23 research outputs found


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    This paper will discuss the historic connections between three Kashubs settlements and Catholic churches in Milwaukee, Stevens Point, and Pine Creek/Dodge Wisconsin. These churches from the 1800’s served as important links to these communities. The Kashubian immigrants were loyal and important contributors to founding, growth and development of these fervent communities in abundant ways. This article will address these links and activities that existed in the 1800’s following the arrival of Polish/Kashubs immigrants. Polish immigrants have celebrated many loyalties to various institutions, but the connection they established to Catholic churches stands out as particularly vigorous. Much has been written about their relationship to religion, but less attention has been focused on that of Kashubian Poles. Kashubian Poles exerted back breaking efforts to build stunning churches and religious communities as vital components of their “native realm” or ethnic self-definition process. (Milosz, 1968). This paper will highlight the significant contributions to churches in three Kashubian settlements including Jones Island, Milwaukee, Stevens Point, and Pine Creek, Dodge Wisconsin. This paper will address three questions: Who are the Kashubs? Where did they come from and why? What are the major Kashubian settlements in Wisconsin and their connections to Catholic Churches? How were these settlements alike and how were they different?W tym artykule zostaną omówione historyczne powiązania między trzema kaszubskimi osadami a kościołami katolickimi w Milwaukee, Stevens Point i Pine Creek/Dodge Wisconsin. Te kościoły z 1800 roku służyły jako ważne łączniki do tych społeczności. Kaszubscy imigranci byli lojalnymi i ważnymi uczestnikami tworzenia, wzrostu i rozwoju tych żarliwych społeczności na wiele sposobów. W tym artykule zostaną omówione te powiązania i aktywności które istniały w 1800 roku po przybyciu Polskich / Kaszubskich imigrantów. Polscy imigranci obchodzili oddanie wielu różnym instytucją, ale związek jaki ustanowili z kościołami Katolickimi wyróżniał się szczególnym wigorem. Wiele napisano o ich związku z religią, ale mniej uwagi poświęcono Polakom kaszubskim. Kaszubscy Polacy podjęli ciężkie wysiłki, aby zbudować wspaniałe kościoły i religijne wspólnoty jako istotne elementy ich „ojczystego królestwa” lub etnicznego procesu samookreślenia. (Miłosz, 1968). Ten artykuł podkreśli znaczący wkład w kościoły w trzech osadach kaszubskich, w tym w Jones Island, Milwaukee, Stevens Point i Pine Creek, Dodge Wisconsin. Ten artykuł postawi trzy pytania: Kim są Kaszubi? Skąd oni pochodzą i dlaczego? Jakie są główne osady kaszubskie w Wisconsin i ich powiązania z Kościołami katolickimi? Jak wyglądały te osady i jak się różniły

    Letters to the Editor

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    Cyclic ADP ribose activation of the ryanodine receptor is mediated by calmodulin

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    Cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR) is a newly identified nucleotide which can release calcium from a variety of cells, suggesting it is a messenger for mobilizing internal Ca2+ stores. Its cyclic structure has now been confirmed by X-ray crystallography. Available results are consistent with it being a modulator of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release. Here we report that sea urchin egg microsomes purified by Percoll gradients lose sensitivity to cADPR, but the response can be restored by a soluble protein in the supernatant. Purification and characterization of the protein indicate that it is calmodulin. It appears to be sensitizing the Ca2+ release mechanism because caffeine and strontium, agonists of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release, can also mimic calmodulin in conferring cADPR-sensitivity. Although evidence indicates that cADPR may be an activator of the ryanodine receptor, present results point to the importance of accessory proteins such as calmodulin in modulating its activity.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Preparation of cyclic ADP-ribose antagonists and caged cyclic ADP- ribose

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