13 research outputs found


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    Darbe nagrinėjami elektromagnetinio lauko dedamųjų parametrai šalia elektrinio prietaiso, kurio veikimo principas pagrįstas elektriniuišlydžiu dujose. Planuojant naudoti šį prietaisą mokymo procese eksperimentiniu tyrimu buvo nustatytos leidžiamos elektromagnetiniolauko parametrų vertės nutolus 27-160cm atstumu nuo 8-80 kHz dažnių diapazone veikiančio prietaiso. Eksperimentiniotyrimo rezultatai palyginti su leistinomis elektromagnetinio lauko vertėmis, tuo siekiama užtikrinti saugų studentų bei dirbančiopersonalo darbą. Nustatyta, kad leistinas saugus atstumas siekia 1,5m nuo veikiančio prietaiso. Elektros lauko stiprio vertės nėrakenksmingos esant bet kuriam atstumui nuo prietaiso dažnių ribose 72-80 kHz. Dažnių ribose 8 kHz-80 kHz magnetinis laukas nėrakenksmingas.RAKTINIAI ŽODŽIAI: Elektromagnetinis laukas, dujinis išlydis, plazm


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    This paper describes an impact of Distributed Generation (DG) over active and reactive power losses in distribution system. Theinvestigation is based on the real distribution system of Kumamto area, Japan. Using “DIgSILENT PowerFactory“ software, simulations,to get best results in a shape of active and reactive power losses, have been done. In order to reduce very high number of simulations,logical assumptions have been cretated. Also, in this paper new indexes are presented, i.e. penetration level of DG and dispersionlevel of DG. Those indexes give high support running reasonable simulations for Optimal Power Flow (OPF) and collectingbest results for comparison.KEY WORDS: power losses, distribution generation, ditribution syste

    Švytuojamųjų pavarų automatizuotojo projektavimo matematinis modelis

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    The article deals with the computer aided design on oscillating drives. There are presented principles of formation of universal method of mathematical model of drives with oscillating motors applying formal methods, peculiarities of its application investigating these drives in numerical mode. The most universal construction of oscillating motor is pulsating current motor of symetrical construction. Oscillating motors of all other well known constructions are obtained simplifying this construction. Therefore this type of motor is used when forming universal mathematical model

    Tiesiaeigio švytuojamojo mechatroninio įtaiso koordinatės matavimas

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    The problem of measurement of the curve of movement of oscillating synchronous electric devices is discussed. To achieve the purpose system, the light emitting diode (LED) – slit – linear optical sensor is used. Different color LEDs are linked with different moving parts and optical sensor with the lines of the elements sensitive to different colors, are used to simplify measurement system. Practical implementation of measurement system is presented

    Švytuojamųjų sinchroninių pulsuojamosios srovės variklių energetinių parametrų tyrimas

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    This paper deals with oscillating linear synchronous pulsating current motor compressor drive supplied by sinusoidal and rectangular voltage. While creating mathematical model of the motor for investigation, Matlab software was used for solving of differential equations. Modeling results while supplying motor by sinusoidal and rectangular voltage and changing firing angle α of thyristor, frequency of voltage f and a load R. Characteristics and energetic parameters of oscillating linear pulsating current motor were obtained and analyzed

    Возможности формирования и исследования проводящего канала в атмосфере

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    The paper deals with the principles of formation and investigation of conductive channel in atmosphere and possibilities of technical application of such channel. The main aims of investigation and formation of such channel in atmosphere are formed. The special sources of high voltage were created, equipment for investigation of channel quality was prepared. Some problems of charging and discharging of capacitor were carried out, common work of resonant contours were analysed. Experiment with the physical model for creation of conductive channel shows that electroconductivity is proportional to the current, which forms the channel


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    Tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti elektromagnetinio lauko dedamųjų parametrų vertes kiekvienam įjungtam kompiuterio ekranui. Nustatytoselektromagnetinės spinduliuotės parametrų vertės buvo palygintos su TN1:1998 normose leistinais elektromagnetinės spinduliuotėslygiais. Bendram elektromagnetinės spinduliuotės fonui įvertinti buvo išmatuoti elektros lauko stipris ir magnetinio lauko srautotankis atskiruose taškuose, kai visi kompiuteriai yra darbo režime. Matavimai atlikti 40-60 Hz dažnių diapazone. Bendro fono elektromagnetiniolauko parametrų įtaka žmogaus sveikatai buvo vertinama taikant higienos normą HN 110-2001.RAKTINIAI ŽODŽIAI: Elektrinio lauko stipris, magnetinio srauto tankis, elektromagnetinė tarš

    Mathematical modeling of oil transportation by pipelines using anti-turbulent additives

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    The energy costs of oil transportation by pipeline are one of the most important questions for oil companies. Large amounts of energy are used in the oil pumping process. One of the ways to reduce energy costs is to use additives, which can change the rheological characteristics of oil. Anti-turbulent polymer additives reduce the hydraulic resistance and allow a significant reduction in pumping costs. The hydrodynamic processes in the pipeline and efficiency of oil transportation costs, dependent on the concentration of anti-turbulent additives, are investigated in this paper. The pressure and velocity of the flow in each point of the pipeline are obtained by solving a system of nonlinear algebraic equations, which were solved utilizing the Newton-Raphson method. The dependencies of the efficiency coefficient in the oil pumping process were deduced, depending on the concentration of the additives

    Эквивалентные механические параметры качательных двигателей в устройствах траспортных средств

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    In various appliances and equipment of sundry transport means there is a lot of diverse mechanisms of periodical movement. So, the various piston or membrane pumps of fuel feeding and lubrication systems, circulation pumps, air and refrigerating coolant compressors, etc. are the typical examples of innovative and well promising application of the oscillating motors. In these cases the moving part of a motor can be directly connected to the working body of driven mechanism without the additional gears. Consequently, the drive can be simplified in design and improved in efficiency and reliability. Application of the oscillating rotary motors, if used in the aforesaid devices, strictly depends on specific properties of mechanical system of a motor aggregated with the driven mechanism and considered as the one-piece unit on the whole. So, this study analyses how the properties of mechanical system, comprised of two moving parts interconnected eccentrically or centrically, can be evaluated by the equivalent rotational inertia, equivalent mass and by equivalent mechanical power factor which, in turn, determine the operating characteristics and basic possibilities of the motor