19 research outputs found

    Productivity and growing-season stability in common bean (<i>Phaseolus vulgaris</i> L.) under contrasting ecogeographic conditions

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    Background. Studying the effect size of the environment versus breeding-oriented plant traits is relevant under climate change. Identification of stable accessions while evaluating the source material in contrasting environments can increase the efficiency of breeding practice.Materials and methods. Thirty common bean accessions from the VIR collection were sown for 3 years in the contrasting environments of Maikop and Astrakhan. Eight useful agronomic traits were studied according to VIR’s guidelines. Statistical processing was carried out using ANOVA, correlation and regression analyses. Environmental stability of productivity was assessed according S. A. Eberhart and W. A. Russell (1966).Results and discussion. The study of the variability of traits showed the stability of the sowing-to-ripening period duration (average coefficient of variation: 10.9%) and 1000 seed weight (17.3%). The effect of the genotype was the determining factor only for 1000 seed weight (67.6% of the variance). The growing season duration, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, and productivity depended more on the environments. Productivity formation patterns were basically the same at both sites: productivity of an accession depended on the number of pods, and 1000 seed weight was negatively related to the number of seeds per pod. The growing season in Maikop depended on the flowering-to-ripening period (r = 0.73); in Astrakhan, on the sprouting-to-flowering period (r = 0.85). The duration of the sowing-to-sprouting and sprouting-to-flowering periods significantly correlated with mean temperatures (r = –0.87 and 0.87, respectively), while the flowering-to-ripening period did not depend on the mean temperature.Conclusion. Accessions relatively stable in their productivity and duration of the growing season were identified. They demonstrated both determinant and indeterminate growth, attesting to the prospects of breeding work with different common bean groups

    The BNO-LNGS joint measurement of the solar neutrino capture rate in 71Ga

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    We describe a cooperative measurement of the capture rate of solar neutrinos by the reaction 71Ga(\nu_e,e^-)71Ge. Extractions were made from a portion of the gallium target in the Russian-American Gallium Experiment SAGE and the extraction samples were transported to the Gran Sasso laboratory for synthesis and counting at the Gallium Neutrino Observatory GNO. Six extractions of this type were made and the resultant solar neutrino capture rate was 64 ^{+24}_{-22} SNU, which agrees well with the overall result of the gallium experiments. The major purpose of this experiment was to make it possible for SAGE to continue their regular schedule of monthly solar neutrino extractions without interruption while a separate experiment was underway to measure the response of 71Ga to neutrinos from an 37Ar source. As side benefits, this experiment proved the feasibility of long-distance sample transport in ultralow background radiochemical experiments and familiarized each group with the methods and techniques of the other.Comment: 7 pages, no figures; minor additions in version

    Measurement of the Solar Neutrino Capture Rate by the Russian-American Gallium Solar Neutrino Experiment During One Half of the 22-Year Cycle of Solar Activity

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    We present the results of measurements of the solar neutrino capture rate in gallium metal by the Russian-American Gallium Experiment SAGE during slightly more than half of a 22-year cycle of solar activity. Combined analysis of the data of 92 runs during the 12-year period January 1990 through December 2001 gives a capture rate of solar neutrinos with energy more than 233 keV of 70.8 +5.3/-5.2 (stat.) +3.7/-3.2 (syst.) SNU. This represents only slightly more than half of the predicted standard solar model rate of 128 SNU. We give the results of new runs beginning in April 1998 and the results of combined analysis of all runs since 1990 during yearly, monthly, and bimonthly periods. Using a simple analysis of the SAGE results combined with those from all other solar neutrino experiments, we estimate the electron neutrino pp flux that reaches the Earth to be (4.6 +/- 1.1) E10/(cm^2-s). Assuming that neutrinos oscillate to active flavors the pp neutrino flux emitted in the solar fusion reaction is approximately (7.7 +/- 1.8) E10/(cm^2-s), in agreement with the standard solar model calculation of (5.95 +/- 0.06) E10/(cm^2-s).Comment: English translation of article submitted to Russian journal Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. (JETP); 12 pages, 5 figures. V2: Added winter-summer difference and 2 reference


