411 research outputs found

    Konstruksi dan Rekonstruksi Identitas Kelompok Etnis Dayak Katolik di Desa Korek Kecamatan Sungai Ambawang Kabupaten Kubu Raya

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    Tesis ini ingin mengeksplorasi proses konstruksi dan rekonstruksi identitas kelompok etnis Dayak secara umum, dan khususnya subkelompok etnis Dayak Kanayatn di Desa Korek, dengan peristiwa-peristiwa tertentu yang membentuknya. Ada tiga tujuan spesifik khusus dari penelitian ini. Pertama, untuk mengetahui proses konstruksi identitas kelompok etnis Dayak secara umum. Kedua, untuk menyingkap proses afiliasi antara kelompok etnis Dayak dan Katolik sehingga mengidentifikasi diri dengan Katolik. Ketiga, untuk mengkaji proses pengidentifikasian etnis yang berorientasi pada satu kelompok etnis dan agama tertentu Katolik di kalangan masyarakat Dayak Desa Korek. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa pembentukan Dayak sebenarnya telah berlangsung sejak era kolonialisme. Dayak dibentuk oleh kolonialisme, intelektual Eropa, pejabat kolonial, petualang, peneliti sosial dan misonaris Katolik. Umumnya, mereka telah berkontribusi membentuk citra Dayak yang primitif, pemburu kepala (head hunter), pagan dan animis. Namun, tidak berarti bahwa dari kalangan Dayak sendiri bersikap pasif dalam proses pembentukan identitas mereka. Di awal abad ke-20, sekelompok intelektual muda Dayak mendirikan sebuah organisasi bernama Pakat Dajak. Untuk pertama kalinya mereka menggunakan nama Dayak sebagai icon perjuangan untuk mendapatkan akses di bidang ekonomi dan politik ketimbang isu-isu budaya. Di sisi lain, identifikasi etnis dan keagamaan pada kawasan pedalaman Kalimantan Barat pada dasarnya mengandung dua pola. Pertama, identifikasi etnis dan keagamaan yang masing-masing berorientasi pada berbagai subkelompok etnis dan berbagai agama yang terjadi pada Kawasan Pedalaman Jauh/KPJ (interior upland areas). Kedua, identifikasi etnis dan keagamaan lebih berorientasi pada masing-masing kelompok etnis, Melayu dan Dayak secara keseluruhan, dan pada satu agama tertentu: Islam untuk Melayu dan Kristen untuk Dayak. Identifikasi khas ini dapat ditemui di Kawasan Pedalaman Dekat/KPD (interior valley areas). Pada KPD potensi konflik kekerasan sangatlah besar dibanding KPJ. Hal tersebut antara lain disebabkan oleh proses identifikasi etnis dan keagamaan. Oleh sebab itu, pada KPD perlu dilakukan rekonstruksi identitas

    Pengaruh Motivasi terhadap Peningkatan Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan di Kantor Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Sejahtera Kecamatan Tikala Kota Manado

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    This research aims to to know how to influence the motivation of work (external and Internal) in theOffice of Cooperative Peace Subdistrict Tikala then to know the motivations which are the most influential inthe labor productivity of the employees at the Office of Cooperative Peace Tikala Subdistrict. Given theimportance of motivation, then a form of management's attention on the issue of employee motivation inworking is to do business with the way giving motivation in employees in certain business through a series ofcooperative in accordance with the policy of the cooperative, so the motivation of employees in work will bemaintained. To motivate employees, cooperative leader should know the motives and motivations that aredesired by those employees increased productivity is essentially a process terminating an alloy of variousinterests.The methods used in this research is quantitative methods. With the technique of gathering researchlibrary and field research. In the study which became population is thriving, Cooperative Office employee atSub Tikala totalling 54 people. That becomes the variable X (Motivation) and becomes the variable Y(Motivational performance).From the results of the analysis, the results obtained that external motivation (working conditions, agood Boss, Financial and social Assurance) gives influence in the improved productivity performance of thecooperative. While the analysis obtained from internal motivation (a job that is fun, challenging Work, andinteresting work) exert influence in increasing productivity. External and internal motivation effectsimultaneously on performance of employees. This is proven by the regression coefficient of externalmotivation is greater than internal motivation. The influence of motivation in organization of higher employeeto productivity, so as to enhance cooperative targets set. Then recommend to the company in order tomaximize internal motivation. Because when the external and internal motivation is given with a balancedemployee then it is definitely on the rise. The company should pay more attention to external motivation oncommunication between the employee and the employer, when an employee feels comfortable with theautomatic communication of their work productivity increased. A leader should pay attention to the rights ofemployees who perform by giving rewards to motivate employees, satisfying the needs of individuals in theorganization. Employee motivation should be heeded by the leadership, so that the specified targets or in theexpected by the company can be accomplished according to demands of the company.Keys words: Motivation, increased work productivit

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Kepala Desa terhadap Perencanaan Pembangunan Desa di Kecamatan Kao Utara Kabupaten Halmahera Utara.

