106 research outputs found

    Critical Race Lawyering in Tulia, Texas

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    Keynote Remarks

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    In communities across America today, from Ferguson, Missouri, to Flint, Michigan, too many people—especially young people and people of color—live trapped by the weight of poverty and injustice. They suffer the disparate impact of policies driven by, at best, benign neglect, and at worst, deliberate indifference. And they see how discrimination stacks the deck against them. So today, as we discuss the inequality that pervades our criminal justice system—a defining civil rights challenge of the 21st century—we must also acknowledge the broader inequalities we face in other segments of society. Because discrimination in so many areas—from the classroom, to the workforce, to the marketplace—perpetuates the inequality we see in our justice system. And for those already living paycheck-to-paycheck, a single incident—whether an arrest by the police or a fine by the court—can set off a downward spiral. It can lead to a cycle of profound problems that ruin lives and tear apart families. Problems like losing your health care, your job, your children, or your home. As someone who focuses on civil rights work and criminal justice reform, I see these problems every day. But today in America, I also see a country on the cusp of change. Across a wide range of political perspectives, policymakers and advocates have come together to bridge divides and support meaningful criminal justice reform. And I’m proud to say that this administration—and this Department of Justice—has made criminal justice reform a top priority. We believe that our country needs, and deserves, a criminal justice system that more effectively protects our communities, more fairly treats our people, and more prudently spends our resources. And we believe that no matter how deeply rooted and long-standing the injustices that underlie inequality in our criminal justice system—with clear thinking, hard work and collaboration—we can make real progress

    Keynote Remarks

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    In communities across America today, from Ferguson, Missouri, to Flint, Michigan, too many people—especially young people and people of color—live trapped by the weight of poverty and injustice. They suffer the disparate impact of policies driven by, at best, benign neglect, and at worst, deliberate indifference. And they see how discrimination stacks the deck against them. So today, as we discuss the inequality that pervades our criminal justice system—a defining civil rights challenge of the 21st century—we must also acknowledge the broader inequalities we face in other segments of society. Because discrimination in so many areas—from the classroom, to the workforce, to the marketplace—perpetuates the inequality we see in our justice system. And for those already living paycheck-to-paycheck, a single incident—whether an arrest by the police or a fine by the court—can set off a downward spiral. It can lead to a cycle of profound problems that ruin lives and tear apart families. Problems like losing your health care, your job, your children, or your home. As someone who focuses on civil rights work and criminal justice reform, I see these problems every day. But today in America, I also see a country on the cusp of change. Across a wide range of political perspectives, policymakers and advocates have come together to bridge divides and support meaningful criminal justice reform. And I’m proud to say that this administration—and this Department of Justice—has made criminal justice reform a top priority. We believe that our country needs, and deserves, a criminal justice system that more effectively protects our communities, more fairly treats our people, and more prudently spends our resources. And we believe that no matter how deeply rooted and long-standing the injustices that underlie inequality in our criminal justice system—with clear thinking, hard work and collaboration—we can make real progress

    Cyto-histopathological correlation in palpable breast lesions

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    Background: Breast lesions are one of the most commonly encountered lesions in women which require prompt pathological confirmation by fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) and histopathological examination.Methods: We conducted a prospective study from January 2015 to December 2015. A total 98 cases included presenting with palpable breast lump in which 80 cases were also subjected to surgical biopsy or mastectomy.Results: Out of 98 cases, 34.7% benign cases, 59.2% malignant cases, and 6.1% non-neoplastic case were diagnosed cytologically in which 7 (7.1%) cases of mastitis, 2 cases (2%) of granulomatous mastitis, 22 cases (22.4%) of fibroadenoma, 11 cases (11.2%) of benign breast disease or fibrocystic disease, 10 (10.2%) cases of dyskaryotic changes , 45 cases (45.9%) carcinoma. Mean age was 46.4±14.2 years. Majority of cases 29(29.6%) belonged to 41-50 years age group. Majority of the masses were situated in the left breast (57.2%) in the upper outer quadrant (40.8%). In addition to breast lump, pain in 22 cases, bloody discharge in 5 cases, ulceration in 8 cases and nipple retraction in 11 cases were present. Histology was available for 80 cases in which 5 (6.3%) cases of non-neoplastic, 27 cases (33.7%) benign and 48 cases (60%) of malignant histology. FNAC proved to be 91.25 % sensitivity in the diagnosis of all breast lesions in our study.Conclusions: So we concluded that breast lesions are easily accessible to FNAC, which is an easy, cost effective and less time-consuming procedure. FNAC is used to diagnose both benign and malignant lesions.


