200 research outputs found

    Динамическая модель трансмиссий машин с учетом распределенной массы валов

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    Виконано дослідження крутних коливань у лінії приводу прокатного стана, як системи з розподіленими параметрами. Визначено залежності кутів повертань поперечних перерізів валу і крутного моменту у часi захвату металу валками та уздовж шпинделя, що характеризує вимушені та власні коливання головної лінії.It has been carried out a research of torsional oscillations of the rolling mill drive train as a system with the distributed parameters. It was determined a function of the cross sections deformation angles and torsional torques in time and along the spindle length, which characterizes the forced and natural oscillations of the drive train

    Kleinkredit und Marktteilhabe in der Vormoderne: Projektdesign

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    Our project explores the significance of small-scale and even micro-credit for the social and economic life of medieval societies. For the early modern period, scholars such as Laurence Fontaine, Jürgen Schlumbohm or Gabriele Clemens have proposed that social coherence is particularly generated by the individual possibilities of market participation. In three case studies from different European regions we put this assumption to a test in view of late medieval societies. Previous research in medieval studies has rightly pointed to a significant lack of sources for small-scale and micro credits. Therefore, all three case studies aim to identify new types of sources which have previoulsy not or only marginally been used to explore medieval credit activities

    Neue Literatur

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    In dieser Rubrik werden in jüngster Zeit erschienene Bücher vorgestellt. Die Auflösung der Autorenkürzel finden Sie am Ende der Datei

    Neue Literatur

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    In dieser Rubrik werden in jüngster Zeit erschienene Bücher vorgestellt

    Einstellung zu den sakralen Monumenten seiner Vorfahren

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    Direktorium des Klosters Graefenthal bei Goch

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    Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, 19. und 20. Jahrhundert

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    Erbpacht und Kurmut

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