4 research outputs found

    Liberal Feminism in Movie North Country Directed by Niki Caro

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    Women is still in lower position in every chace, especially in workplace. Equal rights is a must where every individual can get it. The purpose of this paper are explore about problems which happend there such as the reason why it can happend, impacts that main character and her co-worker as long as they work, and also obstacles in fighting for women's right. This research uses descriptive qualitative method, data analysis is described by using words. Source date is taken from books and online resources, and others resource which completed this paper. This reasearch want to discuss about liberal feminism in this film, it is one of branch feminism theory which focused on fight for women's right. As the result, Josey as the main character, she is bravely and clear woman who able speak out freedom for women and equal rights in workplace although almost the most worker there are men. Finally, with hard struggle and feel give up, she can do it

    Komparasi Algoritma Support Vector Machine dan Naïve Bayes dengan Algotima Genetika pada Analisis Sentimen Calon Gubernur Jabar 2018-2023

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    – Kontestasi politik dalam penentuan menjadi pemimpin tingkat provinsi dalam hal ini gubernur Jawa Barat 2018-2023. Masyarakat yang memberikan opininya berupa tweet pada media sosial twitter menentukan bentuk dukungan atau tidaknya, sehingga perlu adanya analisis sentimen terhadap calon Gubernur agar mengetahui tingkat kepercayaan masyarakat serta terbentuk citra kepada calon Gubernur Jawa Barat 2018-2023. Akan tetapi membaca keseluruhan tweet yang tersebar dalam twitter yang berkaitan dengan masing-masing calon gubernur akan memakan waktu dan membingungkan dalam pengambilan keputusan. Klasifikasi sentimen akan mengurai masalah mengenai opini, pendapat, emosi dan prilaku dengan studi komputasi. Metode klasifikasi yang akan dibahas dalam penelitian yaitu dengan algoritma Naïve Bayes serta Support Vector Machine. Penentuan fitur menentuka hasil akurasi, dalam penentuan fitur seleksi digunakan Genetic Algorithm agar dapat meningkatan akurasi pengklasifikasian pada Support Vector Machine dan Naive Bayes. Perolehan penelitian ini yaitu klasifikasi teks dalam pola negatif atau positif dari tweet calon gubernur Jawa Barat 2018-2023. Pada dataset tidak seimbang Support Vector Machine menghasilkan rata-rata akurasi 92.61% dengan AUC 0,950, Naive Bayes menghasilkan rata-rata akurasi 93,29% dengan AUC 0,525, Support Vector Machine berbasis Genetic Algorithm menghasilkan rata-rata akurasi 93,03% dengan AUC 0,869, Naive Bayes berbasis Genetic Algorithm menghasilkan rata-rata akurasi 92,85% dengan AUC 0,543. Hasil ini menunjukan bahwa Support Vector Machine dapat digunakan untuk membangun deteksi tweet klasifikasi positif dan negatif dengan tingkat akurasi yang tinggi. Kebaruan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa Support Vector Machine dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi tweet pada dataset twitter berbahasa Indonesia penulis

    Employee Performance Apparaisal Using Decision Support System by AHP and TOPSIS Methods

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    During this time the performance appraisal of PT. Injep Inti Cemerlang has not been implemented optimally, especially in employee performance appraisal. Performance appraisal so far is only determined from the results, there are no clear appraisal criteria. Based on this reason, a decision support system is needed to help find the best alternative for the employees selection. In this research a decision support system for employee performance appraisal will be developed based on Attitude, Responsibility, Attendance, Discipline and Collaboration. This research aims to design a decision support system for employee performance appraisal using data collection methods by observation, interviews and giving questionnaires to employees of PT. Injep Inti Cemerlang. The data collected is carried out the process of analyzing data and looking for weighting values using the AHP method and for ranking using the TOPSIS method, where each criterion is appraisal factors and alternatives in this case employees are compared the criteria that have been weighted through the process of calculating the AHP and TOPSIS method starting from giving the weighting of criteria by calculating with Ms. Excel and calculating with Expert Choice software. The results have been obtained from weighting the next ranking by the TOPSIS method. thus providing a value output that results in a system that employees appraisal. This decision support system helps the employee performance apprasial at PT. Injep Inti Cemerlang in determining the employee who has the best performanc