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    Histamine is referred to as common allergic reactions and symptoms. Most of them are compared to histamine intolerance. Some common responses involved with this intolerance may vary but include headaches or migraines, nasal congestion or sinus problems, fatigue, hives, digestive problems, irregular menstrual cycle, nausea, and vomiting. Histamine is derived from a natural amino acid, S-histidine, through the histidine decarboxylase/ aromatic decarboxylase catalysis. Histamine is the compound that the mast cell generates for the immune response. Histamine promotes gastrointestinal secretion and induces capillary dilation, bronchial smooth muscle constriction, and reduced blood pressure. Antihistamines are medicinal products to treat allergic rhinitis and allergies. This includes the in vitro animal model and in-vivo tissue preparation antihistaminic activity. Animal models are significant instruments for understanding the pathological process of human illnesses in experimental medical science. Medicines associated with antihistamine include antiallergy, antivertigo, antimigraine, sedatives, antiemetic, etc. Elderly people are much more likely than youthful people to develop sleepiness from the use of antihistamines. The most common drugs used are cetirizine, levocetirizine, chlorpheniramine, diphenhydramine, loratadine, cimetidine, and fexofenadine. Animal models include histamine-induced bronchoconstriction, passive paw anaphylaxis, milk-induced leukocytosis and eosinophilia, clonidine, and haloperidol-induced catalepsy. While tissue models include isolated goat, and guinea-pig trachea chain preparation, as well as an isolated guinea pig, rat, mice ileum tissue preparation, and the dose-response curve of histamine, were plotted. The focus of the study had been on herbal plants and medicinal products, as they can effectively boost a variety of circumstances without significant adverse side effects. We can assess antihistaminic activity by using plant extracts or any synthetic drug

    Clinical profile and outcome of patients with placenta previa: a study at a tertiary care referral institute in Northern India

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    Background: The aim of this study was to determine clinical profile, evaluate our antenatal and intraoperative management and see the maternal and perinatal outcome in patients with placenta previa.Methods: A prospective study was carried out in 130 women with placenta previa in the Department of Gynecology, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India between Jan 2015–April 2016. The profile of these patients was recorded in a predesigned proforma and maternal and perinatal outcome analyzed in detail.Results: One third (46/130) of the patients with placenta previa had a history of previous caesarian section, 27% had previous uterine curettage and 82% were multiparous.18% were asymptomatic placenta previa whereas 82% had one or more bleeding episodes. Expectant management was given to 67% patients after first bleeding episode. Majority (92/130) of patients required emergency cesarean section. Due to invasive placentation, 25 patients required cesarean hysterectomy. Ninety percent patients required delivery at ≤37 weeks and neonatal outcome improved with increasing gestation as expected.Conclusions: Reduction in cesarean rate is the major key factor for decreasing the incidence of placenta previa as, as well as placenta accreta and other associated complications as there were no patients diagnosed to have placenta accreta when placenta previa was present without any previous cesarean scar. In cases of invasive placenta, performing a classical CS, not trying to remove the placenta and proceeding directly to hysterectomy resulted in reduced blood loss. Neonatal outcome as well as maternal outcome is best when cesarean is done between 36-37 weeks