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    According to Law No. 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government , the Village is acommunity unit which has a limit of jurisdiction , authority to control and take care of the interests ofthe local community based task origins local customs that are recognized or established within thenational administration system and located in the District / City .Participatory rural development in order to be able to walk and reach the target effectively . Asin katakana by Nugroho (2003 ) that planning is an activity of the development process of the highestpriority , because it determines the direction of planning and development strategies .In the government regulation No. 6 of 2014 on the village , mentioned that the villagegovernment planning Rural Development in accordance with the authority with reference to theplanning district / city . Development plan prepared in a participatory village by village government inaccordance with its authority

    Identifikasi Titik Kemacetan dan Alternatif Penanganannya di Kecamatan Pontianak Timur, Pontianak Selatan, Pontianak Tenggara

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    Growth and development of the city have an impact on the problem of traffic systems. The impact associated with the influence of road capacity and traffic volume, which can cause traffic congestion problem. From 3 districts who studied the East Pontianak, Pontianak South, Southeast Pontianak there are 9 point jam, and 2 of them experienced severe congestion that is the intersection of Jalan Sultan Hamid II - Jalan Imam snag - Way Hero - Road Tanjungpura and U-Turn at the next gas station OSO segment Ahmad Yani street. The purpose of this paper is to identify the point - the point of congestion and causes congestion in the districts East Pontianak, Pontianak South, and Southeast Pontianak so may submit management plans and programs of action plans that can be done to address the problem of traffic congestion in the district of East Pontianak, South Pontianak, Pontianak and Southeast for now. In this study, the data obtained by several agencies that BPS and POLRESTA city of Pontianak. The survey has been carried out, namely traffic volume survey conducted on Sunday (17 November 2013), on Monday (18 November 2013), in the morning at 6:00 a.m. to 9:00, lunch at 11:00 to 14:00, afternoon at 4:00 p.m. to 18:00 pm. The geometric survey conducted on Sunday (24 November 2013) .From these survey results taken 2 points were considered to be the most severe congestion that will be calculated and analyzed so that it will acquire the capacity and degree of saturation. The degree of saturation can be used as an indicator of the level of performance of an intersection and road segment. Where the degree of saturation can directly determine the performance of a road. Based on Indonesian Highway Capacity Manual for urban roads in 1997, requires the degree of saturation does not exceed 0.85. Based on the results obtained in 2013 the degree of saturation at Jalan Sultan Hamid II is 0.87, Jalan Imam Bonjol of 0.95, 0.70 at Jalan Pahlawan, Jalan Tanjungpura of 0.89 and a U-Turn at the next gas station OSO road Ahmad Yani direction Roundabout to Untan ie 0:56, 0:57 direction to the PCC that although the degree of saturation of <0.85 but the area can be said to be congested due to the long queue of vehicles that will pass through the U-Turn, disrupt traffic flow on the road Ahmad Yani. This indicates that in 2013 the 2 point of congestion experienced traffic problems. For those reasons, given the alternative solution is to operationalize back Public Transport Buses in particular, so as to reduce the degree of saturation in the region studied

    Keragaan Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Beberapa Aksesi Kacang Tunggak (Vigna Unguiculata (L) Walp) di Desa Watidal Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara Barat

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    Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp) of the District of West Southeast Maluku (MTB) needs to be evaluated in the region of its origin. The objectives this research was to study the growth patterns of cowpea, to obtain local cowpea accessions with agronomic traits as expected, as well as high production potential. This research was conducted at Watidal village, MTB District, Maluku using a randomized completely block design (RCBD) with three replications. Factors to be tested was 15 accessions of cowpea. The observed variables were some vegetative characters, yield component and yield. Measured data were analyzed of its variance, and if the effects of treatments were highly significant then it is followed by Duncan difference test. The results showed differences in plant growth patterns, number of leaves, and number of internodes between accessions at 8 weeks after planting, and apparent at week 16. At week 16, most accessions showed a slowdown in growth rates including improved varieties (KT6). The result of variance test shows that the variation of plant height is significantly different, so that the variables of leaves number of branches, and all different variables are very real. Duncan\u27s different test results show the appearance of lush growth through the number of leaves, the number of books and the number of branches more in accession KTm7, KTm27, KTm9, and KTm4, while some other local accessions including superior varieties showed a slight growth of leaf number. The results showed six accessions of KTm24, KTm13, KTm14, KTm12, KTm9, and KTm5 had the highest seed weight of the crop. Three accessions of local cowpea KTm5, KTm12 and KTm9 had the highest production components by weight of pod (g) and number of first pods

