1,446 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic waves and bursty electron acceleration: implications from Freja

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    International audienceDispersive Alfvén wave activity is identified in four dayside auroral oval events measured by the Freja satellite. The events are characterized by ion injection, bursty electron precipitation below about 1 keV, transverse ion heating and broadband extremely low frequency (ELF) emissions below the lower hybrid cutoff frequency (a few kHz). Large-scale density depletions/cavities, as determined by the Langmuir probe measurements, and strong electrostatic emissions are often observed simultaneously. A correlation study has been carried out between the E and B field fluctuations below 64 Hz and 10 Hz, respectively, (the DC instruments upper threshold) and the characteristics of the precipitating electrons. This study revealed that the energisation of electrons is indeed related to the broadband ELF emissions and that the electrostatic component plays a predominant role during very active magnetospheric conditions. Furthermore, the effect of the ELF electromagnetic emissions on the larger scale field-aligned current systems has been investigated, and it is found that such an effect cannot be detected. Instead, the Alfvénic activity creates a local region of field-aligned currents. It is suggested that dispersive Alfvén waves set up these local field-aligned current regions and, in turn, trigger more electrostatic emissions during certain conditions. In these regions, ions are transversely heated, and large-scale density depletions/cavities may be created during especially active periods

    Surface Morphology of Unused and Used HydromerR-Coated Intravenous Catheters

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    HydromerR-coated polyurethane (Erythroflex)R catheters, unused, or intravenously inserted for 2-20 days, were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Both unfixed and fixed (2% glutar-aldehyde in phosphate buffer), and air-or critical-point dried (CPD) specimens were investigated. The catheter segments were sputter-coated with approx. 20 nm gold and studied at an accelerating voltage of 20 kV. The specimens were examined for surface depositions, thickness and structure of the HydromerR layers, and occurrence of adhering and embedded bacteria. The outer HydromerR layer showed, in the un-used specimens, scratches and fissures, as well as adhering foreign bodies. In used specimens, the layer was swollen, with cracks (like dried earth ), and, occasionally , amorphous substances and coccoid bacteria were seen adhering. Damage to the layer, or even its total disappearance was also noted in some specimens. The inner (luminal) HydromerR layer was, in unused specimens, clean and slightly wavy. In used catheters, it was thicker, possibly swollen, with small, isolated or agglomerated protrusions, like a lunar landscape . Adhering platelets and amorphous substances were also occasionally seen. The results suggest that the HydromerR is a fragile material in both its dry and wet forms. Thus, the HydromerR-coated catheters should neither be stored in flexible packs, nor inserted by the Seldinger technique. The findings do not support the belief that the HydromerR-coating can prevent either thrombus formation, or intraluminal occlusion of the in-situ catheters

    Free tensor multiplets and strings in spontaneously broken six-dimensional (2,0) theory

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    We first review the representations of the six-dimensional (2,0) superalgebra on a free tensor multiplet and on a free string. We then construct a supersymmetric Lagrangian describing a free tensor multiplet. (It also includes a decoupled anti self-dual part of the three-form field strength.) This field theory is then rewritten in variables appropriate for analyzing a situation where the R-symmetry is spontaneously broken by the vacuum expectation values of the scalar moduli fields. Finally, we construct a supersymmetric and kappa-symmetric action for a free string.Comment: 15 pages, LaTe

    Rates of convergence for empirical spectral measures: a soft approach

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    Understanding the limiting behavior of eigenvalues of random matrices is the central problem of random matrix theory. Classical limit results are known for many models, and there has been significant recent progress in obtaining more quantitative, non-asymptotic results. In this paper, we describe a systematic approach to bounding rates of convergence and proving tail inequalities for the empirical spectral measures of a wide variety of random matrix ensembles. We illustrate the approach by proving asymptotically almost sure rates of convergence of the empirical spectral measure in the following ensembles: Wigner matrices, Wishart matrices, Haar-distributed matrices from the compact classical groups, powers of Haar matrices, randomized sums and random compressions of Hermitian matrices, a random matrix model for the Hamiltonians of quantum spin glasses, and finally the complex Ginibre ensemble. Many of the results appeared previously and are being collected and described here as illustrations of the general method; however, some details (particularly in the Wigner and Wishart cases) are new. Our approach makes use of techniques from probability in Banach spaces, in particular concentration of measure and bounds for suprema of stochastic processes, in combination with more classical tools from matrix analysis, approximation theory, and Fourier analysis. It is highly flexible, as evidenced by the broad list of examples. It is moreover based largely on "soft" methods, and involves little hard analysis

    The BLG Theory in Light-Cone Superspace

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    The light-cone superspace version of the d=3, N=8 superconformal theory of Bagger, Lambert and Gustavsson (BLG) is obtained as a solution to constraints imposed by OSp(2,2|8) superalgebra. The Hamiltonian of the theory is shown to be a quadratic form of the dynamical supersymmetry transformation.Comment: 45 pages, v2: reference added, minor typos corrected, published versio

    Constructing Self-Dual Strings

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    We present an ADHMN-like construction which generates self-dual string solutions to the effective M5-brane worldvolume theory from solutions to the Basu-Harvey equation. Our construction finds a natural interpretation in terms of gerbes, which we develop in some detail. We also comment on a possible extension to stacks of multiple M5-branes.Comment: 1+19 pages, presentation improved, minor corrections, published versio

    Fabrication and mechanical testing of a new sandwich structure with carbon fiber network core

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    The aim is the fabrication and mechanical testing of sandwich structures including a new core material known as fiber network sandwich materials. As fabrication norms for such a material do not exist as such, so the primary goal is to reproduce successfully fiber network sandwich specimens. Enhanced vibration testing diagnoses the quality of the fabrication process. These sandwich materials possess low structural strength as proved by the static tests (compression, bending), but the vibration test results give high damping values, making the material suitable for vibro-acoustic applications where structural strength is of secondary importance e.g., internal panelling of a helicopter

    KK6 from M2 in BLG

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    We study the possibility that the Kaluza-Klein monopole (KK6) world-volume action may be obtained from the multiple membranes (M2) action which is described by BLG theory. We first point out that the infinite dimensional Lie 3-algebra based on the Nambu-Poisson structure could not only provide three dimensional manifolds to allow M5 from M2, which was studied by previous authors, but also provide five dimensional manifolds to allow KK6 from M2. We next present a possible way that the U(1) field on KK6 world-volume action could be produced form the gauge potential in BLG theory.Comment: Latex, 15 pages. V3: Add theorem 2 to complete proof. V4: Detail physical interpretations and calculations in section
