7 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Total Returns Terhadap Tingkat Engagement Dosen Institut Teknologi Bandung

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    Human resources aspect is one of crusial support in applying 'tridharma perguruan tinggi', includes ITB. ITB human resources management as well, especially to the lecturer as intellectual asset, will provide great added value to ITB. The establishment of the ITB lecturers' engagement must be pursued continuously. This research aims to determine the effect of total returns which includes compensation, state/recognition, and development opportunities to ITB's faculty engagement. The study used questionnaire which is spread to the lecturers in 12 Faculty/School at ITB. Respondent selected by simple random sampling method. Multiple regression analysis was used to estimate and test the model. The result of this study showed that recognition as independent variable had significantly affected the level of employee engagement. Whereas, compensation and development opportunity variables did not significantly affect ITB's lecturer engagement. The effect of moderator, age and tenure showed by as long as age and tenure increase, employee engagement was raised equally to compensation measurement. Result indicated that age and tenure positively influenced relationships between compensation and employee engagement but did not affect the relationships between recognition and development opportunity with employee engagement

    Proposals for Improving Job Performance Through Employee Engagement at PT. X

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    PT.X formed its business units in accordance with the development of a pregnant mother to give birth, while other business units were formed in accordance with the company\u27s concept.Currently PT. X is facing a problem where the number of customer complaints increased while the company\u27s profit decreased due to the low service performance given by the employees and the low knowledge needed to carried out the work. Corresponding with the problem, the research will see the employee engagement at PT.X, propose solutions to improve employee engagement, and the implementation plan.Questionnaire was distributed to the employees to determine the level of employee engagement in PT. X, which was formulated based on the Development Dimension International, American Society for Training and Development, Gallup, and Twelve Company Capabilities\u27 employee engagement models. Based on the questionnaire result, some solutions were proposed related to the human resource issues in PT. X.The proposed solutions were the setting up of data sharing system, job descriptions, standard operating procedures, product knowledge, feeedback system, training, performance criteria, and reward system

    A Proposal to Increase Employee Performance Through Employee Engagement Survey in PT KBI

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    PT. Karunia Berca Indonesia (KBI) is one of the best steel galvanizing factory in Indonesia. KBI have some problems like lack of willingness to train, lack of employee development program, and lack of facilities. That 3 factors are performance indicator. Low on employee performance will decrease the revenue. With root cause analysis can be found the main problem in PT KBI is lack of performance. To increase employee performance, KBI must determine the engagement for the employee using employee engagement survey. The survey composition is a synthesis from ASTD Gallup, and DDI. After collecting, the questionnaire data, the analyzed is done with SPSS program. The results are determining 2 main problem about engagement in PT. KBI, there are, receive adequate resources variable, and Efficient work Environment (culture) variable. Deeper interview for 2 main problem is done with some staff in PT. KBI. Interview result about receive adequate resources, KBI is lacking Indoor area for painting and wielding, and the storage capacity. The second problem is about training habit. KBI want every employee to go training, but the employee think training is wasting time. The solution for the first problem are adding roof for outdoor activity and expanding the area for storage. The solution for the second problem is, creating champion to help brainstorming the other employee about training

    Analysis the Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Performance Through Leadership Style and Organizational Culture as a Moderator

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    Performance are the result of a complex process, which are come from the employee (internal factors), company situation (external factors) and the company strategic efforts. Performance were able to assessed of corporate achievement objectives. The purpose is to analyzed the effect of emotional intelligence on performance through leadership style and organizational culture as moderator. Using a descriptive correlational method, this research have been conducted in the company of Pertambangan and Energi (Geothermal) in Kamojang. 205 employees selected as respondents by using proportionate random sampling. Questionaire was used as a tool in data collection method. Data analysis techniques is Multiple Regression Analysis. Emotional intelligence has a positive influence on the Performance, Emotional intelligence and transformational leadership positive effect on performance, Emotional intelligence and organizational culture affect the performance, The effect of emotional intelligence with moderation transformational and transactional leadership and organizational culture affects on performance. Organizational culture is the most dominant variable affecting performance and Transformational leadership has a small effect compared to the other three variables, that transformational leadership is considered less support for enterprises to increasing performance, thus a need to develop transformational leadership is a skill

    Pengaruh Nilai-Nilai Personal Dalam Perspektif Dimensi Multikultural Terhadap Kinerja Tim Dengan Kepemimpinan Kolaboratif Sebagai Variabel Moderator

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    Perubahan lingkungan bisnis yang dinamis menuntut Perusahaan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan organisasi terutama dalam kecepatan mengambil keputusan. Oleh karena itu Perusahaan harus memberdayakan para pegawainya dengan membangun pendekatan organisasi organik. Karakteristik organisasi organik adalah dengan mengedepankan pengembangan tim-tim kerja. Riset ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh nilai-nilai personal berbasis dimensi multikultural terhadap kinerja tim dengan mempertimbangkan kepemimpinan kolaboratif sebagai variabel moderatornya. Riset ini sesuai dengan kondisi Perusahaan di Indonesia karena adanya keberagaman etnik di antara para pegawainya

    Organizational Health Index and Organizational Agility Maturity Criteria as Measurement Tools of Organizational Transformation Effectiveness

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    . As a response to negative growth in the mobile legacy projection - which supports 50% of Telkom revenue, and a positive high growth projection in the ICT and digital business revenue, Telkom decides to shift the business to digital. To be a successful digital company, Telkom has created strategic initiatives, including organizational transformation adopting Customer Facing Unit (CFU) concept that has been done for several months but there still no evaluation method for the success. This paper purpose is to evaluate the implementation of one human capital management strategic initiatives - CFU transformation implementation success, through Organizational Health Index and Organizational Agility Maturity model and formulate a recommendation for Telkom to create a more healthy and agile organization. This research using 11 synthetized dimension of Organization Health Index and Organizational Agility Maturity Model method as tools. Questionnaire consist of 53 practices that represented by 55 questions that asks about respondents extent to which they agree (satisfaction) and whether it meet respondents expectation. Survey result shows that Telkom already in a healthy condition and agile as an organization. This result concluded that by methods used in this research, the transformation could be stated as a success. However, according to the result, maintain and improvement of current health and agility still needed, especially improvement regarding innovation and learning