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    Contadur铆a P煤blicaLa presente investigaci贸n trata sobre un an谩lisis comparativo de los factores que inhiben en el proceso de incorporaci贸n fiscal al SAT M茅xico y DIAN Colombia de las Microempresa; en la cual se estudia el impacto hist贸rico e importancia de estas sociedades en los respectivos pa铆ses, tambi茅n los tr谩mites que debe realizar para trasladarse del sector informal al formal; cabe resaltar que cada sistema tributario es diferente; se describen las obligaciones fiscales correspondientes, beneficios, apoyos y programas gubernamentales con el fin de determinar las facilidades fiscales otorgadas por las autoridades Hacendarias de cada pa铆s para dicha incorporaci贸n. Se realiz贸 considerando una metodolog铆a de enfoque cuantitativo y con un alcance descriptivo , como estrategia se utiliz贸 la aplicaci贸n de un cuestionario, a trav茅s de este instrumento se pudo realizar las conclusiones, tambi茅n responder a las interrogantes y problemas descritos inicialmente, los resultados de la investigaci贸n mostraron que el sistema fiscal mexicano en comparaci贸n con el colombiano, ha logrado que las microempresas se formalicen, sin importar su poblaci贸n total, los tramites, licencias, permisos que se deben diligenciar, y las tarifas tributarias. Los dirigentes han implementado leyes y programas que estimulan la inscripci贸n.This research deals with a comparative analysis of the factors that inhibit the process of fiscal joining the SAT Mexico and Colombia DIAN of Microenterprise; in which the historical impact and importance of these companies in the respective countries, also procedural burdens to move from informal to formal is studied; it should be noted that each tax system is different; the corresponding tax obligations, benefits, and government support programs in order to identify the main differences between the tax facilities granted by the tax authorities of each country for such incorporation described. It was done considering a methodology of quantitative approach and with a descriptive scope, as strategy was used the application of a questionnaire, through this instrument could make the findings also answer the questions and problems initially described, the results of the investigation showed that the system Mexican tax compared to the Colombian, has made formalize microenterprises, regardless of their total population, the paperwork, licenses, permits that must be filled out, and tax rates. The leaders have implemented laws and programs that encourage enrollment