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    All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of vegetable breeding and seed production is the biggest scientific and methodological center in field of breeding and seed production of vegetable crops. In this article, the main stages of establishment and development of the institute, the biographies of leaders of the institute who made an invaluable contribution to development of breeding of vegetable crops are presented. Highly skilled scientific team of VNIISSOK and material and technical resources and facilities allow keeping the leadership in many areas of science and breeding of vegetable crop and seed production.Всероссийский НИИ селекции и семеноводства овощных культур является крупнейшим научно-методическим, исследовательским и интеллектуальным центром по селекции и семеноводству овощных культур в России. В данной статье представлен 95-летний путь становления института в историческом разрезе от Грибовского сортового питомника до Федерального государственного бюджетного научного учреждения «Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт селекции и семеноводства овощных культур». Даны подробные описания основных периодов развития учреждения, краткие биографические данные работавших и работающих руководителей института, выдающихся ученых, внесших большой вклад в развитие селекции и семеноводства овощных культур нашей страны, их достижения и результаты научной деятельности. Сложившийся высококвалифицированный научный коллектив ВНИИССОК и оснащенная материально-техническая база института позволяют удержать лидерские позиции в области селекции и семеноводства овощных культур, удовлетворить запросы производителей для решения продовольственной безопасности России

    РЕШЕНИЕ АКТУАЛЬНЫХ ЗАДАЧ СЕЛЕКЦИИ ОВОЩНЫХ КУЛЬТУР В СВЕТЕ ИДЕЙ Н.И. ВАВИЛОВА (по материалам III-ей Международной научно-практической конференции «Современные тенденции в селекции и семеноводстве овощных культур. Традиции и перспективы», ВНИИССОК, 2012 г.)

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    November 25, 2012 the international scientific community of geneticists and plant breeders will be celebrating the 125thanniversary of the birth of botanist and genetics, agronomist, geographer and founder of the national school of biology and breeding, Academician Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov. A III-rd International Scientific-Practical Conference «Modern trends in plant breeding and seed production of vegetable crops. Traditions and Prospects» took place in VNIISSOK in August 2012, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of the scientist.25 ноября 2012 года мировое научное сообщество генетиков и се лекционеров растений будет отмечать 125 летие со дня рожде ния ботаника и генетика, агронома и географа, основателя от ечественной школы биологов растениеводов, академика Нико лая Ивановича Вавилова. В августе 2012 года во ВНИИССОК состоялась III-я Международная научно практическая конферен ция «Современные тенденции в селекции и семеноводстве овощ ных культур. Традиции и перспективы», посвященная этой знаменательной дате


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    The paper presents data on the role of vitamin D and calcium in the function of many human organs and tissues. Lifestyle, dietary preferences, and insufficient physical activity contribute to the high prevalence of vitamin D and calcium deficiencies in the adult population of Russia, causing different diseases and abnormalities. The authors have worked out recommendations for the preventive use of vitamin D and calcium in healthy population, give consumption rates for these substances, and describe the clinical and laboratory signs of vitamin D deficiency and indications for screening. They also propose treatment regimens for vitamin D deficiency and depict the signs of intoxication inoverdose. Particular emphasis is laid on the place of vitamin D and calcium in the therapy of osteoporosis

    Влияние комплекса хитозан-ß-циклодекстрин с левофлоксацином на микрофлору ран и толстого кишечника осетра

