1,999 research outputs found

    Toward a Theoretical Inquiry Into Codeswitching: the Indonesian Experience

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    Hardly has codeswitching been evaluatively treated on the theoretical level using the natural language data from the sociolinguistic context of Indonesia. This research paper is to address such an issue as a field of inquiry incorporating the researcher's first-hand encounter with naturalistic language data in the field

    The Refusal Strategies Used by the Old and Young Foremen in a Bakery in Surabaya

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    This study is mainly about the refusal strategies used by an old foreman and a young foreman in refusing request permission made by the workers. Specifically, it focuses on the comparison between how the old foreman and the young foreman employed the refusal strategies in refusing request. The findings show that both the old foreman and the young foreman mostly employed indirect strateg

    The Concept of the Luxury Branding in Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Series Through Triadic Modes of Sign

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    This thesis mainly deals with the iconisation of signs and naturalisation process in order to reveal the way Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge is naturalised as a luxury product. This thesis also involves analysis of the luxury branding concept through the analysis of a product which conceptualises its advertisement using the concept of luxury identifiers. The focus of the writer's analysis is the advertisements themselves as the writer will use the triadic modes of signs, naturalisation process, and the concept of luxury identifiers which also involves process of signification, and metaphor in its analysis. Those theories will help the writer in analysing the meaning of the advertisement first, and then figure out the aim of the luxury branding strategy in the product, then figure out how the expressions are used in the luxury concept of advertisement. The writer analyses the advertisement of Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge which was published in 2015. From the analysis, the writer found out that the luxury branding strategy of Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge utilises naturalisation process to naturalise the luxury identity of Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge which is a masstige product. Using that as a basis, the expressions in the advertisement focus on selling the idea that Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge is a luxury product which is an innovative idea designed for professionals and to display superiority within the social group. Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge aims to provide the user with a display of social superiority within the social group through the consumption of Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge. In that regards, the user will be seen as a person who is wealthy, stand out in terms of taste, and a professional who is fully aware of the technology

    Interruptions and Overlaps Occuring in an Indonesian Television Talk Show Indonesia Lawyers Club – TV One

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    This research aims to help people understand about turn-taking irregularities, overlap and interruption and why it occurs. The classification of interruption is based on the definition of the interruption from Wardhaugh (1985). The writer believes that interruption and overlap are caused by certain reasons. The writer is interested in observing interruption and overlap in “Indonesia Lawyers Club” because she wanted to know which parties in this show produced more number of interruptions and overlaps, especially in an interactive dialog. There are two parties in this dialog, namely host and guests/panelist. This study was a qualitative study; the writer got the data from the transcript, which she did it manually. The writer analyzed all interruptions and overlaps from the host an guests/panelists which occurred in this show and classified the reason. The writer wanted to find out what the common reason of interruption and overlap are in this study. To decide the reason of interruption and overlap the writer looked at the context of the discussion between the host and the guest/panelists. The writer found that interruptions occurred more than overlaps. The common reason was seeking of clarification, and the other reason was confirming, completing, breaking up, and showing agreement. From all of this reason the writer conclude that interruptions and overlaps in this talk-show were not violation

    Swearwords Used by Gangsters in the “Alpha Dog” Movie

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    Many people assume that swearwords is a rude word and should be avoided. Those words are used to insult, to curse, to offend or to mock at something when the speaker has strong emotion (Hughes, 1991,05). To swear at someone or something is to insult and deprecate the object of abuse, as well as to use other kinds of dysphemism (Allan & Burridge, 2006,76). Apparently some experts and scholars have been able to prove that swearwords also has a purpose and a meaning beside the one as commonly held. Therefore, the writer took the "Alpha Dog" movie as an example of the analyzed cases. Examples have been found by the writer including the categories of epithets derived from tabooed bodily organs, epithets derived from bodily effluvia, epithets derived from sexual behaviours, dysphemistic epithets that pick on real physical characteristics that are treated as though they are abnormalities, imprecations and epithets invoking mental subnormality or derangement. Finally, the writer also managed to find a purpose or a reason for the people to use swearwords in real life

    An Analysis of Theme and Rheme Used in the Five-star Hotels' Web Sites in Surabaya

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    The study done by the writer observes the themes and rhemes used in the five-star hotels' web sites in Surabaya. It includes the types of themes and the notions of subject which are under the Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) proposed by Halliday and Matthiessen (2004). In addition, the data of the study are in the form of text and taken from seven Surabaya five-star hotels' web sites. The writer also used a descriptive qualitative approach in analyzing the 155 data. From the analysis, it is found the two kinds of structure of theme and rheme used by the hotels in their web sites. The hotels also used three types of theme which are simple theme, clause as a theme, and thematic equative. In terms of the subjects (psychological subject, grammatical subject, and logical subject), the hotels are able to fulfill either one, two, or three notions of subject

    Persuasive Strategies Used in Jokowi's Speech in His Governor Election Campaign

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    This present study is conducted to find out the types of persuasive strategies which were used in Jokowi's speech. This study is aimed to seek the types of persuasive strategies and also the speech function related to the persuasive strategies used by Jokowi. This study is supported by Beebe & Beebe's theory of persuasive strategy (2012) and Holmes theory of speech function (1996). The writer analyzed the speech in a standup comedy used in Jokowi campaign in 5th October 2012. The writer found eight characteristics of persuasive strategies that Jokowi used: using evidence to tell a story , considering using appeals to several emotion (hope, courage, pride,) using specific evidence, using appropriate fear appear, using new evidence, and using concrete example that help your listener visualize what you describe. The writer also found the speech function that related in persuasive strategies in Jokowi's speech as being referential, directive, metalinguistic, expressive, and phatic

    A Company Profile for Ibis Surabaya City Center Hotel

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    Company profile is a description of the company history, resources, structure, performance, and reputation. Therefore, company profile is very important for the hotel and it also plays an important role for business communication because it provides the useful information of the hotel that can help the employees to get the product knowledge about the hotel. Also, it will help the customers when they want to stay in the hotel. As we know, ibis Surabaya City Center Hotel did not have the written company profile that can be very useful for the hotel. Therefore, ibis has to make the company profile for the hotel. By having the company profile, the hotel can attract new customers because many people will see the profile of the hotel. Moreover, this company profile will make an impact on the sales of the hotel because it is related with the promotion of the hote

    Code Choice Used by the Employees in the Communication with the Superior and the Co-worker

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    This study is about the choice of codes used by the employees in communicating with their superior and their co-worker. The thing that has caught the writer's attention and curiosity to write on this particular topic is the language that is used by the employees in a work place like switching when they talk to the superior and the co-worker. The aims of this study were to describe and to analyze the codes which were used by the employees, to find out the dominant code they chose, and to explain what factors affected their choice of code. Through the analysis, the writer found that the employees chose to use standard or casual Indonesian codes in communicating with their superior. Whereas they used Javanese codes in communicating among themselves

    The Compliment Responses Used by Herbalife's Male and Female Customers in Surabaya

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    This journal mainly deals with the males' and females' compliment responses from Herbalife following up system. The focus of my analysis is the types of the males' and females' compliment responses that occurred most frequently by both genders, the differences or/and similarities of males' and females' compliment responses types. To analyze the data, I used Holmes' (1995&2006) and Wolfson's (1989) theories. I used Lesmana's research (2009) as well the contrast between an online communication research and an offline communication research as supporting thesis. For the methods, I used a descriptive qualitative approach to be supported by quantitative data in developing my research.Then, from my analysis, I found that the both male and female interlocutors tended to accept the compliments given by me as the female complimenter
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