18 research outputs found

    In vivo Gene Therapy of the Equine Distal Extremity with Recombinant Adeno-Associated Viral Vectors for the Treatment of Laminitis

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    Gene therapy offers the potential for treating laminitis without disrupting the hoof and its lamellar architecture

    Multiple Recombinant Adeno-Associated Viral Vector Serotypes Display Persistent In Vivo Gene Expression in Vector-Transduced Rat Stifle Joints

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    Our aim was to investigate serotype-specific cell and tissue-transduction tropisms, transgene expression levels and longevity, and immunogenicity of candidate rAAV serotypes in rat osteochondral cells, tissues, and stifle joints. In vitro, we used six rAAV serotypes and two promoters to transduce synoviocytes and chondrocytes. Serotypes rAAV2/5 and 2/2 yielded the highest transduction efficiency 4 days after transduction. No differences were detected between cytomegalovirus and chicken β-actin promoters. In vivo, intra-articular injection was used to introduce four rAAV serotypes into 4-month-old rats in the left stifle joint. Eleven months later, serotype 2/5 vector, diluted with saline or surfactant, was injected into the right stifle joint of the same rats. Rats were analyzed up to 12 months after initial injection. Bioluminescence was detected at 7 days and all serotypes tested displayed bioluminescence above controls after 1 year in the left stifle. Gene expression was detected in the right stifle joints of all rats with the exception of rats previously injected with serotype 2/5. We observed no difference irrespective of whether the luciferin was injected subcutaneously or intraperitoneally. However, surfactant-diluted vectors led to increased gene expression compared with saline-diluted vectors. Cell- and tissue-specific transduction was observed in rat stifles injected with an nLacZ-containing rAAV. Transduction was greatest in stromal tissues and mesenchymal cell types. Exposure to a specific serotype did not inhibit subsequent transduction with a different serotype at a second vector injection. Including surfactant as a vector diluent increased gene expression within the stifle joint and should be considered for in vivo gene therapy applications. Mason and colleagues investigate serotype-specific cell and tissue transduction tropisms, transgene expression levels, and longevity, as well as immunogenicity of candidate recombinant adenoassociated virus vectors (rAAV) in rat osteochondral cells, tissues, and stifle joints. Transduction was greatest in stromal tissues and mesenchymal cell types. Exposure to a specific serotype did not inhibit subsequent transduction with a different serotype. Including surfactant as a vector diluent increased gene expression within the stifle joint

    Wnt10b and Dkk-1 Gene Therapy Differentially Influenced Trabecular Bone Architecture, Soft Tissue Integrity and Osteophytosis in a Skeletally Mature Rat Model of Osteoarthritis

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    Aims: Our goals in the current experiments were to determine if (a) upregulation of Wnt signaling would induce osteoarthritis changes in stable stifle joints and (b) if downregulation of Wnt signaling in destabilized joints would influence the progression of OA. Methods: At 37 weeks of age, rats were injected in the stifle joint with a recombinant adeno-associated viral vector containing the Wnt-inhibitor Dkk-1 or a Wnt10b transgene. At 40 weeks of age, rats underwent surgical destabilization of the joint. At 50 weeks of age, stifle joints were submitted for micro-computed tomography and histopathological analysis. Results: Injection of either Wnt10b or Dkk-1 transgenes in stable joints improved bone architectural parameters, but worsened soft tissue integrity. Osteophytosis was decreased by Dkk-1, but unchanged by Wnt10b. Destabilization negatively influenced bone architecture, increased osteophytosis, and decreased soft tissue integrity. Dkk-1 exacerbated the negative effects of destabilization, whereas Wnt10b had little effect on these parameters. Osteophytosis was improved, whereas soft tissue integrity was worsened by both transgenes in destabilized joints. Conclusions: The Wnt-inhibitor Dkk-1 does not appear to completely inhibit the effects of Wnt signaling on bone remodeling. In vivo upregulation of Wnt10b and its inhibitor, Dkk-1, can produce both parallel or contrasting phenotypic responses depending on the specific parameter measured and the fidelity of the examined joint. These observations elucidate different roles for Wnt signaling in stable versus destabilized joints and may help to explain the conflicting results previously reported for the role of Dkk-1 in joint disease

    Structural Characterization of the Dual Glycan Binding Adeno-Associated Virus Serotype 6▿ †

