201 research outputs found

    BiologicalNetworks: visualization and analysis tool for systems biology

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    Systems level investigation of genomic scale information requires the development of truly integrated databases dealing with heterogeneous data, which can be queried for simple properties of genes or other database objects as well as for complex network level properties, for the analysis and modelling of complex biological processes. Towards that goal, we recently constructed PathSys, a data integration platform for systems biology, which provides dynamic integration over a diverse set of databases [Baitaluk et al. (2006) BMC Bioinformatics 7, 55]. Here we describe a server, BiologicalNetworks, which provides visualization, analysis services and an information management framework over PathSys. The server allows easy retrieval, construction and visualization of complex biological networks, including genome-scale integrated networks of protein–protein, protein–DNA and genetic interactions. Most importantly, BiologicalNetworks addresses the need for systematic presentation and analysis of high-throughput expression data by mapping and analysis of expression profiles of genes or proteins simultaneously on to regulatory, metabolic and cellular networks. BiologicalNetworks Server is available at

    Processing Analytical Queries in the AWESOME Polystore [Information Systems Architectures]

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    Modern big data applications usually involve heterogeneous data sources and analytical functions, leading to increasing demand for polystore systems, especially analytical polystore systems. This paper presents AWESOME system along with a domain-specific language ADIL. ADIL is a powerful language which supports 1) native heterogeneous data models such as Corpus, Graph, and Relation; 2) a rich set of analytical functions; and 3) clear and rigorous semantics. AWESOME is an efficient tri-store middle-ware which 1) is built on the top of three heterogeneous DBMSs (Postgres, Solr, and Neo4j) and is easy to be extended to incorporate other systems; 2) supports the in-memory query engines and is equipped with analytical capability; 3) applies a cost model to efficiently execute workloads written in ADIL; 4) fully exploits machine resources to improve scalability. A set of experiments on real workloads demonstrate the capability, efficiency, and scalability of AWESOME

    BiologicalNetworks 2.0 - an integrative view of genome biology data

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    Abstract Background A significant problem in the study of mechanisms of an organism's development is the elucidation of interrelated factors which are making an impact on the different levels of the organism, such as genes, biological molecules, cells, and cell systems. Numerous sources of heterogeneous data which exist for these subsystems are still not integrated sufficiently enough to give researchers a straightforward opportunity to analyze them together in the same frame of study. Systematic application of data integration methods is also hampered by a multitude of such factors as the orthogonal nature of the integrated data and naming problems. Results Here we report on a new version of BiologicalNetworks, a research environment for the integral visualization and analysis of heterogeneous biological data. BiologicalNetworks can be queried for properties of thousands of different types of biological entities (genes/proteins, promoters, COGs, pathways, binding sites, and other) and their relations (interactions, co-expression, co-citations, and other). The system includes the build-pathways infrastructure for molecular interactions/relations and module discovery in high-throughput experiments. Also implemented in BiologicalNetworks are the Integrated Genome Viewer and Comparative Genomics Browser applications, which allow for the search and analysis of gene regulatory regions and their conservation in multiple species in conjunction with molecular pathways/networks, experimental data and functional annotations. Conclusions The new release of BiologicalNetworks together with its back-end database introduces extensive functionality for a more efficient integrated multi-level analysis of microarray, sequence, regulatory, and other data. BiologicalNetworks is freely available at http://www.biologicalnetworks.org

    PathSys: integrating molecular interaction graphs for systems biology

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    BACKGROUND: The goal of information integration in systems biology is to combine information from a number of databases and data sets, which are obtained from both high and low throughput experiments, under one data management scheme such that the cumulative information provides greater biological insight than is possible with individual information sources considered separately. RESULTS: Here we present PathSys, a graph-based system for creating a combined database of networks of interaction for generating integrated view of biological mechanisms. We used PathSys to integrate over 14 curated and publicly contributed data sources for the budding yeast (S. cerevisiae) and Gene Ontology. A number of exploratory questions were formulated as a combination of relational and graph-based queries to the integrated database. Thus, PathSys is a general-purpose, scalable, graph-data warehouse of biological information, complete with a graph manipulation and a query language, a storage mechanism and a generic data-importing mechanism through schema-mapping. CONCLUSION: Results from several test studies demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach in retrieving biologically interesting relations between genes and proteins, the networks connecting them, and of the utility of PathSys as a scalable graph-based warehouse for interaction-network integration and a hypothesis generator system. The PathSys's client software, named BiologicalNetworks, developed for navigation and analyses of molecular networks, is available as a Java Web Start application at
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