256 research outputs found

    Physical Properties of Denture Base Resins Potentially Resistant to \u3cem\u3eCandida\u3c/em\u3e Adhesion

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    Purpose: The addition of anionic charge on denture base resins has been shown to inhibit Candida albicans adhesion and to facilitate adsorption of salivary defense molecules. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physical properties of a modified denture base resin for denture fabrication. Materials and Methods: Specimens made from heat polymerizing resin Lucitone 199 were used as the control group. The two experimental groups, E-10 and E-20, had 10% and 20%, respectively, of the monomer substituted with an experimental phosphate-containing monomer. Flexural strength and modulus, water sorption, solubility, and color stability tests were conducted to ensure compliance with ADA specification No. 12. Water diffusion coefficient into the resins and stainability were also assessed. ANOVA and Scheffé tests were performed for statistical significance. Results: There was an overall decline in all properties with the addition of the experimental phosphate compound. The flexural strength and modulus, water sorption and solubility for E-10, as well as the control were, however, within the ADA specifications. The diffusion coefficients were significantly different (p \u3c 0.05) for the three groups. Staining and color specimens showed no significant difference (p \u3e 0.05) among the three groups. Conclusions: Within the limitations of this study, the physical properties of the phosphate denture base resin at 10% should be suitable for denture fabrication based on the properties assessed

    Effect of Phosphate Group Addition on the Properties of Denture Base Resins

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    Statement of problem Acrylic resins are prone to microbial adherence, especially by Candida albicans. Surface-charged resins alter the ionic interaction between the denture resin and Candida hyphae, and these resins are being developed as a means to reduce microbial colonization on the denture surface. Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the physical and mechanical properties of phosphate-containing polymethyl methacrylate resins for their suitability as a denture material. Material and methods Using PMMA with cross-linker (Lucitone 199) as a control, 4 experimental groups containing various levels of phosphate with and without cross-linker were generated. The properties examined were impact strength, fracture toughness, wettability (contact angle), and resin bonding ability to denture teeth. Impact strength was tested in the Izod configuration (n=16), and fracture toughness (n=13) was measured using the single-edge notched bend test. Wettability was determined by calculating the contact angle of water on the material surface (n=12), while ISO 1567 was used for bonding ability (n=12). The data were analyzed by 1- and 2-way ANOVA (α=.05). Results A trend of increased hydrophilicity, as indicated by lower contact angle, was observed with increased concentrations of phosphate. With regard to the other properties, no significant differences were found when compared with the control acrylic resin. Conclusions No adverse physical effect due to the addition of a phosphate-containing monomer was found in the acrylic denture resins. Additional mechanical and physical properties, biocompatibility, and clinical efficacy studies are needed to confirm the in vivo anti-Candida activity of these novel resins

    Combined use of CA 125 and Inhibin as tumor marker for detection of ovarian cancer in comparison to CA 125 or Inhibin alone

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    Background: Ovarian cancers are diagnosed at an advanced stage. Early diagnosis is the key to reduce death from ovarian cancer. The present study is an effort to assess the suitability of combined test using CA 125 and Inhibin for early diagnosis of ovarian cancer as compared to CA125 or Inhibin alone.Methods: Fifty women with clinical suspicion of ovarian malignancy attending Gynae OPD were enrolled. All of these women were subjected to estimation of CA 125 and Inhibin levels prior to surgical intervention. A value of 35 IU/ml was taken as positive for CA 125. For Inhibin, 10.5 pg/ml was taken as cut off for premenopausal patients, whereas, any detectable assays were taken as positive for postmenopausal patients. The results were analyzed after establishing final histopathology of the disease.Results: Out of 50 patients recruited, 30 (60%) were found to have carcinoma ovary and 20 (40%) were found to have benign diseases. Out of 30 cases of carcinoma ovary, CA125 was raised in 81% of cases and Inhibin was raised in 78% of cases. For detection of carcinoma ovary, CA 125 was found to have a sensitivity of 90% and specificity of 60% with a positive predictive value of 77% and negative predictive value of 80% which were statistically significant. Sensitivity and specificity of serum Inhibin for the same was 86.6% and 20% respectively. The positive and negative predictive value were 61.9% and 50%, which were not statistically significant. Sensitivity and specificity of combined CA125 and Inhibin were 100% and 30% respectively. The positive and negative predictive value were 68.1% and 100% respectively, which were statistically significant.Conclusions: Combined use of CA125 and Inhibin has got better sensitivity and specificity in detection of ovarian cancer in comparison to CA 125 or Inhibin used alone.

