422 research outputs found

    Propagation of Bose-Einstein condensates in a magnetic waveguide

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    Gaseous Bose-Einstein condensates of 2-3 million atoms were loaded into a microfabricated magnetic trap using optical tweezers. Subsequently, the condensates were released into a magnetic waveguide and propagated 12 mm. Single-mode propagation was observed along homogeneous segments of the waveguide. Inhomogeneities in the guiding potential arose from geometric deformations of the microfabricated wires and caused strong transverse excitations. Such deformations may restrict the waveguide physics that can be explored with propagating condensates.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Theoretical study of a cold atom beam splitter

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    A theoretical model is presented for the study of the dynamics of a cold atomic cloud falling in the gravity field in the presence of two crossing dipole guides. The cloud is split between the two branches of this laser guide, and we compare experimental measurements of the splitting efficiency with semiclassical simulations. We then explore the possibilities of optimization of this beam splitter. Our numerical study also gives access to detailed information, such as the atom temperature after the splitting

    First electron beam polarization measurements with a Compton polarimeter at Jefferson Laboratory

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    A Compton polarimeter has been installed in Hall A at Jefferson Laboratory. This letter reports on the first electron beam polarization measurements performed during the HAPPEX experiment at an electron energy of 3.3 GeV and an average current of 40 μ\muA. The heart of this device is a Fabry-Perot cavity which increased the luminosity for Compton scattering in the interaction region so much that a 1.4% statistical accuracy could be obtained within one hour, with a 3.3% total error

    Transport of Bose-Einstein Condensates with Optical Tweezers

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    We have transported gaseous Bose-Einstein condensates over distances up to 44 cm. This was accomplished by trapping the condensate in the focus of an infrared laser and translating the location of the laser focus with controlled acceleration. Condensates of order 1 million atoms were moved into an auxiliary chamber and loaded into a magnetic trap formed by a Z-shaped wire. This transport technique avoids the optical and mechanical access constraints of conventional condensate experiments and creates many new scientific opportunities.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Mach's Principle and the Origin of Inertia

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    The current status of Mach's principle is discussed within the context of general relativity. The inertial properties of a particle are determined by its mass and spin, since these characterize the irreducible unitary representations of the inhomogeneous Lorentz group. The origin of the inertia of mass and intrinsic spin are discussed and the inertia of intrinsic spin is studied via the coupling of intrinsic spin with rotation. The implications of spin-rotation coupling and the possibility of history dependence and nonlocality in relativistic physics are briefly mentioned.Comment: 14 pages. Dedicated to Carl Brans in honor of his 80th birthday. To appear in the Brans Festschrift; v2: typo corrected, published in: At the Frontier of Spacetime, edited by T. Asselmeyer-Maluga (Springer, 2016), Chapter 10, pp. 177-18

    A Storage Ring for Neutral Atoms

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    We have demonstrated a storage ring for ultra-cold neutral atoms. Atoms with mean velocities of 1 m/s corresponding to kinetic energies of ~100 neV are confined to a 2 cm diameter ring by magnetic forces produced by two current-carrying wires. Up to 10^6 atoms are loaded at a time in the ring, and 7 revolutions are clearly observed. Additionally, we have demonstrated multiple loading of the ring and deterministic manipulation of the longitudinal velocity distribution of the atoms using applied laser pulses. Applications of this ring include large area atom interferometers and cw monochromatic atomic beam generation.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Eliminating the mean-field shift in multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We demonstrate that the nonlinear mean-field shift in a multi-component Bose-Einstein condensate may be eliminated by controlling the two-body interaction coefficients. This modification is achieved by, e.g., suitably engineering the environment of the condensate. We consider as an example the case of a two-component condensate in a tightly confining atom waveguide. Modification of the atom-atom interactions is then achieved by varying independently the transverse wave function of the two components. Eliminating the density dependent phase shift in a high-density atomic beam has important applications in atom interferometry and precision measurement

    Multi Mode Interferometer for Guided Matter Waves

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    We describe the fundamental features of an interferometer for guided matter waves based on Y-beam splitters and show that, in a quasi two-dimensional regime, such a device exhibits high contrast fringes even in a multi mode regime and fed from a thermal source.Comment: Final version (accepted to PRL