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    The authors in the article presented the results of determining the effectiveness of using the chitosan-ß-cyclodextrin complex with levofloxacin in the healing of mechanical wounds of valuable commercial fish sturgeons and their feeding. The experiment was conducted based on the “Progressive biotechnologies in aquaculture” research laboratory of the Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering. N.I. Vavilov. The microflora of incised wounds and the large intestine of sturgeon fingerlings under the influence of fluoroquinolone, represented by levofloxacin based on cyclodextrin, included in the shell of high-molecular chitosan, was studied. The studied microbiological indicators were chosen to determine that changes in the total number of microorganisms show the nature of the course of the inflammatory/pathological process, which contributes to the development of microorganisms (including opportunistic pathogens) and lactic acid bacteria in the intestine. Therefore, they are essential physiological indicators of the formation of “ intestinal immunity. It was found that the use of cyclodextrin with levofloxacin in the treatment of incised wounds in sturgeons leads to a significant decrease in the total microbial number (TMC) on their surface (by 10 thousand times compared to the group without treatment). It has been shown that using cyclodextrin with levofloxacin in feeding sturgeons reduces the total microbial number in the large intestine. This complex is characterised by good solubility and bioavailability for fish. The future study results can be used in aquaculture to treat mechanical injuries received during transportation and sorting in the rearing process in fish.Представлены результаты определения эффективности применения комплекса хитозан-ß-циклодекстрин с левофлоксацином в заживлении механических ран ценных промысловых рыб – осетров и их кормлении. Эксперимент проводили на базе научно-исследовательской лаборатории «Прогрессивные биотехнологии в аквакультуре» Саратовского государственного университета генетики, биотехнологии и инженерии им. Н.И. Вавилова. Исследовалась микрофлора резаных ран и толстого кишечника сеголетков осетров под действием фторхинолона, представленного левофлоксацином на основе циклодекстрина, включенного в оболочку высокомолекулярного хитозана. Исследуемые микробиологические показатели были выбраны для определения на том основании, что изменения общего количества микроорганизмов показывают характер течения воспалительного/патологического процесса, способствующего развитию микроорганизмов (в т.ч. условно-патогенных) и молочнокислых бактерий в кишечнике, поэтому являются важными физиологическими показателями формирования «кишечного иммунитета». Было обнаружено, что применение при лечении резаных ран у осетров циклодекстрина с левофлоксацином приводит к значительному уменьшению общего микробного числа (ОМЧ) на их поверхности (в 10 тыс. раз по сравнению с группой без лечения). Показано, что использование в кормлении осетров циклодекстрина с левофлоксацином также снижает общее микробное число в толстом кишечнике. Данный комплекс характеризуется хорошей растворимостью и биодоступностью для рыб. Результаты исследования в перспективе могут найти применение в аквакультуре при лечении механических травм, полученных при перевозке и сортировке в процессе выращивания, у рыб

    Миастенический синдром Ламберта–Итона на фоне беременности с развитием транзиторного миастенического синдрома новорожденного

