4 research outputs found

    Program Bantu Manajemen Bisnis Laundry Dengan Metode Customer Relationship Management

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    Proses pencucian dan gosok laundry untuk tujuan kepuasan pelanggan adalah hal yang tidak gampang karena harus mempertimbangkan berbagai faktor, sehingga sangat memerlukan ketelitian dari pihak laundry. Karena yang namanya permintaan seorang pelanggan pasti ada hal-hal tertentu yang berbeda dan jarang memiliki persamaan. Pencatatan kriteria dalam laundry ditentukan oleh berbagai faktor, misalnya jumlah sabun, jenis pewangi, model gosokan, dan kriteria yang lainnya. Pertimbangan laundry untuk menggunakan kriteria-kriteria diatas tentunya secara umum sudah mencakupi standar laundry, pengambil keputusan dalam hal ini pemilik laundry dan karyawan Prima Laundy bisa mencatat dan melakukan proses cuci dan gosok yang sesuai dengan permintaan pelanggan. Dari masalah tersebut penulis menerapkan aplikasi CRM (Customer Relationship Management) yang sangat bermanfaat dan dapat membantu Perusahaan dalam melakukan pendekatan kepada para pelanggan dalam menjaga hubungan baik. Kemampuan CRM adalah konsepnya yang mudah dimengerti dan sistematis yang mendasari pendekatan dengan pelanggan sehingga dapat membantu memelihara hubungan baik dengan pelanggan. Hasil dari implementasi metode CRM(Customer Relationship Management) dalam laundry ini ternyata sangat membantu pendekatan pelanggan dalam hal ini pemilik laundry dan karyawan untuk mencatat kebiasaan pelanggan yang meningkatkan loyalitas pelanggan

    Penerapan Sistem Personalisasi Akun pada Admisi Online Binus University

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    This research purpose is to make easy the registration process of new students by personalizing the account page on admission online. Therefore, each user can manage their own needs and recognize the steps that must be taken to be a BINUS student. Analyses are performed towards the current working system and issues related to the system. Further is performing finding references related to the problem through literature study. Then, creating a UML diagram of the system design, user interface and database. Next is the programming phase and evaluation of the application . The results obtained is an online admission application with a personalized login page. It can be used to make easy the registration of new student or related issue at the many insttutions of Binus. It is suggested to create the mobile version of online admission for the future development

    Pengembangan Content Management System pada Admisi Online Binus University

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    Technically registration form for new Binus institution must be regenerated and not dynamic. Therefore, this research is objected to simplify the creation of registration process for new Binus institution and provide solutions to the problem when Binus establish other new institutions. Methodology used is analysis and design of the database (database oriented). Analysis is done by asking the problems of existing systems in the IT Directorate, whereas the design uses UML diagram notation 2.0. The results obtained is front end and back end applications for the Content Management System of the registration form. The results of this design can be used to simplify the new student registration or in the many Binus institutions by grouping similar fields. With some changes in the front end and back end applications for content Management System, the addition of new online admission application form can be managed faster, where the creation of admision registration form is managed in the back end application. As suggestions for future development, online admission registration can be run in mobile version