3 research outputs found

    Infrastructures and Installation of the Compact Muon Solenoid Data Acquisition at CERN

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    At the time of this paper, all hardware elements of the CMS Data Acquisition System have been installed and commissioned both in the underground and surface areas. This paper describes in detail the infrastructures and the different steps that were necessary from the very beginning when the underground control rooms and surface building were building sites to a working system collecting data fragment from ~650 sources and sending them to surface for assembly and analysis

    The CMS High Level Trigger System

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    The CMS Data Acquisition (DAQ) System relies on a purely software driven High Level Trigger (HLT) to reduce the full Level-1 accept rate of 100 kHz to approximately 100 Hz for archiving and later offline analysis. The HLT operates on the full information of events assembled by an event builder collecting detector data from the CMS front-end systems. The HLT software consists of a sequence of reconstruction and filtering modules executed on a farm of O(1000) CPUs built from commodity hardware. This paper presents the architecture of the CMS HLT, which integrates the CMS reconstruction framework in the online environment. The mechanisms to configure, control, and monitor the Filter Farm and the procedures to validate the filtering code within the DAQ environment are described

    High Level Trigger Configuration and Handling of Trigger Tables in the CMS Filter Farm

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    The CMS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider is currently being commissioned and is scheduled to collect the first pp collision data in 2008. CMS features a two-level trigger system. The Level-1 trigger, based on custom hardware, is designed to reduce the collision rate of 40 MHz to approximately 100 kHz. Data for events accepted by the Level-1 trigger are read out and assembled by an Event Builder. The High Level Trigger (HLT) employs a set of sophisticated software algorithms, to analyze the complete event information, and further reduce the accepted event rate for permanent storage and analysis. This paper describes the design and implementation of the HLT Configuration Management system. First experiences with commissioning of the HLT system are also reported