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    Letus present a unique clinical case course of autoimmune non paraneoplastic myasthenic syndrome of Lambert–Eaton on the background of pregnancy, in the 24 years old patient, with a 3-year history of the disease. Throughout the pregnancy, birth and early postpartum period, patient was taking a stable unmodified drug therapy, which allowed observing "natural" course for neuromuscular disease. The first trimester of pregnancy proceeded without deterioration of the myasthenic syndrome. From the middle of the second trimester (19–20 weeks gestation), and the entire third trimester until parturition, the patient's condition for neuromuscular disease has improved, which was accompanied by an increase in strength of proximal limb muscles and the positive dynamics of the basic parameters of neuromuscular transmission. Deliveries came on ime, preceeded safely through vaginal delivery, without weakness of generic forces. There was born clinically healthy male child, weighing 2970 g, growth of 52 cm (7/8 Apgar score). However , on the second day in the newborn was marked negative dynamics of muscular hypotonia, extinction of neonatal reflexes, sucking weakness, episodes of apnea, which required tube feeding and non invasive oxygen support. Neuromuscular defect was transient in character and resolved within 5–7 days with administration in the morning hours of 20 mg of prednisone parenteral. The child was discharged with full recovery of function of the neuromuscular system on the 13th day breastfed. Shortly after birth the mother appeared in a state of negative dynamics: the increased weakness of the proximal muscles of the legs and arms, deteriorated parameters of the neuromuscular conduct. By analogy with myasthenia there appeared the similar influence of pregnancy on the Lambert Eaton myasthenic syndrome: 1) improvmem of the neuromuscular disease in II–III trimester of pregnancy, 2) intact ability to birth vaginally, 3) no evidence of neuromuscular disease in newborn at birth, 4) one day delay in the development of transient neonatal myasthenic syndrome, 5) postpartum mothers deterioration that increases while breastfeeding.Представлено уникальное клиническое наблюдение течения непаранеопластического аутоиммунного миастенического синдрома Ламберта–Итона у больной 24 лет на фоне беременности. На протяжении всей беременности, родов и раннего послеродового периода больная принимала стабильную немодифицированную фармакотерапию, что позволяло наблюдать «натуральное» течение нервно-мышечного заболевания. Первый триместр беременности протекал без ухудшения со стороны миастенического синдрома. С середины II триместра (19–20-я неделя беременности) и весь III триместр, вплоть до родов, состояние больной улучшалось: увеличивалась сила проксимальных мышц конечностей и наблюдалась положительная динамика основных параметров нервно-мышечной передачи. Роды наступили в срок, протекали благополучно через естественные родовые пути, без слабости родовых сил. Родился клинически здоровый младенец мужского пола, массой тела 2970 г, ростом 52 см (7/8 баллов по шкале Апгар). Однако на 2-е сутки жизни у новорожденного была отмечена отрицательная динамика в виде развития мышечной гипотонии, угасания неонатальных рефлексов, слабости сосания, эпизодов апноэ, что потребовало перевода на зондовое питание и проведения неинвазивной кислородной поддержки. Нервно-мышечный дефект новорожденного имел транзиторный характер и регрессировал в течение 5–7 дней на фоне введения в утренние часы 20 мг преднизолона парентерально. Ребенок был выписан с полным восстановлением функций нервно-мышечной системы на 13-й день жизни на грудном вскармливании. Вскоре после родов у матери увеличилась слабость проксимальных мышц ног и рук, ухудшились показатели нервно-мышечного проведения. По аналогии с миастенией обнаруживалось сходство влияния беременности на течение миастенического синдрома Ламберта-Итона: 1) улучшение нервно-мышечного состояния во II–III триместрах беременности; 2) сохранение способности к родамчерез естественные родовые пути; 3) отсутствие признаков патологии новорожденного при рождении; 4) отставание на сутки развития транзиторного неонатального миастенического синдрома; 5) послеродовое ухудшение состояния матери, усиливающееся на фоне грудного вскармливания


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    The vegetable production  is one of the economic sectors  that  provides  the  population  with  foodstuff  products with high biological values. To achieve independence in production  of the agricultural foodstuffs,  the part of imported  products should not be beyond 25 % from total volume of foodstuffs  fabricated. As a result of national breeding program, the varieties and hybrids adapted to different growing conditions, with resistance to  local races of pathogens, temperature stresses, and ground frosts were developed to provide the sustainable production of vegetables with high nutritional and medicinal qualities. The varieties and hybrids F1  of white  head cabbage that have been created for the last 5 years are distinguished from foreign ones by taste qualities, appropriate pickling characteristics with increased  sugar,  and  decreased  cellulose  contents. The local onion varieties combine long shelf life, early maturing, well bulb formation, high dry matter content (18-20%) and ability to form the bulb for one year. The cucumber  is  the  traditional  vegetable crop  in  Russia and very profitable for greenhouse enterprises. Breeders have developed bee-pollinated and parthenocarpic hybrids well adapted to local growing conditions and  suitable  for   open  field   cultivation   in  different regions of Russia. Parthenocarpic heterotic hybrids of the  multi-propose  use, corresponding  to  the  modern variety model with high productivity, early-ripening, bunch ovary disposition, resistance to abiotic stresses, and  most  harmful  diseases. The carrot  and  red  beet varieties with  high nutritional  qualities, long shelf-life, ecological plasticity that are widely used for seed production have been created. The varieties of nightshade crops have been developed to cultivate in NonChernozem zone, Far East, Western Siberia, the Middle Belt of Russia and the south of Russia, are also suitable for different greenhouse complexes located in different light zones of the Russia. Wide application of varieties produced through national vegetable breeding programs can provide the population with our own products of high quality