2,454 research outputs found

    Selfdual strings and loop space Nahm equations

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    We give two independent arguments why the classical membrane fields should be loops. The first argument comes from how we may construct selfdual strings in the M5 brane from a loop space version of the Nahm equations. The second argument is that there appears to be no infinite set of finite-dimensional Lie algebras (such as su(N)su(N) for any NN) that satisfies the algebraic structure of the membrane theory.Comment: 28 pages, various additional comment

    Deconstructing graviphoton from mass-deformed ABJM

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    Mass-deformed ABJM theory has a maximally supersymmetric fuzzy two-sphere vacuum solution where the scalar fields are proportional to the TGRVV matrices. We construct these matrices using Schwinger oscillators. This shows that the ABJM gauge group that corresponds to the fuzzy two-sphere geometry is U(N)×U(N1)U(N)\times U(N-1). We deconstruct the graviphoton term in the D4 brane theory. The normalization of this term is fixed by topological reasons. This gives us the correct normalization of the deconstructed U(1) gauge field and fixes the Yang -Mills coupling constant to the value which corresponds to M5 brane compactified on \mb{R}^ {1,2} \times S^3/{\mb{Z}_k}. The graviphoton term also enable us to show that the zero mode contributions to the partition functions for the D4 and the M5 brane agree.Comment: 26 page

    Frequency-selective single photon detection using a double quantum dot

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    We use a double quantum dot as a frequency-tunable on-chip microwave detector to investigate the radiation from electron shot-noise in a near-by quantum point contact. The device is realized by monitoring the inelastic tunneling of electrons between the quantum dots due to photon absorption. The frequency of the absorbed radiation is set by the energy separation between the dots, which is easily tuned with gate voltages. Using time-resolved charge detection techniques, we can directly relate the detection of a tunneling electron to the absorption of a single photon

    The influence of stress on substrate utilization in skeletal muscle fibres of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L)

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    Moderate stress in connection with handling, sampling and herding of reindeer caused a very pronounced depletion of glycogen in mainly type IIA and IIB fibres. Also intramuscular triglyceride levels decreased but mainly in type I fibres. Muscle lactate levéls increased in all animals but not to the levels found in pigs exposed to stress or exertion. Reindeer muscles appeared to have a great capacity to oxidize both carbohydrates and lipids. All animals showed increased Cortisol, urea and AS AT values. A marked depletion of glycogen and lipids in many of the fibres may be a factor involved in the development of skeletal muscle degeneration in connection with mental stress and exertion as there seems to be a correlation between high ASAT values and substrate depleted musclefibres. A connection may therefore exist between high instramuscular substrate stores and the ability of a muscle to tolerate stress.Av stress påverkat substratutnyttjande i skelettmuskelfibrer hos renAbstract in Swedish / Sammanfattning: Måttlig stress betingad av hantering, provtagning och drivning av ren orsakade en mycket kraftig minskning av muskelglykogen i fråmst typ IIA och typ IIB fibrer. Aven triglycerider minskade framfor allt i typ I fibrer. Muskellaktatnivåerna okade i samtliga undersokta djur, men inte till nivåer som ses hos gris utsatta for stress eller fysisk anstrångning.Renens muskler uppvisade en mycket hog kapacitet att oxidera, forbranna, både kolhydrat och fett. Alla djur uppvisade forhojda Cortisol, urea och ASAT varden. Den mycket kraftiga tomningen av kolhydrat och fett i många muskelfibrer kan vara en faktor medverkande till muskeldegeneration i samband med mental stress och anstrangning då hoga ASAT-vården synes vara korrelerade till uttomda muskelfibrer. Ett samband mellan hog instramuskulår substratupplagring och formåga att tåla stress kan således foreligga.Stressin vaikuttaneen poron substraattihyvåk-sikåytto luurangon lihaksiston kuiduissa.Abstract in Finnish / Yhteenveto: Kohtuullinen stressi edellyttåen kåsittelyå, kokeenottoa ja poronajoa aiheutti hyvin voimakkaan lihasglykogeenin våhentymisen etenkin II A ja II B tyyppisisså fiibereisså. Myoskin triglyseriidit våhentyivåt kaikissa tutkituissa elåimissa, muttei kuitenkaan niihin tasoihin asti kuin sijoissa, jotka ovat joutuneet alttiiksi stressiin tai fyysilliseen rasitukseen. porojen lihakset osoittivat hyvin korkeaa kapasiteettia sekå hiilihydraatin ettå rasvan palamiseen. Kaikki elåimet osoittivat kohonnutta cortisoolin, urean ja ASATin arvoa. Hyvin voimakas hiilihydraatin ja rasvan tyhjentyminen monissa lihaskuiduissa voi olla vaikutin lihasrappeutumiseen henkisen stressin ja rasituksen yhteydesså, jolloin korkea ASAT-arvo nåyttåå olevan vastaavuussuhteessa tyhjentyneisiin lihaskuituihin. Lihaksiston korkean substraattivarastoimisin ja stressin sietokyvyn suhde voi siis olla olemassa

    Dynamique de solvatation des molécules

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    La solvatation des molécules et des ions est clairement observable dans leurs spectres d'absorption et/ou de fluorescence. Les interactions soluté-solvant seront décrites sur quelques exemples d'analyses statique et dynamique à l'échelle de temps femtoseconde, des déplacements solvatochromiques. Les solutés choisis (DCM, aminocoumarines, DMABI, 9,9'-bianthryl, styryl 8) sont choisis pour leur intérêt pédagogique et pour leurs réelles applications

    Metric approach to quantum constraints

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    A new framework for deriving equations of motion for constrained quantum systems is introduced, and a procedure for its implementation is outlined. In special cases the framework reduces to a quantum analogue of the Dirac theory of constrains in classical mechanics. Explicit examples involving spin-1/2 particles are worked out in detail: in one example our approach coincides with a quantum version of the Dirac formalism, while the other example illustrates how a situation that cannot be treated by Dirac's approach can nevertheless be dealt with in the present scheme.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Counting statistics and super-Poissonian noise in a quantum dot

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    We present time-resolved measurements of electron transport through a quantum dot. The measurements were performed using a nearby quantum point contact as a charge detector. The rates for tunneling through the two barriers connecting the dot to source and drain contacts could be determined individually. In the high bias regime, the method was used to probe excited states of the dot. Furthermore, we have detected bunching of electrons, leading to super-Poissonian noise. We have used the framework of the full counting statistics (FCS) to model the experimental data. The existence of super-Poissonian noise suggests a long relaxation time for the involved excited state, which could be related to the spin relaxation time