2,618 research outputs found
Classical self-dual strings in d=6, (2,0) theory from afar
We show how one can get solitonic strings in a six-dimensional (2,0)
supersymmetric theory by incorporating a nonlinear interaction term. We derive
a zero force condition between parallel strings, and compute a metric on a
moduli space which is when the strings are far apart. When compactifying
the strings on a two-torus we show that, in the limit of vanishing two-torus,
one regains the moduli space of two widely separated dyons of equal magnetic
charges in four dimensions.Comment: 13 pages, clarifications and added reference
Conformal anomaly of Wilson surface observables - a field theoretical computation
We make an exact field theoretical computation of the conformal anomaly for
two-dimensional submanifold observables. By including a scalar field in the
definition for the Wilson surface, as appropriate for a spontaneously broken
A_1 theory, we get a conformal anomaly which is such that N times it is equal
to the anomaly that was computed in hep-th/9901021 in the large N limit and
which relied on the AdS-CFT correspondence. We also show how the spherical
surface observable can be expressed as a conformal anomaly.Comment: 18 pages, V3: an `i' dropped in the Wilson surface, overall
normalization and misprints corrected, V4: overall normalization factor
corrected, references adde
Five-dimensional SYM from undeformed ABJM
We expand undeformed ABJM theory around the vacuum solution that was found in
arxiv:0909.3101. This solution can be interpreted as a circle-bundle over a
two-dimensional plane with a singularity at the origin. By imposing periodic
boundary conditions locally far away from the singularity, we obtain a local
fuzzy two-torus over which we have a circle fibration. By performing
fluctuation analysis we obtain five-dimensional SYM with the precise value on
the coupling constant that we would obtain by compactifying multiple M5 branes
on the vacuum three-manifold. In the resulting SYM theory we also find a
coupling to a background two-form.Comment: 23 page
Dynamic properties of silicon-integrated short-wavelength hybrid-cavity VCSEL
We present a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) where a GaAs-based "half-VCSEL" is attached to a dielectric distributed Bragg reflector on silicon using ultra-thin divinylsiloxane-bis-benzocyclobutene (DVS-BCB) adhesive bonding, creating a hybrid cavity where the optical field extends over both the GaAs- and the Si-based parts of the cavity. A VCSEL with an oxide aperture diameter of 5 mu m and a threshold current of 0.4 mA provides 0.6 mW output power at 845 nm. The VCSEL exhibits a modulation bandwidth of 11 GHz and can transmit data up to 20 Gbps
A reparametrization invariant surface ordering
We introduce a notion of a non-Abelian loop gauge field defined on points in
loop space. For this purpose we first find an infinite-dimensional tensor
product representation of the Lie algebra which is particularly suited for
fields on loop space. We define the non-Abelian Wilson surface as a `time'
ordered exponential in terms of this loop gauge field and show that it is
reparametrization invariant.Comment: 11 pages, clarifications and added ref
Design of an 845-nm GaAs vertical-cavity silicon-integrated laser with an intracavity grating for coupling to a SiN waveguide circuit
A short-wavelength hybrid GaAs vertical-cavity silicon-integrated laser (VCSIL) with in-plane waveguide coupling has been designed and optimized using numerical simulations. A shallow etched silicon nitride (SiN) grating is placed inside the cavity of the hybrid vertical-cavity silicon-integrated laser to both set the polarization state of the resonant optical field and to enable output coupling to a SiN waveguide with high efficiency. The numerical simulations predict that for apertures of 4 and 6-ÎŒm oxide-confined VCSILs operating at 845-nm wavelength, a slope efficiency for the light coupled to the waveguide of 0.18 and 0.22 mW/mA is achievable, respectively, while maintaining a low threshold gain of 583 and 589 cmâ1, respectively, for the lasing
Branes from a non-Abelian (2,0) tensor multiplet with 3-algebra
In this paper, we study the equations of motion for non-Abelian N=(2,0)
tensor multiplets in six dimensions, which were recently proposed by Lambert
and Papageorgakis. Some equations are regarded as constraint equations. We
employ a loop extension of the Lorentzian three-algebra (3-algebra) and examine
the equations of motion around various solutions of the constraint equations.
The resultant equations take forms that allow Lagrangian descriptions. We find
various (5+d)-dimensional Lagrangians and investigate the relation between them
from the viewpoint of M-theory duality.Comment: 44+1 pages, reference added, typos corrected, and several discussions
added; v3, reference added, many typos corrected, the language improved; v4,
some typos and references corrected, final version to appear in J. Phys.
Dynamical decoupling and dephasing in interacting two-level systems
We implement dynamical decoupling techniques to mitigate noise and enhance
the lifetime of an entangled state that is formed in a superconducting flux
qubit coupled to a microscopic two-level system. By rapidly changing the
qubit's transition frequency relative to the two-level system, we realize a
refocusing pulse that reduces dephasing due to fluctuations in the transition
frequencies, thereby improving the coherence time of the entangled state. The
coupling coherence is further enhanced when applying multiple refocusing
pulses, in agreement with our noise model. The results are applicable to
any two-qubit system with transverse coupling, and they highlight the potential
of decoupling techniques for improving two-qubit gate fidelities, an essential
prerequisite for implementing fault-tolerant quantum computing
Measurements of higher order noise correlations in a quantum dot with a finite bandwidth detector
We present measurements of the fourth and fifth cumulants of the distribution
of transmitted charge in a tunable quantum dot. We investigate how the measured
statistics is influenced by the finite bandwidth of the detector and by the
finite measurement time. By including the detector when modeling the system, we
use the theory of full counting statistics to calculate the noise levels for
the combined system. The predictions of the finite-bandwidth model are in good
agreement with measured data
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