219 research outputs found

    Rapportage LTO FAB II 2008 : Functionele Agro Biodiversiteit

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    Doel van het LTO FAB II project is een gebruiksklaar FAB concept te ontwikkelen voor een aantal ziekten en plagen in een aantal gewassen die op eenvoudige wijze door telers benut kan worden en voor de toepasser kostenneutraal zijn. Uitgangspunt in het FAB project is een evenwichtige balans tussen de 3 P’s (People, planet én profit). Het toetsen van wetenschappelijke inzichten en het genereren van nieuwe voor de praktijk toepasbare kennis is de centrale taak van dit project. Daarbij daagt FAB de wetenschap uit en worden innovaties uitgeprobeerd. In deze rapportage zijn de resultaten en conclusies verwoord voor de deelprojecten omgeving, bovengronds (akkerranden en scouting) en bodem tijdens het seizoen 200

    Realizing better doctor-patient dialogue about choices in palliative care and early phase clinical trial participation: towards an online value clarification tool (OnVaCT)

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    Background: Patients with advanced cancer for whom standard systemic treatment is no longer available may be offered participation in early phase clinical trials. In the decision making process, both medical-technical information and patient values and preferences are important. Since patients report decisional conflict after deciding on participation in these trials, improving the decision making process is essential. We aim to develop and evaluate an Online Value Clarification Tool (OnVaCT) to assist patients in clarifying their values around this end-of-life decision. This improved sharing of values is hypothesized to support medical oncologists in tailoring their information to individual patients’ needs and, consequently, to support patients in taking decisions in line with their values and reduce decisional conflict. Methods: In the first part, patients’ values and preferences and medical oncologists’ views hereupon will be explored in interviews and focus groups to build a first prototype OnVaCT using digital communication (serious gaming). Next, we will test feasibility during think aloud sessions, to deliver a ready-to-implement OnVaCT. In the second part, the OnVaCT, with accompanied training module, will be evaluated in a pre-test (12–18 months before implementation) post-test (12–18 months after implementation) study in three major Dutch cancer centres. We will include 276 patients (> 18 years) with advanced cancer for whom standard systemic therapy is no longer available, and who are referred for participation in early phase clinical trials. The first consultation will be recorded to analyse patient-physician communication regarding the discussion of patients’ values and the decision making process. Three weeks afterwards, decisional conflict will be measured. Discussion: This project aims to support the discussion of patient values when considering participation in early phase clinical trials. By including patients before their first appointment with the medical oncologist and record

    Vortex Motion Noise in Micrometre-Sized Thin Films of the Amorphous Nb0.7Ge0.3 Weak-Pinning Superconductor

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    We report high-resolution measurements of voltage (V) noise in the mixed state of micrometre-sized thin films of amorphous Nb0.7Ge0.3, which is a good representative of weak-pinning superconductors. There is a remarkable difference between the noise below and above the irreversibility field Birr. Below Birr, in the presence of measurable pinning, the noise at small applied currents resembles shot noise, and in the regime of flux flow at larger currents decreases with increasing voltage due to a progressive ordering of the vortex motion. At magnetic fields B between Birr and the upper critical field Bc2 flux flow is present already at vanishingly small currents. In this regime the noise scales with (1-B/Bc2)^2 V^2 and has a frequency (f) spectrum of 1/f type. We interpret this noise in terms of the properties of strongly driven depinned vortex systems at high vortex density.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, version accepted for publication in PR

    Automated reasoning on feature models

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    Software Product Line (SPL) Engineering has proved to be an effective method for software production. However, in the SPL community it is well recognized that variability in SPLs is increasing by the thousands. Hence, an automatic support is needed to deal with variability in SPL. Most of the current proposals for automatic reasoning on SPL are not devised to cope with extra– functional features. In this paper we introduce a proposal to model and reason on an SPL using constraint programming. We take into account functional and extra–functional features, improve current proposals and present a running, yet feasible implementation

    Stem cell factor receptor (c-KIT) codon 816 mutations predict development of bilateral testicular germ-cell tumors

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    Testicular germ-cell tumors (TGCTs) of adolescents and adults originate from intratubular germ cell neoplasia (ITGCN), which is composed of the malignant counterparts of embryonal germ cells. ITGCN cells are characterized, among others, by the presence of stem cell factor receptor c-KIT. Once established, ITGCN will always progress to invasiveness. Approximately 2.5-5% of patients with a TGCT will develop bilateral disease and require complete castration, resulting in infertility, a need for lifelong androgen replacement, and psychological stress. To date, the only way to predict a contralateral tumor is surgical biopsy of the contralateral testis to demonstrate ITGCN. We did a retrospective study of 224 unilateral and 61 proven bilateral TGCTs (from 46 patients, in three independently collected series in Europe) for the presence of activating c-KIT codon 816 mutations. A c-KIT codon 816 mutation was found in three unilateral TGCT (1.3%), and in 57 bilateral TGCTs (93%; P < 0.0001). In the two wild-type bilateral tumors for which ITGCN was available, the preinvasive cells contained the mutation. The mutations were somatic in origin and identical in both tumors. We conclude that somatic activating codon 816 c-KIT mutations are associated with development of bilateral TGCT. Detection of c-KIT codon 816 mutations in unilateral TGCT identifies patients at risk for bilateral disease. These patients may undergo tailored treatment to prevent the development of bilateral disease, with retention of testicular hormonal function

    Rapportage FAB 2006 : Functionele Agro Biodiversiteit

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    Dit LTO project over functionele agrobiodiversiteit is mede gefinancierd door LNV, VROM, Hoofdproductschap Akkerbouw, Productschap Tuinbouw en Rabobank. Het bevat tekstbijdragen vanuit LEI, PRI, PPO, NIOO en DLV Plant. Het onderzoek betreft: akkerranden met bloemstroken, bodemfauana van die akkeranden, bladluizen in aardappelen, graan en spruitkool, wittelkoolvlieg en rupsen op spruitkool. Afsluitend een bedrijfseconomische bijdrag
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