    Petrology and geochemistry of late-stage intrusions of the A-type, mid-Proterozoic Pikes Peak batholith (Central Colorado, USA): implications for petrogenetic models

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    The ~1.08 Ga anorogenic, A-type Pikes Peak batholith (Front Range, central Colorado) is dominated by coarse-grained, biotite ± amphibole syenogranites and minor monzogranites, collectively referred to as Pikes Peak granite (PPG). The batholith is also host to numerous small, late-stage plutons that have been subdivided into two groups (e.g. Wobus, 1976. Studies in Colorado Field Geology, Colorado School of Mines Professional Contributions, Colorado): (1) a sodic series (SiO2 = ~44–78 wt%; K/Na = 0.32–1.36) composed of gabbro, diabase, syenite/quartz syenite and fayalite and sodic amphibole granite; and (2) a potassic series (SiO2 = ~70–77 wt%; K/Na = 0.95–2.05), composed of biotite granite and minor quartz monzonite. Differences in major and trace element and Nd isotopic characteristics for the two series indicate different petrogenetic histories. Potassic granites of the late-stage intrusions appear to represent crustal anatectic melts derived from tonalite sources, based on comparison of their major element compositions with experimental melt products. In addition, Nd isotopic characteristics of the potassic granites [εNd (1.08 Ga) = −0.2 to −2.7] overlap with those for tonalites/granodiorites [ca 1.7 Ga Boulder Creek intrusions; εNd (1.08 Ga) = −2.4 to −3.6] exposed in the region. Some of the partial melts evolved by fractionation dominated by feldspar. The late-stage potassic granites share geochemical characteristics with most of the PPG, which is also interpreted to have an anatectic origin involving tonalitic crust. The origin of monzogranites associated with the PPG remains unclear, but mixing between granitic and mafic or intermediate magmas is a possibility. Syenites and granites of the sodic series cannot be explained as crustal melts, but are interpreted as fractionation products of mantle-derived mafic magmas with minor crustal input. High temperature and low oxygen fugacity estimates (e.g. Frost et al., 1988. American Mineralogist 73, 727–740) support a basalt fractionation origin, as do εNd values for sodic granitoids [εNd (1.08 Ga) = +2.2 to −0.7], which are higher than εNd values for Colorado crust at 1.08 Ga (ca −1.0 to −4.0). Enrichments in incompatible elements (e.g. rare earth elements, Rb, Y) and depletions in compatible elements (e.g. Cr, Sr, Ba) in the sodic granitoids compared to coeval mafic rocks are also consistent with fractionation. Accessory mineral fractionation, release of fluorine-rich volatiles and/or removal of pegmatitic fluids could have modified abundances of Ce, Nb, Zr and Y in some sodic granitoid magmas. Gabbros and mafic dikes associated with the sodic granitoids have εNd (1.08 Ga) of −3.0 to +3.5, which are lower than depleted mantle at 1.08 Ga, and their trace element characteristics suggest derivation from mantle sources that were previously affected by subduction-related processes. However, it is difficult to characterize the mantle component in these magmas, because assimilation of crust during magma ascent could also result in their observed geochemical features. The Pikes Peak batholith is composed of at least two petrogenetically different granite types, both of which exhibit geochemical characteristics typical of A-type granites. Models proposed for the petrogenesis of the granitoids imply the existence of mafic rocks at depth and addition of juvenile material to the crust in central Colorado at ~1.1 Ga

    Novel Ferromagnetic Atom Waveguide with in situ loading

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    Magneto-optic and magnetostatic trapping is realized near a surface using current carrying coils wrapped around magnetizable cores. A cloud of 10^7 Cesium atoms is created with currents less than 50 mA. Ramping up the current while maintaining optical dissipation leads to tightly confined atom clouds with an aspect ratio of 1:1000. We study the 3D character of the magnetic potential and characterize atom number and density as a function of the applied current. The field gradient in the transverse dimension has been varied from < 10 G/cm to > 1 kG/cm. By loading and cooling atoms in-situ, we have eliminated the problem of coupling from a MOT into a smaller phase space.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure