12 research outputs found

    Constitutional experiment: regulatory approaches in France and Spain

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    The article is devoted to the study of the constitutional experiment features in France and Spain. The author analyzes the regulations, including the constitutions and laws of both France and Spain. It also provides the analysis of constitutional regulation methods in these countrie

    Constitutional-Legal and Political Responsibility of Political Parties in the Russian Federation to Electors

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    Analysis of the legal and political responsibility of officials of a democratically elected state to their constituents. The subjects of the above responsibility may be elected officials of the legislative (representative) bodies of state power. The constitutional status of elected persons exercising public authority on behalf of individuals suggests the possibility of terminating their powers as sanctions only on the basis of the rules of law enshrined in the relevant acts and establishing clear reasons and procedures for liability. The current legislation of the Russian Federation provides for various types of constitutional and legal sanctions

    Protection indicator in the constitutions of the European Federations

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    The article presents the results of a comparative legal analysis of the constitutions of European federal states (Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, and Switzerland) with a view to identifying the norms that minimize human rights risks. The identification of such constitutional provisions is associated with the formalization of the protection of the human rights and freedoms, as well as its legal statuses and condition


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    The reproductive health of young Buryat and Russian somatically healthy male residents from the Ulan-Ude city was estimated and the results are given in the article. The diseases and anomalies of the reproductive organs were revealed in more than 50 % of examined men on the base of physical examination and. main indices of male fertility. Additionally the decrease of fertility in the form of oligospermia and. pathozoospermia is noted in men without anomalies in this sphere

    Modern Methods for Transmission of Sound Energy inWater and Their Theoretical Development

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    В работе представлены теоретические исследования современных технологий и методов переда- чи звуковой энергии в гигагерцевом диапазоне частот, объясняющие физическое явление "быст- рого звука" на атомарном уровне в морской среде.The paper provides a theoretical basis for modern methods and technologies for sound energy transmission in GHz frequencies. We explain the physical phenomenon of quick sound on the atomic level in the sea wate

    Modern Methods for Transmission of Sound Energy inWater and Their Theoretical Development

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    В работе представлены теоретические исследования современных технологий и методов переда- чи звуковой энергии в гигагерцевом диапазоне частот, объясняющие физическое явление "быст- рого звука" на атомарном уровне в морской среде.The paper provides a theoretical basis for modern methods and technologies for sound energy transmission in GHz frequencies. We explain the physical phenomenon of quick sound on the atomic level in the sea wate

    Physical Bases of Modern Low-Frequency Technologies of Remote Monitoring of Objects of Sea Biosphere and their Theoretical Explanations

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    В работе представлены результаты теоретических исследований физических моделей и техно- логических решений, объясняющие процесс взаимодействия низкочастотных сигналов с физи- ческими явлениями и объектами в морской среде для проведения широкомасштабного научного мониторинга океанской среды с целью выявления физических параметров их пространственного обнаружения.The paper presents the rezults of the theoretical investigations of physical models and techological solutions that explain the process of interaction of low-frequensy signals with physical phenomena and objects in the ocean environment. The models under study are being used for a large-scale scientific monitoring of the ocean environment aimed at selection of the physical parameters for the spatial detection of the physical phenomena

    Physical Bases of Modern Low-Frequency Technologies of Remote Monitoring of Objects of Sea Biosphere and their Theoretical Explanations

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    В работе представлены результаты теоретических исследований физических моделей и техно- логических решений, объясняющие процесс взаимодействия низкочастотных сигналов с физи- ческими явлениями и объектами в морской среде для проведения широкомасштабного научного мониторинга океанской среды с целью выявления физических параметров их пространственного обнаружения.The paper presents the rezults of the theoretical investigations of physical models and techological solutions that explain the process of interaction of low-frequensy signals with physical phenomena and objects in the ocean environment. The models under study are being used for a large-scale scientific monitoring of the ocean environment aimed at selection of the physical parameters for the spatial detection of the physical phenomena