1,018,484 research outputs found

    On 2-adic orders of some binomial sums

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    We prove that for any nonnegative integers nn and rr the binomial sum k=nn(2nnk)k2r \sum_{k=-n}^n\binom{2n}{n-k}k^{2r} is divisible by 22nmin{α(n),α(r)}2^{2n-\min\{\alpha(n),\alpha(r)\}}, where α(n)\alpha(n) denotes the number of 1's in the binary expansion of nn. This confirms a recent conjecture of Guo and Zeng.Comment: 6 page

    Well-posedness for the fifth-order KdV equation in the energy space

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    We prove that the initial value problem (IVP) associated to the fifth order KdV equation {equation} \label{05KdV} \partial_tu-\alpha\partial^5_x u=c_1\partial_xu\partial_x^2u+c_2\partial_x(u\partial_x^2u)+c_3\partial_x(u^3), {equation} where xRx \in \mathbb R, tRt \in \mathbb R, u=u(x,t)u=u(x,t) is a real-valued function and α, c1, c2, c3\alpha, \ c_1, \ c_2, \ c_3 are real constants with α0\alpha \neq 0, is locally well-posed in Hs(R)H^s(\mathbb R) for s2s \ge 2. In the Hamiltonian case (\textit i.e. when c1=c2c_1=c_2), the IVP associated to \eqref{05KdV} is then globally well-posed in the energy space H2(R)H^2(\mathbb R).Comment: We corrected a few typos and fixed a technical mistake in the proof of Lemma 6.3. We also changed a comment on the work of Guo, Kwak and Kwon on the same subject according to the new version they posted recently on the arXiv (arXiv:1205.0850v2

    On the quantitative variation of congruence ideals and integral periods of modular forms

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    We prove the conjecture of Pollack and Weston on the quantitative analysis of the level lowering congruence \`{a} la Ribet for modular forms of higher weight. It was formulated and studied in the context of the integral Jacquet-Langlands correspondence and anticyclotomic Iwasawa theory for modular forms of weight two and square-free level for the first time. We use a completely different method based on the R=TR=\mathbb{T} theorem proved by Diamond-Flach-Guo and Dimitrov and an explicit comparison of adjoint LL-values. As applications, we discuss the comparison of various integral canonical periods, the μ\mu-part of the anticyclotomic main conjecture for modular forms, and the primitivity of Kato's Euler systems