53 research outputs found

    Photoluminescence from nanocrystalline graphite monofluoride

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    We synthesize and study the structural and optical properties of nanocrystalline graphene monofluoride and graphite monofluoride, which are carbon-based wide bandgap materials. Using laser excitations 2.41 - 5.08 eV, we identify six emission modes of graphite monofluoride, spanning the visible spectrum from red to violet. The energy and linewidth of the modes point to defect-induced midgap states as the source of the photoemission. We discuss possible candidates. Our findings open the window to electro-optical applications of graphene fluoride.Comment: 11 pages including supporting information, 2 figure

    An efficient method for the carboxylation of few-wall carbon nanotubes with little damage to their sidewalls

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    We report a novel method that is able to efficiently functionalize carbon nanotubes (few-walled: from 1 to 6 layers and multiwalled) with a high yield of carboxyl groups, based on treatments with H₂O₂ in the presence of UV light. The amount of carboxylic groups was quantified by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and back-titration, showing both measurements reasonable agreement. According to the zeta potential values and to the amount of suspended nanotubes, we demonstrate that the method is able to produce uniform and stable suspensions of carbon nanotubes in water. With the aid of scanning and transmission electron microscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and Raman spectroscopy, we show that the surfaces of the tubes are not damaged by the treatment and that the functionalized tubes have an enhanced reactivity toward oxygen. This route is efficient and could now be used to fabricate polymer composites using few-walled and multiwalled carbon nanotubes.O. Martín and J. Baselga acknowledge support from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain) under grants MAT2010-17091 and MAT2009-06296E. M. Terrones acknowledges support from the Research Center for Exotic Nanocarbons, Japan regional Innovation Strategy Program by the Excellence, JST. T. Blanco acknowledges support from CDTI under the project NANOMULFUN (SAE-20081035)

    The death receptor antagonist FAIM promotes neurite outgrowth by a mechanism that depends on ERK and NF-κB signaling

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    Fas apoptosis inhibitory molecule (FAIM) is a protein identified as an antagonist of Fas-induced cell death. We show that FAIM overexpression fails to rescue neurons from trophic factor deprivation, but exerts a marked neurite growth–promoting action in different neuronal systems. Whereas FAIM overexpression greatly enhanced neurite outgrowth from PC12 cells and sympathetic neurons grown with nerve growth factor (NGF), reduction of endogenous FAIM levels by RNAi decreased neurite outgrowth in these cells. FAIM overexpression promoted NF-κB activation, and blocking this activation by using a super-repressor IκBα or by carrying out experiments using cortical neurons from mice that lack the p65 NF-κB subunit prevented FAIM-induced neurite outgrowth. The effect of FAIM on neurite outgrowth was also blocked by inhibition of the Ras–ERK pathway. Finally, we show that FAIM interacts with both Trk and p75 neurotrophin receptor NGF receptors in a ligand-dependent manner. These results reveal a new function of FAIM in promoting neurite outgrowth by a mechanism involving activation of the Ras–ERK pathway and NF-κB

    Raman Study of Layered Breathing Kagome Lattice Semiconductor Nb3Cl8

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    Niobium chloride (Nb3Cl8) is a layered 2D semiconducting material with many exotic properties including a breathing kagome lattice, a topological flat band in its band structure, and a crystal structure that undergoes a structural and magnetic phase transition at temperatures below 90 K. Despite being a remarkable material with fascinating new physics, the understanding of its phonon properties is at its infancy. In this study, we investigate the phonon dynamics of Nb3Cl8 in bulk and few layer flakes using polarized Raman spectroscopy and density functional theory (DFT) analysis to determine the material's vibrational modes, as well as their symmetrical representations and atomic displacements. We experimentally resolved 12 phonon modes, 5 of which are A1g modes while the remaining 7 are Eg modes, which is in strong agreement with our DFT calculation. Layer-dependent results suggest that the Raman peak positions are mostly insensitive to changes in layer thickness, while peak intensity and FWHM are affected. Raman measurements as a function of excitation wavelength (473-785 nm) show a significant increase of the peak intensities when using a 473 nm excitation source, suggesting a near resonant condition. Temperature-dependent Raman experiments carried out above and below the transition temperature did not show any change in the symmetries of the phonon modes, suggesting that the structural phase transition is likely from the high temperature P3m1 phase to the low-temperature R3m phase. Magneto-Raman measurements carried out at 140 and 2 K between -2 to 2 T show that the Raman modes are not magnetically coupled. Overall, our study presented here significantly advances the fundamental understanding of layered Nb3Cl8 material which can be further exploited for future applications.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Modular reorganization of the global network of gene regulatory interactions during perinatal human brain development.

