17 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: of Mapping human pluripotent stem cell differentiation pathways using high throughput single-cell RNA-sequencing

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    Figure S1. Quality control of the dataset. Figure S2. Surface marker analysis and GO enrichment analysis of lineage progenitors. Figure S3. FeaturePlot of specific genes from neural and muscle sub-clusters. Figure S4. Differentiation trajectories and GO analysis of neural and muscle sub-clusters. Figure S5. GO analysis and expression dynamics of gene clusters I–VI. Figure S6. Network of potential cell–cell interactions in EBs. Figure S7. Signaling pathways involved in differentiation of various progenitor cells. Figure S8. The identification of Naïve-like H9. Figure S9. Surface marker analysis and GO analysis of Primed and Naïve-like H9. Figure S10. The identification and GO analysis of Primed and Naïve-like H1 (Additional file 11: Table S10, Additional file 12: Table S11, Additional file 13: Table S12, Additional file 14: Table S13, Additional file 15: Table S14). (DOCX 19207 kb