    Immune response against M protein-conserved region peptides from prevalent group A Streptococcus in a North Indian population

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    BackgroundGroup A streptococci (GAS) cause infections with a high prevalence in most developing countries. A GAS vaccine under trial that is based on the amino-terminus of the M protein provides type-specific immunity, and hence seems ineffective in India because of heterogeneous emm types. However, the conserved C-terminal region of the M protein protects against multiple serotypes. In this paper, the immune response generated against the conserved C-repeat region of the M protein was checked in an Indian population to establish their vaccine candidature.MethodsWhen screened for GAS, patients with pharyngitis, rheumatic fever/rheumatic heart disease (RF/RHD), and invasive disease showed heterogeneous emm types, out of which five prevalent types (1-2, 11, 49, 75 and 112) were selected for the study. The C-terminal region of their M proteins showed conserved C1-, C2-, and C3-repeats. The C1-repeat was more diverse and had two different J14-like sequences. Peptides to these C-terminal regions (J14.1 and J14-R6) were designed. Antibodies against these peptides were analyzed using the sera of 130 GAS-infected volunteers.ResultsSerum antibodies were significantly higher in patients with acute rheumatic fever, RHD, and invasive disease than in patients with pharyngitis or the healthy controls. The serum antibodies to these peptides was higher in teenagers and adults than in children.ConclusionResults showed an association between streptococcal disease progression and the age-related development of immunity to the conserved regions. Hence, these peptides could be considered protective in impeding streptococcal infections worldwide

    Association of polymorphisms in pulmonary surfactant protein A1 and A2 genes with high-altitude pulmonary edema

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    Study objectives: A potential pathogenetic cofactor for the development of high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) is an increase in capillary permeability, which could occur as a result of an inflammatory reaction and/or free-radical-mediated injury to the lung. Pulmonary surfactant protein A (SP-A), the most abundant surfactant protein, has potent antioxidant properties and protects unsaturated phospholipids and growing cells from oxidative injury. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in SP-A1 and SP-A2, genes encoding SP-A, have been associated with susceptibility to respiratory distress syndrome, COPD, and pulmonary infections. In view of the protective role of SP-A against inflammatory reactions and oxidative damage, the two underlying mechanisms in development of HAPE, we examined the association of constitutional susceptibility to HAPE with polymorphisms in SP-A1 and SP-A2. Design: A cross-sectional case-control study. Setting: Blood samples were collected at an altitude (≥ 3,500 m). Participants: Twelve low-altitude native (LAN) subjects with a history of HAPE, 15 healthy LAN sojourners without a history of HAPE (LAN control subjects), and 19 healthy high-altitude natives (HANs) without a history of HAPE (HAN control subjects). Measurements: The SNPs in four exons and intermediate introns of the SP-A1 and SP-A2 were screened by polymerase chain reaction and sequencing. Biochemical parameters related to oxidative stress (malondialdehyde and reduced glutathione in RBC) and membrane permeability (circulating levels of lactate dehydrogenase) were measured in plasma. Results: Allele frequencies of three loci in SP-A1 and one in SP-A2 were significantly different between LAN HAPE patients (SP-A1 C1101T: C allele, 36.4% and T allele, 63.6%; SP-A1 T3192C: T allele, 61.1% and C allele, 38.9%; SP-A1 T3234C: T allele, 61.1% and C allele, 38.9%; and SP-A2 A3265C: A allele, 21.4% and C allele, 78.6%) and LAN control subjects (SP-A1 C1101T: C allele, 8.3% and T allele, 91.7%; SP-A1 T3192C: T allele, 15% and C allele, 85%; SP-A1 T3234C: T allele, 15% and C allele, 85%; and SP-A2 A3265C: A allele, 37.5% and C allele, 62.5%) [C1101T odds ratio [OR], 6.3 with 95% confidence interval (CI), 2.8 to 14.3; T3192C OR, 8.9 with 95% CI, 4.5 to 17.6; T3234C OR, 8.9 with 95% CI, 4.5 to 17.6; and A3265C OR, 2.2 with 95% CI, 1.2 to 4.1 (p ≤ 0.01)]. Heterozygous individuals, with respect to SP-A1 C1101T and SP-A2 A3265C, showed less severity in oxidative damage in comparison with homozygous subjects (SP-A1 T1101 and SP-A2 C3265). Conclusion: The polymorphisms in SP-A1 (C1101T, T3192C, and T3234C) and SP-A2 (A3265C) might be one of the genetic factors contributing to susceptibility to HAPE

