6 research outputs found

    Karakterisasi dan Deskripsi Plasma Nutfah Kacang Panjang

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    Untuk memperluas keragaman sumber genetik kacang panjang telah dilakukan eksplorasi di Sumatera dan Jawa Timur pada tahun 2000. Tim kolektor yang dipimpin peneliti Balitsa berhasil mengumpulkan 35 nomor plasma nutfah kacang panjang. Semua nomor yang dikoleksi ditanam di KP Subang (100 m dpl) pada MH 2001. Karakterisasi dilakukan untuk mendapatkan deskripsi dalam program pemuliaan. Tiap nomor ditanam 20 tanaman per petak dengan jarak tanam 70 x 30 cm. Tanaman dipupuk dengan pupuk kandang domba sebanyak 20 t/ha dan NPK (15-15-15) dengan dosis 500 kg/ha. Hasil penelitian ini menghasilkan deskripsi plasma nutfah tanaman kacang panjang untuk pertukaran informasi mengenai sumber genetik yang akan digunakan dalam pemuliaan untuk mendapatkan varietas unggul dengan kualitas yang lebih baik

    Karakterisasi Koleksi Plasma Nutfah Tomat Lokal Dan Introduksi

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    An experiment on eighteen genotypes of tomato was conducted at Lembang station (RIV) (1250 m asl) in 1999/2000 planting season to characterize their phenotypic performance, growth type and yield. The experiment was arranged in a Randomized Block Design with 18 two replications. Genotypes tested were introduction and landraces. Phenotypic performance growth type fruit color and productive branch number were realtively uniparm while head of plant, fruit diameter, fruit thick and plant age had were different. Tomato lines FMTT 270, FMTT 22 and FMTT 95 had healthy fruit weight per plant, fruit diameter and good thickness at Lembang highland. Lokereal tomato lines PT 4289, PT 4226, PT 4165, and PT 4121 had earlier harvested, to be further use as breeding material

    Karakterisasi Plasma Nutfah Mentimun

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    AbstactCaharcterization of Cucumis sativus germplasms was done to get the description of plant character for the breeder to use as “Working Collection” materials which were useful in breeding programme. Characterization was done on 23 accessions of Cucumis sativus germplasm planted at Subang station (100 m asl) during dry season 2003. Twenty seeds of each accession planted in a plot with planting distance of 70 x 40 cm. The description of Cucumis sativus germplasms had been done. Six accessions of Cucumis sativus were selected for Working Collection based on fruits quality and resistance to environmental stresser