11 research outputs found

    The Importance of The Dentist – Patient Relationship in Oral Cancer Treatment

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    Background: There are many instances in oral cancer cases in which a lack of patient cooperation was found to be a hampering factor in the overall case management. A good relationship between dentists and patients should therefore be built in conjunction with other treatment modalities. Case Report: Three complete oral cancer cases with dentist–patient relationship problems are presented. One of the common basic ways to build a good relationship is through communication and empathy. A relationship is also influenced by psychological distress, experience from previous treatments, socioeconomic factors, the healthcare system, time constraints, and belief. Conclusion: No single intervention strategy can improve the compliance of an oral cancer patient. An assessment of patient knowledge and understanding of the regimen along with clear and effective communication and trust in the therapeutic relationship are important in the overall patient management

    Oral Probiotik: Pendekatan Baru Terapi Halitosis

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    Halitosis is a general term denoting unpleasant breath arising from mouth, where odorous breath components could be originated from intraoral and/or extraoral. Classification includes genuine halitosis, pseudo-halitosis and halitophobia. Local and systemic factor play role in the process of halitosis. Diagnosis of halitosis can be made by analysing the degree and type of the presence of volatile compounds, as well as the identification of microbial components. Currently available treatments of halitosis includes local (mechanic and chemical) and systemic (probiotic) approaches. Probiotic is a new therapeutic approach for halitosis. Development of available probiotic-based halitosis treatments is significantly progressing and is overviewed herein.DOI: 10.14693/jdi.v16i1.1

    Cd8+ expression in oral potentially malignant disorders associated with risk factors in selected population of east Indonesia

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    Background: Oral potentially malignant disorder (OPMD) is a lesion with a high potential to turn into oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). The discovery of OPMD lesions precedes most cases of OSCC. Sensitive and specific biomarkers can help in the early detection of high-risk patients, one of which is CD8+, part of the cytotoxic T lymphocytes, which have a role in eliminating cancer cells. Several studies use infiltration density and CD8+ T cells' activity as biomarkers in malignancy. This study aims to observe the expression of CD8+ in OPMD lesions and correlate with risk factors Method: Twelve paraffin blocks samples consist of OPMD lesions. One oral lichen planus (OLP) as the positive control. Samples were stained using HE to observe the degree of dysplasia and immunohistochemistry to observe the expression of CD8+ T cells. Observation of results using a microscope with 100x magnification to select the field of view and 400x magnification to count the number of positive CD8+ T cells with a cut-off point of 500 cells from a total of 5 fields of view and determined by weak intensity


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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected health care systems around the world. Dentistry is one of the most closely related to the production of aerosols or droplets. Minimal visits to a dental clinic or hospital are highly recommended except in emergency cases. The government's recommendation is the use of teledentistry to conduct diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of diseases. The oral medicine field is fully in charge of this activity and until now it has never been studied how the characteristics of oral medicine patients who use teledentistry services including their level of satisfaction. Method: To describe the characteristic including the level of satisfaction of Oral Medicine patients using teledentistry in Dental Hospital Usakti during pandemic COVID-19. An observational cross-sectional study was conducted in the Oral Medicine Clinic in 31 patients who used teledentistry services at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic under informed consent. Validated modified questionnaire and sociodemographic data were collected and satisfaction scores were categorized. Results: The validity of the questionnaire showed Cronbach-alpha 0.83 with a reliability of 0.95 and a separation of 4.49. Most of the subject used teledentistry was female (54.83%), 31-60 years old (51.61%), no history of contact with COVID-19 patient, and prior history of teledentistry (100%, 77.41%, respectively). 93.6% of subjects showed a high satisfaction level in using teledentistry services. Conclusion: The characteristic of oral medicine patients using teledentistry described a high satisfaction level, thus the teledentistry method could be a solution in/after the pandemic era