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    BACKGROUND During early development of the nervous system, gene expression patterns are known to vary widely depending on the specific developmental trajectories of different structures. Observable changes in gene expression profiles throughout development are determined by an underlying network of precise regulatory interactions between individual genes. Elucidating the organizing principles that shape this gene regulatory network is one of the central goals of developmental biology. Whether the developmental programme is the result of a dynamic driven by a fixed architecture of regulatory interactions, or alternatively, the result of waves of regulatory reorganization is not known. RESULTS Here we contrast these two alternative models by examining existing expression data derived from the developing human brain in prenatal and postnatal stages. We reveal a sharp change in gene expression profiles at birth across brain areas. This sharp division between foetal and postnatal profiles is not the result of pronounced changes in level of expression of existing gene networks. Instead we demonstrate that the perinatal transition is marked by the widespread regulatory rearrangement within and across existing gene clusters, leading to the emergence of new functional groups. This rearrangement is itself organized into discrete blocks of genes, each targeted by a distinct set of transcriptional regulators and associated to specific biological functions. CONCLUSIONS Our results provide evidence of an acute modular reorganization of the regulatory architecture of the brain transcriptome occurring at birth, reflecting the reassembly of new functional associations required for the normal transition from prenatal to postnatal brain development

    Development of Protective Autoimmunity by Immunization with a Neural-Derived Peptide Is Ineffective in Severe Spinal Cord Injury

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    Protective autoimmunity (PA) is a physiological response to central nervous system trauma that has demonstrated to promote neuroprotection after spinal cord injury (SCI). To reach its beneficial effect, PA should be boosted by immunizing with neural constituents or neural-derived peptides such as A91. Immunizing with A91 has shown to promote neuroprotection after SCI and its use has proven to be feasible in a clinical setting. The broad applications of neural-derived peptides make it important to determine the main features of this anti-A91 response. For this purpose, adult Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to a spinal cord contusion (SCC; moderate or severe) or a spinal cord transection (SCT; complete or incomplete). Immediately after injury, animals were immunized with PBS or A91. Motor recovery, T cell-specific response against A91 and the levels of IL-4, IFN-γ and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) released by A91-specific T (TA91) cells were evaluated. Rats with moderate SCC, presented a better motor recovery after A91 immunization. Animals with moderate SCC or incomplete SCT showed significant T cell proliferation against A91 that was characterized chiefly by the predominant production of IL-4 and the release of BDNF. In contrast, immunization with A91 did not promote a better motor recovery in animals with severe SCC or complete SCT. In fact, T cell proliferation against A91 was diminished in these animals. The present results suggest that the effective development of PA and, consequently, the beneficial effects of immunizing with A91 significantly depend on the severity of SCI. This could mainly be attributed to the lack of TA91 cells which predominantly showed to have a Th2 phenotype capable of producing BDNF, further promoting neuroprotection

    The khmer software package: enabling efficient nucleotide sequence analysis [version 1; referees: 2 approved, 1 approved with reservations]

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    The khmer package is a freely available software library for working efficiently with fixed length DNA words, or k-mers. khmer provides implementations of a probabilistic k-mer counting data structure, a compressible De Bruijn graph representation, De Bruijn graph partitioning, and digital normalization. khmer is implemented in C++ and Python, and is freely available under the BSD license at https://github.com/dib-lab/khmer/