29 research outputs found

    Computational Methods for Martingale Optimal Transport problems

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    We establish numerical methods for solving the martingale optimal transport problem (MOT) - a version of the classical optimal transport with an additional martingale constraint on transport's dynamics. We prove that the MOT value can be approximated using linear programming (LP) problems which result from a discretisation of the marginal distributions combined with a suitable relaxation of the martingale constraint. Specialising to dimension one, we provide bounds on the convergence rate of the above scheme. We also show a stability result under only partial specification of the marginal distributions. Finally, we specialise to a particular discretisation scheme which preserves the convex ordering and does not require the martingale relaxation. We introduce an entropic regularisation for the corresponding LP problem and detail the corresponding iterative Bregman projection. We also rewrite its dual problem as a minimisation problem without constraint and solve it by computing the concave envelope of scattered data

    On the monotonicity principle of optimal Skorokhod embedding problem

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    In this paper, we provide an alternative proof of the monotonicity principle for the optimal Skorokhod embedding problem established by Beiglb\"ock, Cox and Huesmann. This principle presents a geometric characterization that reflects the desired optimality properties of Skorokhod embeddings. Our proof is based on the adaptation of the Monge-Kantorovich duality in our context together with a delicate application of the optional cross-section theorem and a clever conditioning argument

    Optimal Skorokhod embedding under finitely-many marginal constraints

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    The Skorokhod embedding problem aims to represent a given probability measure on the real line as the distribution of Brownian motion stopped at a chosen stopping time. In this paper, we consider an extension of the optimal Skorokhod embedding problem to the case of finitely-many marginal constraints. Using the classical convex duality approach together with the optimal stopping theory, we obtain the duality results which are formulated by means of probability measures on an enlarged space. We also relate these results to the problem of martingale optimal transport under multiple marginal constraints

    Tightness and duality of martingale transport on the Skorokhod space

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    The martingale optimal transport aims to optimally transfer a probability measure to another along the class of martingales. This problem is mainly motivated by the robust superhedging of exotic derivatives in financial mathematics, which turns out to be the corresponding Kantorovich dual. In this paper we consider the continuous-time martingale transport on the Skorokhod space of cadlag paths. Similar to the classical setting of optimal transport, we introduce different dual problems and establish the corresponding dualities by a crucial use of the S-topology and the dynamic programming principle

    Some Results on Skorokhod Embedding and Robust Hedging with Local Time

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    In this paper, we provide some results on Skorokhod embedding with local time and its applications to the robust hedging problem in finance. First we investigate the robust hedging of options depending on the local time by using the recently introduced stochastic control approach, in order to identify the optimal hedging strategies, as well as the market models that realize the extremal no-arbitrage prices. As a by-product, the optimality of Vallois' Skorokhod embeddings is recovered. In addition, under appropriate conditions, we derive a new solution to the two-marginal Skorokhod embedding as a generalization of the Vallois solution. It turns out from our analysis that one needs to relax the monotonicity assumption on the embedding functions in order to embed a larger class of marginal distributions. Finally, in a full-marginal setting where the stopping times given by Vallois are well-ordered, we construct a remarkable Markov martingale which provides a new example of fake Brownian motion

    Generalised arbitrage-free SVI volatility surfaces

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    In this article we propose a generalisation of the recent work of Gatheral and Jacquier on explicit arbitrage-free parameterisations of implied volatility surfaces. We also discuss extensively the notion of arbitrage freeness and Roger Lee's moment formula using the recent analysis by Roper. We further exhibit an arbitrage-free volatility surface different from Gatheral's SVI parameterisation.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures. Corrected some typo

    Strong equivalence between metrics of Wasserstein type

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    The sliced Wasserstein and more recently max-sliced Wasserstein metrics \mW_p have attracted abundant attention in data sciences and machine learning due to its advantages to tackle the curse of dimensionality. A question of particular importance is the strong equivalence between these projected Wasserstein metrics and the (classical) Wasserstein metric \Wc_p. Recently, Paty and Cuturi have proved the strong equivalence of \mW_2 and \Wc_2. We show that the strong equivalence also holds for p=1p=1, while we show that the sliced Wasserstein metric does not share this nice property.Comment: To appear in Electronic Communications in Probabilit

    Mean field game of mutual holding with defaultable agents, and systemic risk

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    We introduce the possibility of default in the mean field game of mutual holding of Djete and Touzi [11]. This is modeled by introducing absorption at the origin of the equity process. We provide an explicit solution of this mean field game. Moreover, we provide a particle system approximation, and we derive an autonomous equation for the time evolution of the default probability, or equivalently the law of the hitting time of the origin by the equity process. The systemic risk is thus described by the evolution of the default probability

    Robust pricing and hedging of options on multiple assets and its numerics

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    We consider robust pricing and hedging for options written on multiple assets given market option prices for the individual assets. The resulting problem is called the multi-marginal martingale optimal transport problem. We propose two numerical methods to solve such problems: using discretisation and linear programming applied to the primal side and using penalisation and deep neural networks optimisation applied to the dual side. We prove convergence for our methods and compare their numerical performance. We show how adding further information about call option prices at additional maturities can be incorporated and narrows down the no-arbitrage pricing bounds. Finally, we obtain structural results for the case of the payoff given by a weighted sum of covariances between the assets.Comment: Forthcoming in SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematic

    Systemic robustness: a mean-field particle system approach

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    This paper is concerned with the problem of budget control in a large particle system modeled by stochastic differential equations involving hitting times, which arises from considerations of systemic risk in a regional financial network. Motivated by Tang and Tsai (Ann. Probab., 46(2018), pp. 1597{1650), we focus on the number or proportion of surviving entities that never default to measure the systemic robustness. First we show that both the mean-field particle system and its limiting McKean-Vlasov equation are well-posed by virtue of the notion of minimal solutions. We then establish a connection between the proportion of surviving entities in the large particle system and the probability of default in the limiting McKean-Vlasov equation as the size of the interacting particle system N tends to infinity. Finally, we study the asymptotic efficiency of budget control in different economy regimes: the expected number of surviving entities is of constant order in a negative economy; it is of order of the square root of N in a neutral economy; and it is of order N in a positive economy where the budget's effect is negligible.Comment: 33 page