    Pengaruh Pengelolaan Kearsipan terhadap Efisiensi Kerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Kantor Perwakilan Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan Propinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    This study was motivated by the problems found in the office of Representatives Financialand Development Supervisory Agency Sulawesi province, namely in archival management activities notwell ordered. The constraints faced is the maintenance of records that there are still records that arestacked in nature resulting in the archive warehouse perishables and also difficult to be rediscovered whenneeded any time. This of course can hinder the work of the office. It is therefore necessary to have a goodarchival management and organized so as to make it easier for employees to find back the archive in a fasttime. Structuring the archive is one aspect that should be applied in the office to support the achievementof the objectives of productivity improvement and efficiency of office work. Thus communications officerjob will run more smoothly, so that the coordination and supervision easier. The purpose of this study wasto determine the archival management know is there any influence on the efficiency of employees workingin the Office of Finance and Development Supervisory Board of North Sulawesi Province. In this study,the method used is quantitative analysis method. While data analysis technique used is the technique ofcorrelation between variables to prove the influence of archival management towards employee workefficiency. Based on the results of research conducted and followed by analyzing the data obtained, thenthe result is that there is a very strong relationship between the management of archival against theworking efficiency of employees amounted to 0.943 and this means working hypothesis or alternativehypothesis is accepted, this means there are positive influence between management archival against theworking efficiency of employees with the level of influence of 88.90%. So the hypothesis that there is aninfluence on the efficiency of the management of archive

    Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Alokasi Dana Desa di Desa Lemoh Timur Kecamatan Tombariri Timur Kabupaten Minahasa

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    ABSTRACK : To realize the goal of national development, the government is giving great attention tothe development in the countryside. To the need to increase the participation of rural communities, as aform of cooperation between the government and the community in building a region (especially ruralareas). By utilizing the Village Fund Allocation (ADD), the village could play a more active in mobilizingcommunity development. The issue is still low community participation in village activities financed fromthe Village Fund Allocation. This was due to the lack of socialization and communication of governmentand society. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of community participation in themanagement of the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) in the village of East Lemoh District of EastTombariri. This study used a qualitative approach, with a view to obtaining an overview of communityparticipation in the management of the Village Fund Allocation. Data collection techniques in this studyby observation, interviews, and documentation. The Results showed that public participation in themanagement of the Village Fund Allocation is still not optimal because the public just so much involved inimplementation, lack of awareness about existing Village Fund Allocation. Public awareness is stilllacking to participate also caused because of lack of socialization of the government on the allocation ofvillage funds. Thefore the suggestion of this research, rural government should always socialize theVillage Fund Allocation Policy (ADD) to the public so that the public could understand the policy

    Pengaruh Rolling Pejabat terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Publik (suatu Studi di Kantor Badan Kepegawaian dan Diklat Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan)

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    Rolling is an incarnation or manifestation of the dynamics of organizations that serve as one way to achieve organizational goals and implemented to reduce the tedium of the job, increase knowledge, skills and increase the motivation and morale, in addition to placing the appropriate officials with expertise in the field of duty each. Problems to be answered in this research is how Rolling officials can affect the quality of public services in the scope of government staffing minahasa south. This study uses quantitative methods. This study aims to measure the relationship Rolling Minahasa district officials in the south with indicators of work experience, knowledge and skills and employees. This research was conducted by taking 5 samples at several SKPD with sample set of 20 respondents. Gathering date using questionnaires and interviews aided engineering. Date analysis using linear regression analysis and correlation of product moment. Management of data analysis using manual calculation formulas based on statistical analysis of linear regression and correlation product moment. Based on the analysis of the data showed: (1) correlation coefficient Rolling Minahasa officials in the southern district of the quality of public services is positive in the amount of 0.239 scale. (2) The correlation coefficient Rolling officials on the quality of public services delivery regency minahasa south is 0.306 while the coefficient of determination is 0.093 . results of these studies concluded that the influence of officials Rolling positive and significant impact on the quality of public services in the district minahasa south
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