9 research outputs found

    A Learning Model of Bahasa Indonesia as a Foreign Language Based on Local Intercultural Politeness

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    The study was aimed for developing a learning model of Bahasa Indonesia based on local intercultural politeness to improve the foreigners' communicative competencies. This is Research and Development, started with a preliminary study of intercultural learning concepts and Buginese politeness strategies; the distribution of the needs analysis instruments to the 25 foreigners learning Bahasa Indonesia in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia; model development, focus group discussions; the model finalization and product experiment. The interviews and questionnaires data were analyzed by descriptive quantitative and qualitative. The result, a local politeness intercultural learning model consisting of four phases: noticing, comparing, reflecting, and interacting. 1) The foreign learners noticed the use of local politeness markers in Bahasa Indonesia; 2) They compared the similarities and differences between the use of the markers of local politeness and those they found in their native languages; 3) They reflected themselves; 4) They practiced Bahasa Indonesia through direct interactions. The conclusion showed that the t-score = 3.26 > t-table = 2.45 signifying that the model was effective in overcoming the foreign learners' problems in oral interactions and improving their Bahasa Indonesia communicative competencies

    Uji Kisaran Inang Potyvirus Penyebab Mosaik Nilam (Pogostemon Cablin (Blanco) Benth) Asal Sulawesi Tenggara

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    The objective of the research was to determine the host alternate of Potyvirus in Southeast Sulawesi using a host range technique. Observed variables were incubation period, disease incidence, and variation symptom. The research results showed that virus isolates could be mechanically transmitted to melon plant (Cucumismelo) but showing no external symptoms while on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), long-beans (Vigna sinensis), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum and Nicotiana benthamiana), swamp-land (Ipomoea reptana), red-amaranth (Alternantheraamoena), chili (Capsicum annum), and egg plant (Solanum melongena) so far the existence of the Potyvirus could not be detected after mechanically inoculated

    Karakterisasi Morfologis Trichoderma Spp. Indigenus Sulawesi Tenggara

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    This study aimed to determine differences in the morphological characteristics of isolates of Trichoderma spp indigenous of Southeast Sulawesi. The experiment was conducted at the Laboratory of Agro Technology, Unit of Plant Pest and Disease, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Halu Oleo, Kendari. This study used 11 isolates of trichoderm indegenous of Southeast Sulawesi. Observation variables were macroscopic characteristics, including: colony color and form, and microscopic characteristics, including: form of conidiophores, fialid and and conidia. The research results showed that the 11 isolates of Trichoderma spp indigenous of Southeast Sulawesi had different morphological characteristics. Types of Trichoderma spp obtained out of the 11 isolates were T. hamantum, T. koningii, T. harzianum, T. polysporum and T. aureoviride

    Deteksi Potyvirus Pada Nilam (Pogostemon Cablin (Blanco) Benth) Dengan Teknik Elisa Di Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Mosaic symptoms were observed on Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) around North Kolaka and Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi during surveys in early 2012. Indirect-ELISA based detection was conducted using symptomatic leaf samples. The objective of the research was to determine disease incidence of Potyvirus in several farms of Patchouli plant in Southeast Sulawesi. The results showed that Patchouli plant (Pogostemon cablin) was found to be infected with Potyvirus disease showing mosaic symptoms and malformation on the leaf samples i.e. in Amotowo and Boro-Boro Villages of subdistrict Boro-Boro, and Landabaro Village, Mowila subdistrict of South Konawe regency; Asinua Village of subdistrict Unaaha, Lambuya district of subdistrict Lambuya, and Bungguosu district, Konawe subdistrict of Konawe regency; and Anduonohu district, Poasia subdistrict of Kendari regency. This is the first report on Potyvirus infection on patchouli in Southeast Sulawesi

    Kesantunan Berbahasa: Analisis Fungsional dalam Teks

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    Politeness in expression according to Brown and Levinson (1978/1987); Leech (1983); and Ide (1989) is very important to notice in social life in order to avoid conflict which may occur in communication. Yet, politeness is applied differently in different culture because each utterance cannot be apart from its context (Leech, 1983). The goal of this study is to examine the politeness strategies in text that implemented in Complaint Letters which is published in “Harian Fajar” daily. Functional Analysis with focus on Field, Tenor, and Mode of Text is used to analyze the data. The analysis shows that power, distance and deference influence the text and strategy choices. The strategic choices indicate there is a distance in communication between interlocutors

