645 research outputs found

    Struktur dan Fungsi Cerita Rakyat Masyarakat Bugis Teluk Pakedai Kabupaten Kubu Raya

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    This study aimed to determine the structure and function of the folklore. This research used descriptive method. The results of the analysis showed that the story of the Origin of Keroak Bangkai and Man Transformed into apes had progressive plot while the story of Roan Magic Fish had a flashback plot. The Setting contained in these folklores were place setting, time setting and social setting. The characters in the story of The Origin of Keroak Bangkai were Sabe \u27, Were\u27, Grandma, and the child\u27s grandmother. The characters in the story of Man Transformed into apes were Mak Temmah, Sulung, the ruler of the forest, and Sulung\u27s playmates. The The characters in the story of Roam Magic Fish were Majja Wak \u27, Makke\u27, Roan, Dol Halle \u27, Dol Halle\u27s child\u27, the gimp, the Buginese of Sulawesi, religious leaders, and thieves. The theme in the story of The Origins of Keroak Bangkai was a wife remorsed for his indiscretions. The theme in the story of Man Transformed into Apes was children againsted their parents while the theme in the story of Roam Magic Fish was a Roan fish brought the magic. The function of folklore were as teaching medium, as a means of traditional living heir procedures, as a way of delivering the origin of something, as a validation tool of customs, as an educational tool, as a means of social control, and as entertainment

    Identification of Body Size and Body Shape of Garut Sheep Fighting Type and Meat Type and Garut Cross Based on Principal Component Analysis

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    This research was done to identify the body size and shape among three types of local sheeps of Garut fighting type, Garut meat type and their crossbred fighting and meat type in Garut district (Margawati, Sukawening and Wanaraja) and Bogor district (Ciomas and Cinagara). The total number of sheep from Garut district used in this study were 520 head consisting of crossbred sheep from Margawati (71 head), fighting sheep from Wanaraja (79 head), meat sheep from Wanaraja (84 head), fighting sheep from Sukawening (87 head) and meat sheep from Sukawening (62 head). Whereas the total number of sheep from Bogor district were 137 head consisting of those of fighting sheep from Ciomas (66 head) and from Cinagara (70 head). Some body measurenments measured in this study were body weight, body length, wither height, chest width, chest circumfrence, cranium, tail length and tail width. Analysis of all those sizes were based on principal component analysis (PCA) then visualized into the group of crowded diagram. Different group of crowed builded on the base of scoring in body size and body shape derivated from covarian matrix were able to identifed morphologycal penotypic differences among garut sheep studied. The results from canonical analyses showed that body lenght, chest girth,chest width, and wither height were the most discriminant variables had impact to the diferences score size between types of Garut sheep. However, the tail length and tail width were variables had impact to diferences score shape. The crowed diagram showed that an intersection among three types (fighting, meat and crossbred) of sheeps suspected as resulted from the same genetic resource, namely Garut sheep. Genetic flow was suspected from crossbred in Margawati to meat sheep in Cinagara as well as the sheeps from Sukawening and Wanaraja to fighting sheep in Ciomas. Close genetic distances that were found among fighting and meat sheeps in Sukaweining as well as fighting and meat sheeps in Wanaraja could be considered that these two groups of sheeps as the genetic resource of fighting sheep in Ciomas. (Animal Production 11(1): 8-14 (2009

    Optimasi Tata Letak Fasilitas Menggunakan Metode Multi Objective Function pada Pembangunan Proyek Apartemen Nine Residence Jakarta

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    Optimasi tata letak (site layout) fasilitas merupakan suatu tahap dalam perencanaan fasilitas yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan suatu sistem area yang efisien dan efektif sehingga dapat tercapainya suatu proses yang paling optimum. Pada Kenyataannya banyak Perusahaan konstruksi yang kurang memperhatikan beberapa faktor yang sebenarnya memiliki potensi untuk dioptimasikan seperti tata letak fasilitas, padahal hal tersebut sangat berpengaruh pada kinerja pekerja untuk dapat lebih menaikkan produktivitas dan efisiensi dalam aktivitas konstruksi. Pada proyek Apartemen Nine Residence Jakarta ini dilakukan pengoptimasian tata letak fasilitas karena terdapat beberapa masalah layout seperti jarak tempuh yang cukup jauh serta tingkat keselamatan dan keamanan yang perlu ditingkatkan. Semua pengoptimasian tata letak ini mengacu pada metode optimasi Multi Objective Function dengan memakai analisis traveling distance dan analisis safety index. Perhitungan traveling distance yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa nilai TD paling minimum adalah pada skenario 7 dengan nilai sebesar 48635,08 meter atau mengalami penurunan TD sebesar 61,93% dibandingkan nilai TD pada kondisi eksisting. Perhitungan safety index yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa nilai SI paling minimum adalah pada skenario 7 dengan nilai 1529,34 atau mengalami penurunan SI sebesar 34,10% dari kondisi eksisting. Bentuk tata letak fasilitas yang paling optimum adalah pada site layout skenario 7

    The impact of silver nanoparticles on microbial communities and antibiotic resistance determinants in the environment.

