3,004 research outputs found

    A Bayesian model for longitudinal circular data

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    The analysis of short longitudinal series of circular data may be problematic and to some extent has not been completely developed. In this paper we present a Bayesian analysis of a model for such data. The model is based on a radial projection onto the circle of a particular bivariate normal distribution. Inferences about the parameters of the model are based on samples from the corresponding joint posterior density which are obtained using a Metropolis-within-Gibbs scheme after the introduction of suitable latent variables. The procedure is illustrated both using a simulated data set and a realdata set previously analyzed in the literature.Circular data, Longitudinal data, Gibbs sampler, Latent variables, Mixed-effects linear models, Projected normal distribution

    Draft genome sequence of methanobacterium formicicum DSM 3637, an archaebacterium isolated from the methane producer amoeba pelomyxa palustris 

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    Here is reported the draft genome sequence of Methanobacterium formicicum DSM 3637, which was isolated from the methane- producing amoeba Pelomyxa palustris. This bacterium was determined to be an endosymbiont living in the cytoplasm of P. palustris and the source of methane; however, the global characteristics of its genome suggest a free-living lifestyle rather than an endosymbiotic one

    Hábitos de lectura en pantalla y bibliotecas en Argentina: un cruce todavía inexplorado e inesperado

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    The National Reading Council held a "National Survey on the reading habits of 2011" in Argentina. The results were published last year with all the bubbles from the national government although the mass media gave little coverage to it. Since then and with the "juicy" report I have been several reflections have led me to wonder mainly about the place you occupy libraries before reading digital and screen in Argentina (although the reflections could be extrapolated to other latitudes)

    A Bayesian model for longitudinal circular data

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    The analysis of short longitudinal series of circular data may be problematic and to some extent has not been completely developed. In this paper we present a Bayesian analysis of a model for such data. The model is based on a radial projection onto the circle of a particular bivariate normal distribution. Inferences about the parameters of the model are based on samples from the corresponding joint posterior density which are obtained using a Metropolis-within-Gibbs scheme after the introduction of suitable latent variables. The procedure is illustrated both using a simulated data set and a realdata set previously analyzed in the literature

    School segregation across the world: has any progress been made in reducing the separation of the rich from the poor?

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    The segregation of secondary school students into different schools has important implications for educational inequality, social cohesion and intergenerational mobility. Previous research has demonstrated how between-school segregation varies significantly across countries, with high levels of segregation occurring in central European nations that ‘track’ children into different schools and much lower levels in Scandinavia. This paper contributes to this literature by examining whether industrialised countries have made any progress in reducing levels of between-school segregation over time. Using six waves of data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), this work shows how the segregation of rich and poor students has remained broadly unchanged across OECD countries. This is despite major economic and political events occurring during this period, along with the introduction of numerous policy initiatives designed to reduce socioeconomic gaps. Therefore, the conclusions indicate that structural factors are likely to be the main drivers of between-school segregation (e.g. neighbourhood segregation or long-standing school admission policies) and that education policymakers may need to be much more radical if they are to foster greater levels of integration between the rich and the poor

    Bowel obstruction in adults due to ascariasis

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    In the world the most frequent and cosmopolitan parasitosis of all human helminthiasis is that caused by ascaris lumbricoides this sickness affects 1.5 billion people around the world, and approximately 60,000 people die annually as the result, about of complications, the intestinal obstruction being the most frequent complication from 38 to 87.5%, the humans become infected by ingesting the larvated eggs of the parasite. OPS report a prevalence of 46 million children between 1-year-old and 14 years old, the most importance prevalence occurs in children between 2 years old and 10 years old, decreasing significantly from the 15 years old. Mexico report through SINAVE (SEMARNAT 2020) a national incidence of 24,203 cases, the State of Sinaloa a total of 690 cases (2.8%). Lack of sanitation, drinking water and precariousness are risk factors for complications such as obstruction a complication that can progress to death

    Descripción de eventos perioperatorios con el uso de anestesia intravenosa total con esquema matemático y análisis biespectral en colecistectomía laparoscópica

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    Métodos anestésicos como la anestesia intravenosa total (TIVA), que día a día cobra más fuerza en el mundo como una importante y buena alternativa anestésica en los distintos procedimientos quirúrgicos en donde tradicionalmente se viene utilizando anestesia basada en los agentes halogenados, no se utiliza con tanta regularidad debido al aumento en los costos de la administración de la misma y de los métodos de seguimiento intraoperatorio de la profundidad anestésica. En Colombia al igual que en algunos países suramericanos existe un sistema de políticas de salud que han resquebrajado económicamente a los hospitales y clínicas que al ver disminuidos sus recursos limitan la utilización de nuevas alternativas tecnológicas en la administración de salud debido a sus elevados costos, lo cual ha limitado el desarrollo de la buena práctica médica y en nuestro campo especifico anestésico, limita la utilización de ayudas diagnosticas y terapéuticas en la administración de la anestesia. Debido a lo anterior nuestra institución, como muchas en nuestro país, no cuenta con la tecnología actual necesaria para la administración segura y eficiente de esta técnica anestésica a imponerse hacia el futuro por encima de otras técnicas convencionales utilizadas como la inhalatoria, esto gracias a efectos adversos mas marcados que se producen con ella, así como efectos ambientales indeseables que llevan con el tiempo al deterioro de nuestra condición de vida en nuestro planet

    Imagen social del bibliotecario : Indagación de la imagen social del bibliotecario que construye el usuario de bibliotecas

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    This work is based on the investigation of the image that is currently having the / the library / as by library users. Inquire about this in a society where the book is not the mainstay of the information, and new technologies (internet, virtual databases, digital archives, etc.) come increasingly different views is necessary for informational revalue the importance of human contact. In the theoretical literature outlines a path in various authors on the capabilities and roles of the traditional figure of the drive current and librarian. We find that the emphasis is on what should be, and the negative image that is mentioned librarian. In the methodological part is chosen to survey library users "Jean Jeaurés" Luján and Leandro N. Alem of General Rodriguez. We decided to compare two pieces of information to view in contrasting claims users see differences and similarities in the perception of / librarians. Also, we analyze the total vision users scored both libraries

    Descripción de las fiestas que celebró la ciudad de Soria, al glorioso S. Saturio, su hijo, y patrón, con el motivo de haber logrado la concesión de su rezo, de primera clase, y fiesta de precepto

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010Sign.: [calderón]20, A-L4En la segunda h. grab. en cobre del retrato del Sant
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