    Chronic exposure to MDMA (Ecstasy) elicits behavioral sensitization in rats but fails to induce cross-sensitization to other psychostimulants

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    BACKGROUND: The recreational use of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy) among adolescents and young adults has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. While evidence suggests that the long-term consequences of MDMA use include neurodegeneration to serotonergic and, possibly, dopaminergic pathways, little is known about susceptibility, such as behavioral sensitization, to MDMA. METHODS: The objectives of this study were to examine the dose-response characteristics of acute and chronic MDMA administration in rats and to determine whether MDMA elicits behavioral sensitization and whether it cross-sensitizes with amphetamine and methylphenidate. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into three MDMA dosage groups (2.5 mg/kg, 5.0 mg/kg, and 10.0 mg/kg) and a saline control group (N = 9/group). All three MDMA groups were treated for six consecutive days, followed by a 5-day washout, and subsequently re-challenged with their respective doses of MDMA (day 13). Rats were then given an additional 25-day washout period, and re-challenged (day 38) with similar MDMA doses as before followed by either 0.6 mg/kg amphetamine or 2.5 mg/kg methylphenidate on the next day (day 39). Open-field locomotor activity was recorded using a computerized automated activity monitoring system. RESULTS: Acute injection of 2.5 mg/kg MDMA showed no significant difference in locomotor activity from rats given saline (control group), while animals receiving acute 5.0 mg/kg or 10.0 mg/kg MDMA showed significant increases in locomotor activity. Rats treated chronically with 5.0 mg/kg and 10.0 mg/kg MDMA doses exhibited an augmented response, i.e., behavioral sensitization, on experimental day 13 in at least one locomotor index. On experimental day 38, all three MDMA groups demonstrated sensitization to MDMA in at least one locomotor index. Amphetamine and methylphenidate administration to MDMA-sensitized animals did not elicit any significant change in locomotor activity compared to control animals. CONCLUSION: MDMA sensitized to its own locomotor activating effects but did not elicit any cross-sensitization with amphetamine or methylphenidate

    Biomimetic synthesis of hybrid nanocomposite scaffolds by freeze-thawing and freeze-drying

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    The aim of this study is to biomimetically synthesize hydroxyapatite - hydrophilic polymer scaffolds for biomedical applications. This organic-inorganic hybrid has been structurally characterized and reveals a good microstructural control as seen by the SEM analysis and the nanosize of the particulates is confirmed by AFM microscopy. The characterization of such nano-structured composites would allow researchers to design new systems, tailoring properties for different applications. © Indian Academy of Sciences

    Development and characterization of sol–gel silica–alumina composite coatings on AISI 316L for implant applications

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    Sol–gel alumina coatings were deposited on medical grade stainless steel (AISI 316L) with an intermediate layer of silica by dip-coating method. The coatings obtained were homogeneous, crack-free and consisted of low crystalline γ-Al2O3 along with some boehmite phase. EDAX revealed the presence of only Al in the film. The corrosion performance of alumina-coated stainless steel was evaluated by electrochemical polarization, open-circuit potential measurement and chronoamperometry in Ringer's solution. Coating has shown to enhance the pitting potential of AISI 316L by 470 mV and reduced passive current ≤ 10− 9 A cm− 2. The formation of thermodynamically stable silica–alumina interface was proposed to account for enhanced corrosion protection behaviour of the coating

    Causality assessment, severity and preventability of adverse drug reactions due to first-line antitubercular agents