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    The three-dimensional structure of adeno-associated virus (AAV) serotype 6 (AAV6) was determined using cryo-electron microscopy and image reconstruction and using X-ray crystallography to 9.7- and 3.0-Å resolution, respectively. The AAV6 capsid contains a highly conserved, eight-stranded (βB to βI) β-barrel core and large loop regions between the strands which form the capsid surface, as observed in other AAV structures. The loops show conformational variation compared to other AAVs, consistent with previous reports that amino acids in these loop regions are involved in differentiating AAV receptor binding, transduction efficiency, and antigenicity properties. Toward structure-function annotation of AAV6 with respect to its unique dual glycan receptor (heparan sulfate and sialic acid) utilization for cellular recognition, and its enhanced lung epithelial transduction compared to other AAVs, the capsid structure was compared to that of AAV1, which binds sialic acid and differs from AAV6 in only 6 out of 736 amino acids. Five of these residues are located at or close to the icosahedral 3-fold axis of the capsid, thereby identifying this region as imparting important functions, such as receptor attachment and transduction phenotype. Two of the five observed amino acids are located in the capsid interior, suggesting that differential AAV infection properties are also controlled by postentry intracellular events. Density ordered inside the capsid, under the 3-fold axis in a previously reported, conserved AAV DNA binding pocket, was modeled as a nucleotide and a base, further implicating this capsid region in AAV genome recognition and/or stabilization

    Mapping a neutralizing epitope onto the capsid of adeno-associated virus serotype 8.

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    Adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) are small single-stranded DNA viruses that can package and deliver nongenomic DNA for therapeutic gene delivery. AAV8, a liver-tropic vector, has shown great promise for the treatment of hemophilia A and B. However, as with other AAV vectors, host anti-capsid immune responses are a deterrent to therapeutic success. To characterize the antigenic structure of this vector, cryo-electron microscopy and image reconstruction (cryo-reconstruction) combined with molecular genetics, biochemistry, and in vivo approaches were used to define an antigenic epitope on the AAV8 capsid surface for a neutralizing monoclonal antibody, ADK8. Docking of the crystal structures of AAV8 and a generic Fab into the cryo-reconstruction for the AAV8-ADK8 complex identified a footprint on the prominent protrusions that flank the 3-fold axes of the icosahedrally symmetric capsid. Mutagenesis and cell-binding studies, along with in vitro and in vivo transduction assays, showed that the major ADK8 epitope is formed by an AAV variable region, VRVIII (amino acids 586 to 591 [AAV8 VP1 numbering]), which lies on the surface of the protrusions facing the 3-fold axis. This region plays a role in AAV2 and AAV8 cellular transduction. Coincidently, cell binding and trafficking assays indicate that ADK8 affects a postentry step required for successful virus trafficking to the nucleus, suggesting a probable mechanism of neutralization. This structure-directed strategy for characterizing the antigenic regions of AAVs can thus generate useful information to help re-engineer vectors that escape host neutralization and are hence more efficacious

    Adeno-associated virus serotype 1 (AAV1)- and AAV5-antibody complex structures reveal evolutionary commonalities in parvovirus antigenic reactivity.

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    UnlabelledThe clinical utility of the adeno-associated virus (AAV) gene delivery system has been validated by the regulatory approval of an AAV serotype 1 (AAV1) vector for the treatment of lipoprotein lipase deficiency. However, neutralization from preexisting antibodies is detrimental to AAV transduction efficiency. Hence, mapping of AAV antigenic sites and engineering of neutralization-escaping vectors are important for improving clinical efficacy. We report the structures of four AAV-monoclonal antibody fragment complexes, AAV1-ADK1a, AAV1-ADK1b, AAV5-ADK5a, and AAV5-ADK5b, determined by cryo-electron microscopy and image reconstruction to a resolution of ∼11 to 12 Å. Pseudoatomic modeling mapped the ADK1a epitope to the protrusions surrounding the icosahedral 3-fold axis and the ADK1b and ADK5a epitopes, which overlap, to the wall between depressions at the 2- and 5-fold axes (2/5-fold wall), and the ADK5b epitope spans both the 5-fold axis-facing wall of the 3-fold protrusion and portions of the 2/5-fold wall of the capsid. Combined with the six antigenic sites previously elucidated for different AAV serotypes through structural approaches, including AAV1 and AAV5, this study identified two common AAV epitopes: one on the 3-fold protrusions and one on the 2/5-fold wall. These epitopes coincide with regions with the highest sequence and structure diversity between AAV serotypes and correspond to regions determining receptor recognition and transduction phenotypes. Significantly, these locations overlap the two dominant epitopes reported for autonomous parvoviruses. Thus, rather than the amino acid sequence alone, the antigenic sites of parvoviruses appear to be dictated by structural features evolved to enable specific infectious functions.ImportanceThe adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) are promising vectors for in vivo therapeutic gene delivery, with more than 20 years of intense research now realized in a number of successful human clinical trials that report therapeutic efficacy. However, a large percentage of the population has preexisting AAV capsid antibodies and therefore must be excluded from clinical trials or vector readministration. This report represents our continuing efforts to understand the antigenic structure of the AAVs, specifically, to obtain a picture of "polyclonal" reactivity as is the situation in humans. It describes the structures of four AAV-antibody complexes determined by cryo-electron microscopy and image reconstruction, increasing the number of mapped epitopes to four and three, respectively, for AAV1 and AAV5, two vectors currently in clinical trials. The results presented provide information essential for generating antigenic escape vectors to overcome a critical challenge remaining in the optimization of this highly promising vector delivery system