    Knowledge and awareness of basic life support among MBBS students in tertiary care hospital in Uttar Pradesh

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    Background: Every medical student in India have to undergo a compulsory rotatory internship for completion of their course where they encounter various medical emergencies and apply their medical knowledge. An early encounter to a basic life support course and training will increase the efficacy of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and thus the outcome of the patient. This study was designed to test knowledge of MBBS students in a tertiary care hospital.Methods: This observational study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital in Uttar Pradesh and used a preformed validated questionnaire to test awareness and knowledge of basic life support and cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a sample of 500 MBBS students. Descriptive analysis was performed on the questionnaire responses. All data obtained from the questionnaire was evaluated and statistically analysed using software IBM SPSS Statistics software version 24 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) for MS windows.Results: With a response rate of 47% among 500 MBBS students, the mean score obtained was 2.34±1.066 out of a maximum score of five. A maximum score of 2.804±1.055 obtained by 5th-year students. Surprisingly, first-year students achieved an average score of 2.66±0.97, which was higher than that of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year students. 87% of students were like-minded to participate in the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) awareness program. Only 45% of students correctly answered the order of CPR as C-A-B (chest compression-airway-breathing).Conclusions: The study showed that though the awareness and importance of basic life support (BLS) are high among the medical students, the accurate knowledge required in performing BLS is inadequate. This study also showed that the National medical commission has taken a positive step in the incorporation of BLS in the curriculum

    2023 Judge Horace J. Johnson, Jr. Lecture on Race, Law and Policy with Vanita Gupta

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    School of Law Dean Peter Bo Rutledge gave introductory remarks, while law faculty members Clare Norins and John Meixner co-moderated, and SPIA Dean Matthew Auer provided closing remarks. Vanita Gupta is the 19thUnited States Associate Attorney General and serves as the third-ranking official at the Department of Justice. Associate Attorney General Gupta supervises multiple litigating divisions within the Department of Justice, including the Civil Division, Civil Rights Division, Antitrust Division, Tax Division, and Environmental and Natural Resources Division. She also oversees the grant making components of the Department, including the Office of Justice Programs, the Office on Violence Against Women, and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services; and supervises the Office for Access to Justice, Office of Information Policy, the Community Relations Service, the Executive Office for United States Trustees, the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, and the Service members and Veterans Initiative. Associate Attorney General Gupta previously served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, the nation’s oldest and largest coalition of non-partisan civil rights organizations in the United States. Before serving in that capacity, from October 15, 2014, to January 20, 2017, Associate Attorney General Gupta served as Acting Assistant Attorney General and Head of the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division. Appointed by President Barack Obama as the chief civil rights prosecutor for the United States, Associate Attorney General Gupta advanced a wide range of civil rights enforcement matters. Prior to her tenure leading the Civil Rights Division, Associate Attorney General Gupta served as Deputy Legal Director and the Director of the Center for Justice at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). In addition to managing litigation, Associate Attorney General Gupta created and led the ACLU’s Smart Justice Campaign aimed at promoting bipartisan justice reform while keeping communities safe. She began her legal career as an attorney at the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund. Associate Attorney General Gupta graduated magna cum laude from Yale University and received her law degree from New York University School of Law, where later she taught a civil rights litigation clinic for several year
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