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    Nanosilver (NAg) is currently one of the major alternative antimicrobials to control microorganisms. With its broad-spectrum efficacy and lucrative commercial values, NAg has been used in medical devices and increasingly, in consumer products and appliances. This widespread use has inevitably led to the release and accumulation of the nanoparticle in water and sediment, in soil and even, wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). This Article describes the physical and chemical transformations of NAg as well as the impact of the nanoparticle on microbial communities in different environmental settings; how the nanoparticle shifts not only the diversity and abundance of microbes, including those that are important in nitrogen cycles and decomposition of organic matters, but also their associated genes and in turn, the key metabolic processes. Current findings on the microbiological activity of the leached soluble silver, solid silver particulates and their respective transformed products, which underpin the mechanism of the nanoparticle toxicity in environmental microbes, is critically discussed. The Article also addresses the emerging evidence of silver-driven co-selection of antibiotic resistance determinants. The mechanism has been linked to the increasing pools of many antibiotic resistance genes already detected in samples from different environmental settings, which could ultimately find their ways to animals and human. The realized ecological impact of NAg calls for more judicial use of the nanoparticle. The generated knowledge can inform strategies for a better 'risks versus benefits' assessment of NAg applications, including the disposal stage

    Multifunctional microsphere formulation of fluorescent magnetic properties for drug delivery system

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    Ā© 2017 Author(s). The microsphere formulations of Chit/TPP/Sm/Fe3O4/Rn were prepared by an ionic gelation technique, where Chit=chitosan, TPP=tripolyphosphate, Sm=samarium and Rn=ranitidine. Optimum of microsphere formulation exhibit magnetic and fluorescent properties with adsorption efficiency of āˆ¼92% was obtained for Chit/TPP/Sm/Fe3O4/Rn with ratio 400:500:50:1:20. Fluorescence intensity of microsphere formulations increased with the cumulative amount release of ranitidine, so that the changing of fluorescence intensity at wavelength of 590 nm referring to the Sm3+ ion could be used as indicator in DDS. With the demonstration of sustained release from microsphere formulation, it allows to investigate the applications to other drugs

    Koreksi Kurva Isodosis 2d Untuk Jaringan Nonhomogen Menggunakan Metode Tar (Tissue Air Ratio)

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    Treatment Planning System (TPS) are used to determine the dosedistribution to be received before the irradiation in patients. To see how much radiation dose to be received on the target volume and surrounding critical organs that are required isodose curve. 2D isodose curves correction on non-homogeneous tissues done because in fact the human body not only in the form of soft tissue, but there are also other tissues such as bone tissue or lung. Isodose curve correction have been made using Tissue Air Ratio (TAR) method with Matlab software on a wide field of 10 x 10 cm2. Correction factor is obtained by comparing the effective depth of the TAR with TAR at each depth. Correction factor multiplied by the curve isodose for homogeneous phantom have been obtained from Percentage Depth Dose (PDD) and dose profiles. Corrected isodose curves obtained for nonhomogeneous phantom. Higher the density value on nonhomogeneous phantom, the attenuation will increase and produce the lower dose

    Perancangan Desain Kemasan Semanggi Instan Merek ā€œKampung Semanggiā€ Sebagai Oleh-oleh Khas Surabaya

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    Kampung Semanggi merupakan nama sebuah merek dari produk semanggi instan yang diproduksi oleh UKM Larisma. Semanggi instan sendiri merupakan produk inovasi baru, yakni berupa bahan-bahan dari makanan semanggi khas Surabaya yang dikeringkan dan berpotensi menjadi produk oleh-oleh khas Surabaya. Pada kemasan semanggi instan yang telah ada, ditemui beberapa kelemahan, salah satunya mengenai kemampuan kemasan dalam melindungi isi produk dan kualitas tampilan desain kemasan yang kurang sesuai dengan harga jual serta target marketnya. Selain itu di era pemasaran modern yang semakin ketat, persaingan yang terjadi antarprodusen suatu produk semakin ketat, sehingga mereka berlomba-lomba untuk menciptakan keunikan dan identitas tersendiri bagi produk mereka agar tampak menonjol dan unggul di mata konsumen dibandingkan kompetitornya. Perancangan desain kemasan ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengatasi permasalahan pada kemasan sebelumnya dan diharapkan melalui perancangan desain kemasan ini mampu meningkatkan citra dan kualitas dari produk semanggi instan merek Kampung Semanggi di mata konsumen yang berakibat pada peningkatan penjualan

    Perancangan Desain Kemasan Semanggi Instan Merek "Kampung Semanggi" Sebagai Oleh-Oleh Khas Surabaya

