27 research outputs found

    Mortality trends from external causes among urban and rural cohorts in lithuania, 1967-2006

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    MORTALITY TRENDS FROM EXTERNAL CAUSES AMONG URBAN AND RURAL COHORTS IN LITHUANIA 1967 - 2006 62 pages, 32 graphics, 2 tables. Keywords: age – period – cohort analysis, mortality, trends, suicide, vehicle accidents. Research aim: The aim of this study was to examine particular trends of mortality from suicide and vehicle accidents during 40 years period subject to sex and place of residence. The tasks of the research work were as follows: To calculate basic parameters of mortality trends - age, period and cohorts and detect their influence to the process; To analyze two most important factors to variation for each cause of the death and to simulate this along factors' influence to the procces subject to sex and place of residence. To find out how subsequent mortality rates vary in each cohort quinquennial interval, what is the difference of these curves levels in different cohorts and how they differ between sex and place of residence. Methods: Deaths due to suicides and vehicle accidents in the period from 1967 through 2006 and the corresponding population figures were grouped into 17 age groups and 8 5-year periods. These were fitted to Poisson regression models to assess age, period, and cohort effects. Results: Both women's and men's mortality trends from suicides increased dramatically through analyzed period. Trends of urban women's suicide mortality have decreased, except increasing trends of the elderly. Urban men's population had experienced increasing trends from suicide, except three youngest age groups. Lithuanian mortality trends of rural population are rising and that is the difference from urban decreasing trends. Rate of young rural men's mortality from vehicle accidents is 2 - 4 times larger than of other population. Decreasing trend for urban women's population was identified. Conclusion: The research revealed considerable uneven from analyzed causes of death subject to sex between Lithuanian rural and urban population. There were highlighted most effected generations which indicates objective age groups and cohorts that have to be payed special attention when planning prevention programmes

    Animalistic motives in the poetry of the Silver age

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    В работе рассматривается анималистический мир Николая Гумилева. Это связано с его личными качествами, влиянием теории Сверхчеловека, веяниями эпохи (с дегуманизацией, антропоморфизмом и др.). На конкретных примерах («Орел», «Жираф», «Охота») зоонимов, сравнений показано пристрастие Гумилева экзотическим миром животных. Особое внимание уделено птицам, в частности, лебедю. Во второй главе магистерской работы рассматриваются «лебединые циклы» К. Бальмонта и С. Есенина. Показан генезис, символика образа, лексика, особенности лирического сюжета. В выводах сопоставлен гумилевский анималистический мир с есенинским.The work reviews the analyses of animalistic motives in Gumilevs poetry. It is conserned with his personal qualities, influence of the Uebermench theory, age tendency (dehumanization, anthropomorphism and other). Gumilev‘s passion for word of exotic animals is demonstrated in particular examples („Giraffe“, „Eagle“, „Hunting“) of zoonyms, comparisons. Birds, especially swan is given a special attention. Balmond‘s and Jesenin‘s „swan cycles“ are analysed in the second chapter of master‘s work. A genesis, symbolic meaning of the aspect, vocabulary, quality of the lyrical plot are shown. Gumilev‘s and Jesenin‘s animalistic word are compared in the conclusion of master‘s work.Magistro darbe analizuojamas animalistinis pasaulis Nikolajaus Gumiliovo poezijoje. Tai susiję su juo asmeninėmis savybėmis, Uebermench teorijos poveikiu, epochos kryptimis (degumanizacija, antropomorfizmas ir t.t.). Pateikiant konkrečius zoonimų ir palyginimų pavyzdžius („Erelis“, „Žirafas“, „Medžioklė“) parodyta Gumiliovo aistra egzotiniui gyvūnų pasauliui. Ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas paukščiams, ypač gulbei. Antroje magistro darbo dalyje analizuojami „gulbės ciklai“ K. Belmonto ir S. Jesenino poezijoje. Parodytas genezis, įvaizdžio simbolika, žodynas, lyrinio siužeto ypatybės. Išvadose palygintas Jesenino ir Gumiliovo animalistinis pasaulis.Švietimo akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta