44 research outputs found

    Hand force in chronic CRPS.

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    <p>Bars show a homogeneous reduction of hand force in Newton as compared to the contralateral side throughout the applied tasks. Significance: * p<0.001 ipsilateral vs. contralateral hand, paired t-test.</p

    Proposed modified research diagnostic criteria for CRPS.<sup>*</sup>

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    <p>*<i>Bruehl S, Harden RN, Galer BS et al. External validation of IASP diagnostic criteria for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and proposed research diagnostic criteria. International Association for the Study of Pain. Pain 1999; 81: 147–154.</i></p

    Pattern of sensory changes in patients with NMO (normalized to mean and standard deviation of healthy control group).

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    <p>A: The sensory profile by comprehensive quantitative sensory testing (QST) shows significant sensory loss (negative z-values) for thermal detection (CDT, WDT, TSL) and vibration detection (VDT) in both extremities, significant sensory gain (positive z-values) for noxious heat (HPT) in the hand dorsum. B: Patients with NMO experienced pronounced dysesthesia to non-noxious mechanical and thermal stimulation in both extremities, namely pain to stroking with non-noxious light tactile stimuli (dynamic mechanical allodynia DMA) and paradoxical heat sensation (PHS) to stimulation with non-noxious cold stimuli during the TSL procedure (alternating cold and warm stimuli). *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, t-test.</p

    Impairment of hand motor function.

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    <p>Bars display the percentage of patients displaying the respective motor impairment. Significance: * p<0.001 ipsilateral vs. contralateral hand, Wilcoxon signed ranks method test.</p

    Health related quality of life: (SF-36).

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    <p>The scales of the SF-36 score from 0–100, with 0 indicating worst health and 100 the best.</p><p>PF: Physical Functioning.</p><p>RP: Role Limitations, Physical:</p><p>BP: Bodily Pain.</p><p>GH: General Health.</p><p>VT: Vitality.</p><p>SF: Social Functioning.</p><p>RE: Role Limitations, Emotional.</p><p>MH: Emotional Well-Being.</p><p>PCS: Physical Component Summary Score MCS: Mental Component Summary Score.</p><p>t0: Before beginning of treatment.</p><p>t1: One year after beginning of treatment.</p><p>n.s.: Not significant.</p><p>Z-Score: SF-36 data were normalized to a US-General population (n = 2393).</p

    Overview on correlational and predictive interaction of sensory function, pain, hyperalgesia, and motor and psychological functioning.

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    <p>Multiple correlation was calculated to analyse correlations between functional blocks of parameters using the stepwise forward method of building regression equations. Median split analysis was then applied to assign direction of influence of parameters included in the regression equation, i.e. to identify predictors.</p

    Michigan Health Questionnaire: (MHQ).

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    <p>Hand disability measured with MHQ: For the pain scale, higher scores indicate more pain. For the other scales, higher scores indicate better hand performance. Scores are normalized to a range from 0–100.</p

    Pain at rest by means of Numeric Rating Scale (NRS).

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    <p>0 indicates no pain at rest, and 10 indicating the worst pain. Bars display the percentage of patients in the respective category. The majority of patients (77/118 = 65.3%) reported spontaneous ongoing pain (44 patients with pain scores ≥4 = 37.3%). Mean NRS-score: 2.8±2.7; median NRS-score: 3.</p