59 research outputs found

    Sexual violence against female university students in the U.K.: A case study

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    In questo articolo presentiamo i risultati di una ricerca effettuata negli anni 2009-11 sulle aggressioni sessuali commesse a danno di studentesse frequentanti una università inglese. I risultati di tale studio riguardano i seguenti aspetti: la natura e la numerosità dei casi di aggressione sessuale (molestia sessuale, aggressione e altri comportamenti sessuali violenti), l’identità degli aggressori, i luoghi in cui le aggressioni sessuali sono commesse, la comunicazione delle avvenute aggressioni alle autorità universitarie e di polizia, la natura delle misure di prevenzione adottate e le pratiche operative delle autorità universitarie rivolte ad affrontare questo fenomeno, la sensibilizzazione e la motivazione delle studentesse ad utilizzare le risorse universitarie esistenti per assistere le vittime e le modalità previste al fine di migliorare la presa in carico di questa utenza da parte delle autorità universitarie. I dati ottenuti da questa ricerca provengono da tre fonti: 1) un questionario online rivolto alle studentesse; 2) un focus group effettuato con un gruppo di studentesse e incentrato sul fenomeno in questione; 3) interviste con testimoni significativi universitari e non universitari. I risultati di questa ricerca sono analizzati in rapporto alle politiche universitarie e alle pratiche operative. Résumé:Dans cette étude, nous présentons les résultats d’une recherche effectuée dans les années 2009-11 sur les agressions sexuelles commises contre les étudiantes fréquentant une université Anglaise. Les résultats de cette recherche portent sur les aspects suivants : la nature et la prévalence de l’agression sexuelle (harcèlement sexuel, agression sexuelle et autres comportements sexuels violents), l’identité des agresseurs sexuels, les endroits où les agressions sexuelles sont commises, le dévoilement des agressions sexuelles aux autorités universitaires et policières, la nature des mesures de prévention prises et les pratiques courantes des autorités universitaires pour faire face à ce phénomène, la sensibilisation et la motivation des étudiantes à utiliser les ressources universitaires mises en place pour assister les victimes et les moyens afin d’améliorer la prise en charge de ce phénomène par les autorités universitaires. Les données sur lesquelles les résultats de cette recherche sont tirés proviennent de trois sources : 1) un sondage en ligne des étudiantes, 2) une discussion effectuée sur le phénomène en question avec un groupe d’étudiantes, et 3) entrevues avec des professionnels oeuvrant ou non à l’université. Les résultats de cette recherche sont discutés en lien avec les politiques et pratiques universitaires. Abstract: In this article we present the results of research conducted in 2009-2011 on sexual violence against female university students at a mid-sized English university. Included are findings on: the nature and prevalence of sexual violence (sexual harassment, stalking and sexual assault and other coercive sexual acts); the identity of perpetrators; most frequent victimisation locations; extent of, and reasons given for and against, disclosing victimisation to university authorities and police; nature of prevention and response policies, institutional arrangements and practices at the university; female student’s awareness of, and willingness to access, available services for victims; and suggestions for improvements in the university’s responses to this problem. All finding are based on data from (i) an online survey of female students, (ii) a small focus group discussion with female students, and (iii) interviews with ‘key stakeholders’ within and outside the university. Implications of the findings for university policies, institutional arrangements and practices are discussed

    Protect, support and respond to repeat female victims of medium risk domestic abuse: final report

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    This report details the findings of the academic process and outcome evaluation of the pilot Medium Risk Plus (MRP) intervention for female repeat victims/survivors of domestic abuse in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. Both the intervention and the evaluation have been funded by Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner, reflecting their commitment to protect, support and respond to medium risk repeat victims of domestic abuse, with a key focus on reducing repeat victimisation

    Supporting survivors of sexual violence:protocol for a mixed methods, co-research study of the role, funding and commissioning of specialist services provided by the voluntary sector in England

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    Abstract Introduction The voluntary sector provides a range of specialist services to survivors of sexual violence, many of which have evolved from grass roots organisations responding to unmet local needs. However, the evidence base is poor in terms of what services are provided to which groups of survivors, how voluntary sector specialist (VSS) services are organised and delivered and how they are commissioned. This will be the first national study on the role of the voluntary sector in supporting survivors in England. Methods and analysis This study uses an explanatory sequential naturalistic mixed-methods design with two stages. For stage 1, two national surveys of providers’ and commissioners’ views on designing and delivering VSS services will facilitate detailed mapping of service provision and commissioning in order to create a taxonomy of VSS services. Variations in the national picture will then be explored in stage 2 through four in-depth, qualitative case studies using the critical incident technique to explain the observed variations and understand the key contextual factors which influence service provision. Drawing on theory about the distinctive service contribution of the voluntary sector, survivors will be involved as co-researchers and will play a central role in data collection and interpretation. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval has been granted by the University of Birmingham research ethics committee for stage 1 of the project. In line with the sequential and co-produced study design, further applications for ethical review will be made in due course. Dissemination activities will include case study and end-of-project workshops; good practice guides; a policy briefing; project report; bitesize findings; webinars; academic articles and conference presentations. The project will generate evidence about what survivors want from and value about services and new understanding about how VSS services should be commissioned and provided to support survivors to thrive in the long term
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