38 research outputs found

    Maternal and fetal outcomes with the use of prostaglandins E2 as a cervical ripening agent for induction of labour

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    Background: In modern medicine induction of labour is required in patients for a good feto-maternal outcome. PGE2 is a prostaglandin analogue which has been used as a cervical ripening agent to improve bishops score. Objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of intravaginal PGE2 gel as a cervical ripening agent in unfavourable cervix for induction of labor and any complications associated with its use.Methods: This study comprised of 90 women who required labor induction. Singleton pregnancy above 37 weeks, live intrauterine fetus, Cephalic presentation, Bishop score of 1-6, reactive FHR pattern were included. Women who required only single induction were categorized as Group 1. Those requiring more than one dose after reassessment of bishops scoring at 6, 12 and 18 hours belonged to Group 2.Results: Group1 had more of younger population below 30 years consisting more primigravidas with > 80% women having gestational age of > 39 weeks. Most common indication for induction of labour in both groups was post-dated pregnancy. 65 patients received one dose of cerviprime gel forming Group 1. In Group 2, 72% received 2 doses and 28%, 3 doses of gel. Initial bishops score mean was 4.2 in Group 1 and 4.1 in Group 2. Mean change in bishop score was analysed after 6, 12, and 18 hours of instillations of PGE2 gel. Significant p value was obtained in all groups requiring one, two and three doses of gel. In Group 1, 12.3% and in Group 2, 16% had LSCS. Maternal side effects were minimal and neonatal outcome was good.Conclusions: The study showed that intravaginal application of PGE2 is effective, safe and acceptable method as a cervical ripening agent for labor induction in women with poor bishops score. It reduces caesarean delivery rate without increasing maternal and neonatal morbidity

    A Flexible Gradient Tracking Algorithmic Framework for Decentralized Optimization

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    In decentralized optimization over networks, each node in the network has a portion of the global objective function and the aim is to collectively optimize this function. Gradient tracking methods have emerged as a popular alternative for solving such problems due to their strong theoretical guarantees and robust empirical performance. These methods perform two operations (steps) at each iteration: (1) compute local gradients at each node, and (2) communicate local information with neighboring nodes. The complexity of these two steps can vary significantly across applications. In this work, we present a flexible gradient tracking algorithmic framework designed to balance the composition of communication and computation steps over the optimization process using a randomized scheme. The proposed framework is general, unifies gradient tracking methods, and recovers classical gradient tracking methods as special cases. We establish convergence guarantees in expectation and illustrate how the complexity of communication and computation steps can be balanced using the provided flexibility. Finally, we illustrate the performance of the proposed methods on quadratic and logistic regression problems, and compare against popular algorithms from the literature.Comment: 36 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Study of renal functions in preterm and full term new born in relation to parity of the mother

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    Background:During the intrauterine life, placenta performs the function of maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance and removing harmful waste products. The renal function is related more closely to gestational age, postnatal age and parity of mother. Objective of the study was to study renal functions in preterm and full term new born in relation to the parity of mother (primiparous versus multiparous mother).Methods: The study was conducted from January 2015 to December 2015 on 500 healthy new-borns among them 250 were full term healthy new-borns and 250 were preterm healthy new-borns. They were divided into 3 groups on the basis of gestational age and parity of mother. Relevant investigations were done in all cases enrolled in study:Results:  Out of total 500 new-born 255 (51%) male 245 (49%) female. In both FT and PT new-borns, primigravida child was more dehydrated then multigravida (P- Value<0.001). Mean change in the levels of S. Na, S. urea. S. Cr, BUN Ratio at 72 hours in dehydrated PT (BF) new born was significantly higher than FT (BF) non-dehydrated new born (P-value<0.001).Conclusions: Hypernatremic dehydration is a potentially fatal complication of the failure of establishment of breastfeeding mainly in primigravida so mothers should be highly motivated to breastfeed having either decreased milk production or nipple-related abnormalities that create feeding difficulty and result in inadequate fluid and caloric intake in their infants. Therefore, mothers should be helped and supported to breast feed their infants as soon as possible after delivery.


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    The apparel industry is on the cusp of a significant transformation, driven by an entrepreneurial spirit that embraces innovative approaches and sustainable practices. This study investigates the incorporation of ML in the contemporary apparel industry, highlighting its potential to promote transformative sustainable practices. Focusing on garment firms, the study demonstrates how ML is being used to be Source eco-friendly materials, reduce waste ,improve energy efficiency, increase supply chain transparency. The study also draws on qualitative insights from industry experts to identify the possibilities and challenges of integrating ML within the apparel industry. Overall, the study highlights the paradigm shift underway in the apparel industry, driven by an entrepreneurial mindset and facilitated by ML technology. This study functions as a guiding light, directing policymakers, industry leaders, and academics towards the advancement of a balanced integration of ML and sustainable entrepreneurship in modern apparel practices

    In-silico designing of a potent ligand molecule against PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog) implicated in Breast Cancer

