6 research outputs found

    Kemo-mekanik çürük temizleme yöntemi ve geleneksel döner aletler ile temizlenen süt dişi dentin yüzeylerinin fiziko-kimyasal etkilerinin karılaştırılması

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    Amaç: Bu çalışma, süt dişi dentini yüzeyindeki çürüğün kemo-mekanik olarak Carisolv™ multimix jeli ve geleneksel döner aletler ile temizlenmesi sonrası fiziko-kimyasal etkilerini karşılaştırmak amacıyla yapıldı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Carisolv™ jeli ve döner aletlerle temizlenen dentin yüzey özellikleri taramalı elektron mikroskobuyla, pürüzlülükler ise yüzey profilometresi ile değerlendirildi. Bu amaçla, okluzal çürüklü çekilmiş 30 adet süt azı dişi dikey eksenine paralel olarak ikiye bölündü ve tek tarafındaki çürük lezyonu Carisolv™ jeli, diğeri ise geleneksel döner aletler ile temizlendi. Bulgular: Carisolv™ jeli ile temizlenen dentin yüzeylerinde, döner aletlere göre pürüzlülük değerlerinde azalma olduğu fakat bu azalmanın anlamlı olmadığı saptandı. Döner aletlerle temizlendikten sonra alınan SEM görüntüsünde, dentin yüzeylerindeki kollajen liflerin yer yer devamlılıklarını yitirdiği, smear tabakası ile dentin tübüllerinin tıkandığı ve uniform, düz bir yüzeyin oluştuğu gözlendi. Carisolv™ jeli ile temizledikten sonra SEM görüntüsünde dentin yüzeylerinde kollajen yapının devamlılığını sürdürdüğü, dentin tübüllerinde bir tıkanma olmadığı ve döner aletlerle temizlenen dentine göre yüzeyin daha pürüzlü ve poröz bir yapıda olduğu gözlendi. Sonuç: Bu sonuçlar ışığında Carisolv™ jeli ile çürük temizlemenin ardından yapılacak olan rezin bazlı restorasyonun tutuculuğunun, geleneksel döner aletlere göre daha iyi olacağı ileri sürülmektedir

    Practical, rapid, and cost-efficient interior architectural precautions for prevention of COVID-19 in the workplace

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    Ozenen, Gurkan/0000-0001-7996-8097BACKGROUND: During the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been essential for some workplaces to stay open. Considering the rapid spread of the virus, interior architectural re-designing of these essential workplaces such as markets, banks, and drugstores is crucial for prevention. The employees, as well as the customers in these workplaces, have a high infection rate. Some precautions need to be taken urgently to prevent the spread of the disease. Some workplaces may have already performed their action plan whereas others have not. OBJECTIVE: Some practical, rapid, and cost-efficient preventive precautions are presented in this paper for employers to take action in their workplaces. METHODS: Two new proposals are advised to be carried out. The contents of these newly designed barriers will be introduced. RESULTS: Some practical and cost-efficient ideas are given within this report. CONCLUSION: All the preventions proposed in this paper are claimed to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and may save lives around the country as well as the world

    Dental Education for Prevention of Oral Cancer in Turkey: Needs for Changing the Curriculum

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    OZDEMIR-OZENEN, Didem/0000-0002-2607-7634; Ozcakir-Tomruk, Ceyda/0000-0003-1545-5588; Ozdemir-Karatas, Meltem/0000-0001-7132-9936The aim of the present study is to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of dental students on oral cancer in Istanbul, Turkey. A self-administered questionnaire adapted from Tanriover et al. consisting of 48 questions was distributed to 311 students enrolled in the fourth and fifth grades of a dental faculty in Istanbul, Turkey. Questions were grouped under 5 main headings: socio-demographic features, knowledge on risk factors and diagnostic procedures, history taking regarding to alcohol and smoking status, opinions and behaviors of oral cancer, and distribution of dental students according to diagnostic practice of oral cancer. The frequencies and percentages were calculated with descriptive analysis. The differences in distributions were analyzed using the chi-squared test. The p value was set at 0.05 for statistical significance. The overall response rate was 98% (305/311). The majority of the students identified tobacco and alcohol as risk factors (82% and 75.1%, respectively), while older age and inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables were less likely to be known (60.2% and 52.8%, respectively). Almost one-fifth of the students stated that they have never performed oral cancer examinations during their first or subsequent dental examinations of their patients. Female students thought that dentists were authorized to make oral cancer examinations with a higher frequency compared to males (65.8% and 34.2%, respectively; p = 0.006). On the other hand, female students reported that they did not receive adequate education regarding cessation of smoking with a higher frequency compared with males (69.2% female and 30.8% male respectively; p = 0.0001). As this present study revealed that future dentists had insufficient knowledge in some of the main concepts on oral cancer risk factors, and they lacked the confidence in performing oral examinations in their patients, it is concluded that there is a need for a more structured teaching program with greater emphasis on the early signs and risk factors of OC. Reorganization of the dental curriculum, and courses which further draw attention on the responsibility of the dental practitioner in the detection of oral cancers will be beneficial for the creation of awareness on this significant topic among future dental workforce. Understanding the knowledge and perception of dental students on oral cancers is not only limited to a specific country but it is a worldwide critical issue in which information should be exchanged

    Competencies of Performance Appraisal in a Dentistry School: A 6-Year Study

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    Ozenen, Gurkan/0000-0001-7996-8097; Sungurtekin-Ekci, Elif/0000-0001-8465-8309; OZDEMIR-OZENEN, Didem/0000-0002-2607-7634; Tanriover, Ozlem/0000-0003-0251-3451This study was performed to determine how senior students rate the importance of each competency of their performance and collect information on the self-perceived confidence levels pertaining to each competency. An anonymous survey was conducted on senior students of 6 consecutive years between 2012 and 2017. Students were asked to rate the importance of each competency and their self-confidences using a 5-point scale. Application of appropriate interpersonal and communication skills was ranked as the most important competency whereas developing a catastrophe preparedness plan for dental practice was ranked as having the lowest importance. Areas reported as weaker should be a warning sign for educators to develop strategies for better delivery and implementation of competencies and students' performance

    Competencies of Performance Appraisal in a Dentistry School: A 6-Year Study

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    This study was performed to determine how senior students rate the importance of each competency of their performance and collect information on the self-perceived confidence levels pertaining to each competency. An anonymous survey was conducted on senior students of 6 consecutive years between 2012 and 2017. Students were asked to rate the importance of each competency and their self-confidences using a 5-point scale. Application of appropriate interpersonal and communication skills was ranked as the most important competency whereas developing a catastrophe preparedness plan for dental practice was ranked as having the lowest importance. Areas reported as weaker should be a warning sign for educators to develop strategies for better delivery and implementation of competencies and students' performance