint. Using the series we numerically find simple (algebraic) exact solutions for the generating functions. In all cases the size exponent ν=1\nu=1.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Universality and the five-dimensional Ising model

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    We solve the long-standing discrepancy between Monte Carlo results and the renormalization prediction for the Binder cumulant of the five-dimensional Ising model. Our conclusions are based on accurate Monte Carlo data for systems with linear sizes up to L=22. A detailed analysis of the corrections to scaling allows the extrapolation of these results to L=\infinity. Our determination of the critical point, K_c=0.1139150 (4), is more than an order of magnitude more accurate than previous estimates.Comment: 6 pages LaTeX, 1 PostScript figure. Uses cite.sty (included) and epsf.sty. Also available as PostScript and PDF file at http://www.tn.tudelft.nl/tn/erikpubs.htm

    Series expansions of the percolation probability on the directed triangular lattice

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    We have derived long series expansions of the percolation probability for site, bond and site-bond percolation on the directed triangular lattice. For the bond problem we have extended the series from order 12 to 51 and for the site problem from order 12 to 35. For the site-bond problem, which has not been studied before, we have derived the series to order 32. Our estimates of the critical exponent β\beta are in full agreement with results for similar problems on the square lattice, confirming expectations of universality. For the critical probability and exponent we find in the site case: qc=0.4043528±0.0000010q_c = 0.4043528 \pm 0.0000010 and β=0.27645±0.00010\beta = 0.27645 \pm 0.00010; in the bond case: qc=0.52198±0.00001q_c = 0.52198\pm 0.00001 and β=0.2769±0.0010\beta = 0.2769\pm 0.0010; and in the site-bond case: qc=0.264173±0.000003q_c = 0.264173 \pm 0.000003 and β=0.2766±0.0003\beta = 0.2766 \pm 0.0003. In addition we have obtained accurate estimates for the critical amplitudes. In all cases we find that the leading correction to scaling term is analytic, i.e., the confluent exponent Δ=1\Delta = 1.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX. To appear in J. Phys.

    New Lower Bounds on the Self-Avoiding-Walk Connective Constant

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    We give an elementary new method for obtaining rigorous lower bounds on the connective constant for self-avoiding walks on the hypercubic lattice ZdZ^d. The method is based on loop erasure and restoration, and does not require exact enumeration data. Our bounds are best for high dd, and in fact agree with the first four terms of the 1/d1/d expansion for the connective constant. The bounds are the best to date for dimensions d≥3d \geq 3, but do not produce good results in two dimensions. For d=3,4,5,6d=3,4,5,6, respectively, our lower bound is within 2.4\%, 0.43\%, 0.12\%, 0.044\% of the value estimated by series extrapolation.Comment: 35 pages, 388480 bytes Postscript, NYU-TH-93/02/0
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