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    Breast cancer has been attributed to be the second most common malignancy in females worldwide after skin cancer associated with a significantly high mortality rate. Tumor suppressor genes have an indispensable role in maintaining genomic integrity as well as cell cycle regulation. Phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome ten (PTEN) is one of the most frequently mutated human tumor suppressor genes, implicated in cell growth, survival, and suppressing tumor formation. As the tumor progresses to more advanced stages, genetic alterations tend to increase one such alteration is the mutation of the PTEN gene which is linked to programmed cell death and maintenance of cell cycle regulation. There is a syndrome known as Cowden syndrome associated with a high risk of breast cancer which is a result of an outcome of germline mutations in the PTEN gene. Loss of PTEN activity, either at the protein or genomic level, has been related to many primary and metastatic malignancies including breast cancer. This study focuses on developing a potential bioavailable ligand inhibitory molecule for PTEN, using a computer-aided drug design approach (CADD). A library of developed ligands consisting of 50 potential molecules was screened to find a potential candidate to be used for second generation drug development. Among them, LIG28 was adjudged as the most effective and potential PTEN inhibitor given its maximum binding affinity of ΔG -5.96Kcal/mole with a lower RMSD value. Carmer’s Rule of toxicity further revealed the compatibility and non-toxicity of the molecule. These observations underscore the importance of PTEN as a target in the development of tumorigenesis and the prognosis of breast cancer

    Decay studies of 288−287115^{288-287}115 alpha-decay chains

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    The α\alpha-decay chains of 288−287115^{288-287}115 are studied along with the possible cluster decay modes by using the preformed cluster model (PCM). The calculated α\alpha-decay half-lives are compared with experimental data and other model calculations. The calculated Q-values, penetration probabilities and preformation probabilities factors for α\alpha-decay suggest that 170283113^{283}_{170}113,172287115^{287}_{172}115 and 165272107^{272}_{165}107 parent nuclei are more stable against the α\alpha-decay. These alpha decay chains are further explored for the possibilities of cluster decay. Decay half lives of different cluster from different nuclei of the decay chains point to the extra stability near or at the deformed shells Z=108, N=162 and Z=100, N=152. The decay half-lives for 14C^{14}C and 48Ca^{48}Ca clusters are lower than the current experimental limit (≈\approx 102810^{28}sec)

    Special Report on Global warming of 1.5°C (SR15) - Chapter 5:Sustainable Development, Poverty Eradication and Reducing Inequalities

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    The Special Report on 1.5°C assesses three main themes: • What would be required to limit warming to 1.5°C (mitigation pathways) • The impacts of 1.5°C of warming, compared to 2ºC and higher • Strengthening the global response to climate change; mitigation and adaptation options The connections between climate change and sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty are discussed throughout the report. This chapter takes sustainable development as the starting point and focus for analysis. It considers the broad and multifaceted bi-directional interplay between sustainable development, including its focus on eradicating poverty and reducing inequality in their multidimensional aspects, and climate actions in a 1.5°C warmer world. These fundamental connections are embedded in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The chapter also examines synergies and trade-offs of adaptation and mitigation options with sustainable development and the SDGs and offers insights into possible pathways, especially climate-resilient development pathways towards a 1.5°C warmer world

    Psychological Aspects in Pilot Training: Cognition and Human Factors

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    Introduction-International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) SHELL model was designed to study and investigate the way the pilot interacted with the various dimensions of the model. Aim-The present study aimed to explore psychological aspects while flying using the dimensions of ICAO’s SHELL model of aviation. Methods-The study followed the qualitative research paradigm. The sample consisted of 9 (Males =4, Female =5) student trainee pilots in the age range of 18 – 21 years. They were subjected to in-depth interviews which lasted for around 30 minutes. The data were analyzed using the thematic network of analysis. Results-The results show that in the interaction of each dimension of the SHELL model various cognitive and human factors are involved in flying. Conclusion-This research is highly applicable to understand the psychological aspects that can be used to improve the efficiency of pilots and ensure safety measures in the aviation sector

    Classification for Healthcare Using Linked and Unlinked Data Sources

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    Machine learning (ML) can be used to develop decision-making tools that help reduce the costs of healthcare. The data for ML tasks can be broadly categorized as linked (i.e., containing keys that uniquely identify individuals) or unlinked (i.e., lacking unique identifiers). We explore two use-cases where opportunities exist to reduce costs through ML: hospital readmission and high-resource users (HRU) of the health system. In the case of readmission classification, the relevant data is in a linked format, thereby allowing us to evaluate standard supervised learning algorithms. In contrast, the data for classification of HRUs is an unlinked format. We demonstrate that Bayesian networks are an ideal solution that allow us to integrate unlinked data from multiple sources and answer conditional queries useful for decision making. Overall, the results of this thesis allow us to expand upon the current scope of predictive models and the types of data they can leverage.M.A.S

    Recent Advances in the Detection of <em>Listeria monocytogenes</em>

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    Listeria monocytogenes is the third-most severe pathogen causing a yearly outbreak of food poisoning in the world that proliferates widely in the environment. Infants, pregnant mothers, and immuno-compromised people are at high risk. Its ability to grow in both biotic and abiotic environments leads to epidemics that infect 5 out of 10 people annually. Because of the epithelial adhesion (by E-cadherin binding), it can suppress immune cells and thrive in the gastrointestinal tract till the brain through blood flow (E-cadherin). Microbial culture is still used as a gold standard, but takes a long time and often yields false positive results due to incompetence and temperature variations. Therefore, in order to treat it rather than using broad spectrum antibiotics, a standardized time-saving and highly specific technology for early detection is very important. It has been observed that the production of a particular antibody is delaying (so does the detection process) as a result of the inadequate understanding of the pathophysiology of the bacteria. This book chapter provides a brief summary of a pathogen as well as the scientific advances that led to its identification more easily