Study of renal functions in preterm and full term new born in relation to parity of the mother


Background:During the intrauterine life, placenta performs the function of maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance and removing harmful waste products. The renal function is related more closely to gestational age, postnatal age and parity of mother. Objective of the study was to study renal functions in preterm and full term new born in relation to the parity of mother (primiparous versus multiparous mother).Methods: The study was conducted from January 2015 to December 2015 on 500 healthy new-borns among them 250 were full term healthy new-borns and 250 were preterm healthy new-borns. They were divided into 3 groups on the basis of gestational age and parity of mother. Relevant investigations were done in all cases enrolled in study:Results:  Out of total 500 new-born 255 (51%) male 245 (49%) female. In both FT and PT new-borns, primigravida child was more dehydrated then multigravida (P- Value<0.001). Mean change in the levels of S. Na, S. urea. S. Cr, BUN Ratio at 72 hours in dehydrated PT (BF) new born was significantly higher than FT (BF) non-dehydrated new born (P-value<0.001).Conclusions: Hypernatremic dehydration is a potentially fatal complication of the failure of establishment of breastfeeding mainly in primigravida so mothers should be highly motivated to breastfeed having either decreased milk production or nipple-related abnormalities that create feeding difficulty and result in inadequate fluid and caloric intake in their infants. Therefore, mothers should be helped and supported to breast feed their infants as soon as possible after delivery.

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