    Teenagers Language Politeness Strategy on Social Media WhatsApp Based on Level of Education

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    Language politeness in social media is still often ignored. The article aims to describe teenagers' politeness strategies in social media conversations, especially in the WhatsApp group of junior high schools, senior high schools, and colleges. The research was quantitative and qualitative descriptive, and the population was complete sentences in WhatsApp group conversations. The period of recording the conversation with each group is during September 2021. The data collection technique is by exporting the conversation data to Ms. Words. The data were arranged based on the entry date, then coded using Brown & Levinson's politeness theory. The interpretation of the data classification results used the approach of Makassar's cultural perspective. The findings showed that in social media WhatsApp, the teenagers talked more frequently used three kinds of politeness strategies. 1) Bald on record involving questions, commands, and requests. Teenagers use this strategy from three-level of education. 2) Positive strategies involve jokes, identity, and paying attention. The college and high schools teenagers use jokes and identity. However, paying attention's strategy is just used by college teenagers. 3) Negative strategies include apologies, be-thankful, and questions. College and high schools teenagers use the apology and thank strategies. Nevertheless, teenagers from the high school level only used negative politeness in asking questions. In conclusion, the level of education of teenagers determines the use of politeness strategy in social media. The implication is that teachers and stakeholders pay more attention to students' language politeness building, especially in speaking politely to others, so their interaction is harmonious with their communities

    Demplot Budidaya Tanaman Tomat Tahan Penyakit Hawar Daun Di Lamomea, Konawe Selatan

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    Tanaman tomat merupakan sayuran buah yang banyak dibudidayakan oleh kelompok tani di Desa Lamomea dan menjadi salah satu sumber ekonomi penting bagi keluarga petani. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh mitra adalah serangan penyakit hawar daun tomat yang dapat menyebabkan gagal panen. Tujuan kegiatan adalah mendampingi petani tomat untuk mengendalikan penyakit hawar daun tomat. Metode yang digunakan adalah bimbingan teknis dan pembuatan demo plot (demplot) pengendalian penyakit hawar daun tomat. Teknis pengendalian yang diterapkan adalah penyemaian benih pada media media rockwall, pemberian mulsa plastik hitam perak, mulsa jerami dan agens hayati Trichoderma sp. Demplot berhasil meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra bahwa rockwall yang digunakan menunjukkan pertumbuhan benih tomat lebih seragam dan mengurangi penyakit hawar daun tomat. Mulsa plastik hitam perak terbuktgi efektif mengurangi gulma dan mengurangi kejadian penyakit hawar daun, sedangkan mulsa jerami mengurangi frekuensi penyulaman dibandingkan dengan penggunaan mulsa hitam perak. Aplikasi agens hayati dan jerami juga dapat mengurangi tanaman yang terinfeksi penyakit hawar daun ketika diikuti dengan perempelan tunas-tunas air atau ranting non produktif

    Uji Efektivitas Beberapa Media Untuk Perbanyakan Agens Hayati Trichoderma SP.

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    Effectiveness test of several media for propagation biological agent Trichoderma sp.. This study aims to look at the effectiveness of some media to propagation of Trichoderma sp. and to determine the effectiveness of the media that has the best propagation of Trichoderma sp. This research is compiled in a completely randomized design (CRD), consists of seven treatment propagation medium that is 1) Media dregs sago (A), 2) Media dregs of the cashew nut shell (B), 3) Media sawdust (C), 4) Media maize (D), 5) Media bran (E ), 6) Media rice (F), 7) Media rice husk (G). The results showed that the medium used for propagation Trichoderma sp. have varying effectiveness. The most effective media for propogation Trichoderma sp. is media bran, with growth capability Trichoderma sp on day 4days after incubation reaches 100%, the difference in weight of the media before and after incubation Trichoderma sp. 2,04 g and the number of conidia 104,125.103/g media