3 research outputs found
Resilience among older adults living at home : Urban-rural difference in a population-based study
Funding Information: The research was funded with grants from the Icelandic Regional Development Institute, the University of Akureyri Research Fund, the Akureyri Hospital Research Fund, and the Icelandic Nurses´ Association Research Fund. None of these hold a specific grant number. Publisher Copyright: © by Società Italiana di Gerontologia e Geriatria (SIGG).Objective. We examined how individual and contextual factors affect resilience in community-dwelling older adults living in urban or rural areas in Northern Iceland. Methods. A cross-sectional study, conducted from 2017–2018, ran-domly sampled community-dwelling older adults (age ≥ 65) stratified by residency (urban/rural), age, and gender. Results. Compared with rural dwellers (n = 75), urban dwellers (n = 105) had more education (p 0.001). Conclusions. We found a significant association between contextual and individual factors and resilience. To enable older adults to live lon-ger in their own homes, health care professionals should pay attention to health literacy and mental health factors that increase resilience.Peer reviewe
„SVO SITUR ÞETTA BARA Í SÁLINNI“ Reynsla ljósmæðra af áhrifum alvarlegra atvika í fæðingu. Fyrri grein.
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ekki bara ánægja heldur einnig álag. Niðurstöður rannsókna á áhrifum alvarlegra atvika í fæðingu á heilbrigðisstarfsmenn benda til þess
að hátt hlutfall þeirra upplifi sálræna og líkamlega vanlíðan í kjölfarið. Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að kanna hvort alvarleg atvik í
fæðingum hafi áhrif á líðan og störf ljósmæðra.
Aðferð: Rannsóknarsniðið er eigindlegt og stuðst var við fyrirbærafræðilega nálgun. Úrtakið var tilgangsúrtak þar sem tekin voru
djúpviðtöl við fimmtán ljósmæður sem störfuðu á fjórum mismunandi stofnunum á Íslandi en allar höfðu þá sameiginlegu reynslu að
hafa lent í alvarlegum atvikum í starfi sínu. Aðferð Colazzi var notuð
við gagnagreiningu.
Niðurstöður: Niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar sýndu að alvarleg atvik
í fæðingu hafa mikil áhrif á líðan ljósmæðra, ekki eingöngu strax
eftir atvikin heldur geta þau líka haft langvarandi áhrif. Við greiningu gagna komu í ljós fimm aðalþemu sem lýstu líðan þeirra og því
hvað þær töldu vera gagnlegt til þess að bæta líðanina. Tvö þemu
eru viðfangsefni þessarar greinar það fyrra nefnist einbeitt meðan á
atvikinu stendur en svo hrynur maður en það síðara svo situr þetta
bara í sálinni.
Ályktun: Þrátt fyrir að lenda í alvarlegum atvikum nefndu margar
ljósmæðurnar að samt sem áður hefðu þær á endanum náð að vinna
sig í gegnum atvikið og það hefði jafnvel styrkt þær.
Lykilhugtök: alvarleg atvik í fæðingu, ljósmæður, áhrif á líðanBackground: Healthcare workers do intense work that provides, not
only positive experiences, but also potentially severe stress. Research
on the effects of serious incidents during birth on health care workers
indicate that a high percentage of them experience psychological and
physical symptoms following the incidents. The goals of the study
were to explore whether serious incidents during birth affect the
well-being and work of midwives.
Methods: The research design was qualitative and
phenomenological. The sampling method was purposive and an
in depth interviews was conducted with fifteen midwives who
worked at four different healthcare institutions in Iceland. All
had the common experience of having participated in a serious
incident at work. Colazzi´s method was used for data analysis.
Result: The results showed that serious incidents during birth
had great effects on the midwives. Not just right after the incidents,
but the effects were also potentially long lasting. Five main themes
emerged during analysis. Two of them are the subject of this paper.
The first theme was called focused during the incident but then you
collapse; the second theme was called then it just sits in the psyche.
Conclusions: Despite experiencing serious incidents at work, many
of the midwives mentioned that in the end they worked through it and
that the incident ultimately even made them stronge