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    KATA PENGANTAR PENGURUS BESAR PERSATUAN DOKTER GIGI INDONESIA Dimulai akhir Desember 2019 terjadi wabah virus baru di dataran china terkhusus di daerah Wuhan, yang secara cepat menyebar diluar China bahkan dalam waktu 2 bulan hampir seluruh dunia terinfeksi COVID-19, sehingga WHO menyatakan Outbreak COVID-19 Global Pandemic. Pada tanggal 2 maret 2020 Indonesia mengumumkan dimulainya kejadian wabah di wilayah Jakarta, Jawa Barat, dan Bali, dalam waktu singkat kurang 1 bulan, 34 provinsi terdeteksi COVID-19. Oleh karena Presiden RI menyatakan bencana nasional non alam, maka dibentuklah Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan COVID-19 yang diawali oleh BNBP dari tingkat pusat hingga wilayah provinsi. Dengan adanya beberapa korban dokter gigi yang meninggal dunia akibat COVID-19, maka Kepala BNPB dan Kementerian Kesehatan menghimbau agar dokter gigi yang berisiko tinggi tertular COVID-19 saat memberikan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut, untuk sementara menghentikan pemberian pelayanan kecuali untuk kasus-kasus emergensi. Hampir 4 bulan para dokter gigi tidak praktik, tidak memberikan pelayanan langsung ke pasien, dan tidak dapat mengamalkan ilmu dan kompetensi dalam bentuk pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Banyak permintaan dan keluhan dari masyarakat, klinik, rumah sakit dan institusi pelayanan kesehatan agar para dokter gigi segera dapat berpraktik kembali, karena masyarakat kesulitan mendapatkan perawatan. Seiring dengan wacana Pemerintah menerapkan Kehidupan Normal Baru, atau Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru yang dikenal dengan sebutan era New Normal, PB-PDGI memberikan kesempatan kepada dokter gigi seluruh Indonesia untuk memulai praktik kembali dengan berbagai ketentuan yang harus ditaati. Ketentuan-ketentuan ini dimaksudkan untuk melindungi dokter gigi dan tenaga kesehatan pendukung agar tidak tertular COVID-19, serta menghindari adanya infeksi silang di ruang tempat praktik. Dengan diterbitkan dan diberlakukannya Buku Panduan Dokter Gigi Dalam Era New Normal, maka dimulailah para dokter gigi Indonesia untuk berpraktik kembali. Buku ini memuat panduan secara lengkap, selain ketentuan berpraktik kembali di era new normal, tetapi juga tentang manajemen pembiayaan dan upaya promotif Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut, yang didukung oleh literatur ilmiah yang kuat, sehingga dapat menjadi referensi bagi siapapun untuk penulisan ilmiah maupun penelitian. Ketua umum PB-PDGI memberikan apresiasi yang setinggi-tingginya kepada tim penulis buku Panduan Dokter Gigi Di Era New Normal, dengan dedikasi yang tinggi pula dan jerih payahnya mencari literatur, siang dan malam menyusun kata demi kata yang dirangkai menjadi kalimat-kalimat hingga terwujudnya buku ini yang menjadi pedoman bagi dokter gigi se-Indonesia untuk berpraktik di era new normal. Dengan penuh harapan, agar dokter gigi Indonesia dapat menggunakan buku ini secara bijak dan tidak menjadi keterpaksaan. Semoga Allah SWT selalu melindungi kita semua dan memberikan yang terbaik.. Aamiin...Aamiin... Ya Robbal ‘alamin. Demikian terima kasih. Jakarta, 30 Juni 2020 Dr. RM Sri Hananto Seno, drg., SpBM(K),MM Ketua Umum PB-PDGI   Editor: 1. Indrayadi Gunardi, drg., Sp.PM 2. Dr. Armelia Sari Widyarman, drg., M.Kes. PBO 3. Prof. Rahmi Amtha, drg., MDS., Sp.PM, Ph.D. 4. Iwan Dewanto, drg., MMR., Ph.D &nbsp

    The Impact of Academic Potential Test (APT) on GPA Score in Bachelor Dental Program in Trisakti University

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    Introduction: Academic potential test (APT) is the terminology used for requirement in student recruitment process at Faculty of Dentistry, Trisakti University. According to literature, APT score is believed to predict the academic achievement in graduate school. Objectives: This study assessed the impact of APT score on GPA score at Bachelor Dental Program year 2015-2018. Methods: Cross sectional descriptive analysis were done on 486 students, divided into 4 groups based on credit semester (CS); group A 144 CS, B 100 CS, C 60 CS, and D 20 CS. Result: mean APT score were 598 + 95.46 and GPA score were 2.63 + 0.72. Linear regression test showed significant correlation between APT and GPA scores (p=0.007; r2=1.5%). It shows that APT contributed as only a little aspect for the success of students in their study. In dentistry, there are other factors that may influence GPA score beside APT such as intellectual quality, talent, behavior, psychomotor and capability in social, science and communication. Conclusion: Academic potential test could be used to predict the GPA score in Bachelor Dental Program

    Expression of CD133 in various premalignant and proliferative lesions

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    Background: In Jakarta, oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) usually detected in late stage with very low survival rate ofabout 1.1 years. OSCC may be preceded by premalignant lesion, so that early detection of the lesion may decrease the mortality rate due to oral malignancy. CD133 is a hematopoietic stem cell that play role in tissue regeneration, inflammation and tumor. Upregulated of CD133 was reported on tumor progression. Purpose: The aim of study is to determine circulating CD133 expression on premalignant (PML) and proliferative (PL) lesion. Method: Observational research was carried out on patients who seek treatment of PML and PL at Oral Medicine clinic. CD133 was taken from peripheral blood serum, examined using PCR. Data was analyzed by Chi square test. Result: 15 subjects (each of five subjects for PML, PL and control) consist of 40% male and 60% female. Age group of above 41 years old was most affected PML and PL (66.7%). Tongue is common site for oral lesion (40%). There is a significant different of circulating CD133 rate among all groups lesion (p=0.039). Conclusion: CD133 express differently in premalignant and proliferative lesions.</span

    Oral mucosal lesion detection accuracy post lectures and tests in clinical dental students

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    The oral medicine field of dentistry comprises learning to diagnose oral soft tissue disease and is taught from the third year of dental school. Despite long-term learning on oral medicine, there are no data on the clinical accuracy of oral mucosal lesion (OML) diagnosis by clinical dental students (CDS). Purpose: to evaluate the effectiveness of oral medicine lectures prior to community service in Tanjung Pandan, Indonesia. Methods: An observational study was done by 60 CDS, divided into 3 groups, who were tested and/or given prior lectures. OML detection was performed by CDS and re-confirmed by an oral medicine specialist. The analyses were done by t-test, ANOVA, and Cohen's Kappa. The results: Out of 615 patients, only 243 patients had OML. There was a significant difference in test scores found between groups with or without prior lectures(P=.026; P=.015). The accuracy and inter-agreement of OML detection was good with substantial agreement (AUC=.825; K=.629); however, there was fair agreement on normal variant oral lesions (AUC=.68; k=.322), and all groups failed to detect and diagnose OPMD lesions (AUC=.501; k=.003). There was a positive correlation between test #2 and AUC OML (R=.845), and with every increase in test score, the accuracy is expected to be .033 higher. Dental student OML knowledge should be upgraded by frequent oral lesion case practice. Further educational strategy is needed to develop dental student's knowledge and skill, so that they can integrate their learning into their practice