9 research outputs found

    Aggregation properties of p-and n-functionalized calix[4]resorcine in water/oil emulsion in the presence of sulfate reducing desulfobacter bacteria

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. This paper presents a comparative study of the aggregation properties of P-and N-functionalized calix[4] resorcines in "water/oil emulsion + Desulfobacter culture". It has been shown that both compounds under study displayed aggregation properties in low concentration range. Nevertheless, their structural features affect the aggregation process. Moreover, the beginning of aggregation of N-functionalized calix[4]resorcine with petroleum hydrocarbons molecules and microorganism cells shifted to lower concentration zones than the one of P-functionalized calix[4]resorcine. However, P-functionalized calix[4]resorcine was characterized by a wider interval at which the structuring of the water/oil emulsion is observed

    Cerebral structural characteristics in children with unilateral amblyopia: A mri study

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    Objective. To study the mechanism of the development of amblyopia using the analysis of brain grey matter parameters. The areas primarily associated with visual cortex in children with amblyopia were analyzed. Material and methods. The study group comprised 8 right-handed children with left-sided amblyopia. MRI images were obtained by 1.5T Toshiba scanner with 3D MP-RAGE. Т1-images were processed with FreeSurfer (5.3.0 version, http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/). Results and conclusion. No significant interhemisphere differences by cortical thickness were identified in all tested regions of interest. In correlation analysis, only the positive correlation between visual acuity in the left eye and cortical thickness in the left pericalcarine as well as the positive correlation between visual acuity in the left eye and cortical thickness in the left V1 area obtained using another anatomical atlas survived multiple comparison correction. The findings support the hypothesis that pathological ontogenetic processes in children with amblyopia lead to the structural abnormalities of the primary visual cortex. © 2018, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved

    Cerebral structural characteristics in children with unilateral amblyopia: A mri study

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    Objective. To study the mechanism of the development of amblyopia using the analysis of brain grey matter parameters. The areas primarily associated with visual cortex in children with amblyopia were analyzed. Material and methods. The study group comprised 8 right-handed children with left-sided amblyopia. MRI images were obtained by 1.5T Toshiba scanner with 3D MP-RAGE. Т1-images were processed with FreeSurfer (5.3.0 version, http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/). Results and conclusion. No significant interhemisphere differences by cortical thickness were identified in all tested regions of interest. In correlation analysis, only the positive correlation between visual acuity in the left eye and cortical thickness in the left pericalcarine as well as the positive correlation between visual acuity in the left eye and cortical thickness in the left V1 area obtained using another anatomical atlas survived multiple comparison correction. The findings support the hypothesis that pathological ontogenetic processes in children with amblyopia lead to the structural abnormalities of the primary visual cortex. © 2018, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved

    Naturally Occurring Toxic Alkaloids in Foods

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