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    TB (Tuberculosis) is a common infectious disease affecting humans since very long time. Multidrug therapy with its associated adverse drug reactions is one of the major concerns for the management of TB. The current study has been conducted for identifying causality assessment, severity as well as preventability of first-line anti-tubercular agents. All the diagnosed patients of tuberculosis attending TB and chest department of tertiary care hospital of western India and received Anti-TB drugs over 6 months enrolled in the study. Demographic details, suspected drugs/groups, causality assessment, severity assessment, and preventability assessment were analyzed from reported suspected ADR (adverse drug reaction) forms. Throughout the research period of 6 months, 500 patients received Anti- TB drugs. Among them, (10%) 50 patients developed 121 adverse drug reactions. According to the WHO causality scale, 66 (54.54%) ADRs were classified as ‘probable’ and 53 (43.8%) ADR were ‘possible’. More than half of the reactions (31, 62%) were mild on the severity scale while most of the ADRs were definitely (34, 68%) preventable as per the preventability scale. Gastrointestinal system is the most common affected system (54, 47.62%) followed by dermatological disorders (26, 23.01%) and Liver and biliary system (20, 16.52%). Isoniazid (46, 38%) and Rifampicin (40, 33%) were the common cause of first-line antitubercular agents for ADRs. ADRs to antitubercular agents are a major concern for patient compliance. Patient education, intensive reporting, and management can be helpful to improve the outcome of antitubercular therapy

    A Review on Extraction and Recommendation of Educational Resources from WWW

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    Keyphrases give a basic method for portraying a report, giving the peruser a few pieces of information about its substance. Wrapper adjustment goes for consequently adjusting a formerly took in wrapper from the source Web webpage to another concealed website for data extraction. It depends on a generative model for the age of content parts identified with characteristic things and designing information in a Web page. To take care of the wrapper adjustment issue, we consider two sorts of data from the source Web webpage. The principal sort of data is the extraction information contained in the already took in wrapper from the source Web webpage. The second sort of data is the beforehand separated or gathered things. Utilize a Bayesian learning way to deal with naturally select an arrangement of preparing cases for adjusting a wrapper for the new concealed site. To take care of the new property revelation issue, we build up a model which breaks down the encompassing content sections of the qualities in the new inconspicuous site. A Bayesian learning strategy is produced to find the new qualities and their headers. The direct broad investigations from various genuine Web locales to show the viability of our structure. Keyphrases can be helpful in a different applications, for example, recovery motors, perusing interfaces, thesaurus development, content mining and so on. There are likewise different errands for which keyphrases are helpful

    Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: Is India ready to incorporate recent advances in day to day practice?

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    Background : Non Hodgkin\u2032s Lymphoma (NHL) cure rates are increasing and morbidities are decreasing, with more active pharmacological agents and technological advancements. In spite of this, India is still battling with the prejudices of an economically and educationally impoverished patient base. Methods and Results : We analyzed NHL cases from 2000 to 2006 using data from case sheets. Of 303 cases, only 100 patients had complete workup and received some form of treatment. For 203 patients, reasons for non-compliance were: financial constraint (119), distance from center (38), inability of physician to provide guarantees of cure (13), poor prognosis/fear of recurrence (28)), preferences for alternate medicine (5). Most common investigations that could not be afforded for staging were whole body CT scans and bone marrow aspiration and biopsy. Thirteen patients were in stage III and 53 in Stage IV. The most common regimen was CHOP (Cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin, Vincristine, Prednisolone). Forty-five patients did not complete six courses of CHOP and 35 patients had significant delay. Reasons for delay were intermittent availability of cash (35), intolerable toxicities (30), absence of supportive care (21), given-up attitudes (17). Eighty-three patients suffered Grade III/IV debilitating toxicities. Overall survival at five years was 50%. Conclusions : NHL in India is no different from the developed world. However, there are disparities in survivorship and outcomes, due to un-affordability and attitudes of the patients. Therefore, we suggest the development of Community Health Insurance Schemes (CHIs), with the hospital as the nodal center to address the above mentioned issues
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