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    Kampung Semanggi merupakan nama sebuah merek dari produk semanggi instan yang diproduksi oleh UKM Larisma. Semanggi instan sendiri merupakan produk inovasi baru, yakni berupa bahan-bahan dari makanan semanggi khas Surabaya yang dikeringkan dan berpotensi menjadi produk oleh-oleh khas Surabaya. Pada kemasan semanggi instan yang telah ada, ditemui beberapa kelemahan, salah satunya mengenai kemampuan kemasan dalam melindungi isi produk dan kualitas tampilan desain kemasan yang kurang sesuai dengan harga jual serta target marketnya. Selain itu di era pemasaran modern yang semakin ketat, persaingan yang terjadi antarprodusen suatu produk semakin ketat, sehingga mereka berlomba-lomba untuk menciptakan keunikan dan identitas tersendiri bagi produk mereka agar tampak menonjol dan unggul di mata konsumen dibandingkan kompetitornya. Perancangan desain kemasan ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengatasi permasalahan pada kemasan sebelumnya dan diharapkan melalui perancangan desain kemasan ini mampu meningkatkan citra dan kualitas dari produk semanggi instan merek Kampung Semanggi di mata konsumen yang berakibat pada peningkatan penjualan

    Rancang Bangun Turbin Air Sungai Poros Vertikal Tipe Savonius Dengan Menggunakan Pemandu Arah Aliran

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    Pemanfaatan sumber energi air terutama digunakan sebagai penyedia energi listrik melalui pembangkit listrik tenaga air maupun mikrohidro. Salah satu permasalahan adalah bagaimana memanfaatkan potensi energi aliran air yang relatif kecil. Maka dari itu guna memanfaatkan dan meningkatkan potensi energi aliran air yang relatif kecil diperlukan penelitian. Pemanfaatan energi air pada penelitian ini adalah pemanfaatan energi kinetik aliran air. Energi mekanik yang merupakan transformasi dari energi kinetik aliran air dimanfaatkan untuk menggerakkan turbin atau kincir. Turbin poros vertikal tipe Savonius ini cocok digunakan untuk memanfaatkan energi aliran air yang relatif kecil. Penelitian dengan judul ā€œRancang Bangun Turbin Air Sungai Poros Vertikal Tipe Savonius dengan Menggunakan Pemandu Araha Aliranā€ dilakukan dengan metode eksperimen, dimana hasil dari rancang bangun turbin akan dilakukan pengujian dan pengambilan data. Data pengujian yang diperoleh berdasarkan dari pengaruh variasi kecepatan aliran 0,30 ; 0,57 ; 0,85 dan 1,08 (m/detik) serta pengaruh dari pemandu arah aliran. Performansi diperoleh dari hasil pengujian dan pengukuran. Diperoleh Cp maksimum 0,13 pada TSR 1,53. Kecepatan putar turbin maksimum diperoleh sebesar 162 RPM dan daya keluaran maksimum generator sebesar 2,31 Watt. Penggunaan pemandu arah aliran dapat meningkatkan performansi turbin Savonius diperoleh efisiensi mekanis turbin rata-rata 90,40% dan efisiensi elektris generator rata-rata 90,20%. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan kecepatan aliran air yang sangat rendah turbin tipe Savonius dapat membangkitkan energi listrik

    Cl415, a carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii isolate containing four AbaR4 and a new variant of AbGRI2, represents a novel global clone 2 strain.

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    ObjectivesTo determine the genetic context of genes conferring antibiotic resistance on the carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Cl415, recovered in 2017 at El Youssef Hospital Centre in Akkar Governorate, North Lebanon.MethodsAntibiotic resistance phenotype for 22 antibiotics was determined using disc diffusion or MIC determination. The whole-genome sequence of Cl415 was determined using a combination of the Illumina MiSeq and Oxford Nanopore (MinION) platforms. Complete genome was assembled using Unicycler and antibiotic resistance determinants and ISs were identified using ResFinder and ISFinder, respectively.ResultsCl415 is a global clone 2 (GC2) strain and belongs to the most common STs of this clone, ST2IP and ST218OX. Cl415 is resistant to several antibiotics, including aminoglycosides and carbapenems to a high level. Genomic analysis of Cl415 revealed that it carries four chromosomal AbaR4 copies. One copy was found in the comM gene replacing the AbGRI1 island. Cl415 also contains a novel variant of AbGRI2, herein called AbGRI2-15, carrying only the blaTEM and aphA1 resistance genes. Cl415 belongs to a subclade of GC2 strains that appear to have diverged recently with a wide geographical distribution.ConclusionsThe resistance gene complement of Cl415 was found in the chromosome with four oxa23 located in AbaR4 copies and the remaining genes in a novel variant of the AbGRI2 resistance island. Cl415 was isolated in Lebanon, but phylogenetic analysis suggests that Cl415 represents a new lineage with global distribution within GC2
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