580 research outputs found

    Integral mean estimates for the polar derivative of a polynomial

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    Let P(z) P(z) be a polynomial of degree n n having all zeros in ∣z∣≤k|z|\leq k where k≤1,k\leq 1, then it was proved by Dewan \textit{et al} that for every real or complex number α\alpha with ∣α∣≥k|\alpha|\geq k and each r≥0r\geq 0 n(∣α∣−k){∫02π∣P(eiθ)∣rdθ}1r≤{∫02π∣1+keiθ∣rdθ}1rMax∣z∣=1∣DαP(z)∣. n(|\alpha|-k)\left\{\int\limits_{0}^{2\pi}\left|P\left(e^{i\theta}\right)\right|^r d\theta\right\}^{\frac{1}{r}}\leq\left\{\int\limits_{0}^{2\pi}\left|1+ke^{i\theta}\right|^r d\theta\right\}^{\frac{1}{r}}\underset{|z|=1}{Max}|D_\alpha P(z)|. \indent In this paper, we shall present a refinement and generalization of above result and also extend it to the class of polynomials P(z)=anzn+∑ν=μnan−νzn−ν,P(z)=a_nz^n+\sum_{\nu=\mu}^{n}a_{n-\nu}z^{n-\nu}, 1≤μ≤n,1\leq\mu\leq n, having all its zeros in ∣z∣≤k|z|\leq k where k≤1k\leq 1 and thereby obtain certain generalizations of above and many other known results.Comment: 8 page

    Do Campaign Contribution Limits Curb the Influence of Money in Politics?

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    Over 40% of countries around the world have adopted limits on campaign contributions to curb the influence of money in politics. Yet, we have limited knowledge on whether and how these limits achieve this goal. With a regression discontinuity design that uses institutional rules on contribution limits in Colombian municipalities, we show that looser limits increase the number and value of public contracts assigned to the winning candidate’s donors. The evidence suggests that this is explained by looser limits concentrating influence over the elected candidate among top donors and not by a reduction in electoral competition or changes in who runs for office. We further show that looser limits worsen the performance of donor-managed contracts: they are more likely to run over costs and require time extensions. Overall, this paper demonstrates a direct link between campaign contribution limits, donor kickbacks, and worse government contract performance

    Lp mean estimates for an operator preserving inequalities between polynomials

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    If P(z)P(z) be a polynomial of degree at most nn which does not vanish in ∣z∣<1|z| < 1, it was recently formulated by Shah and Liman \cite[\textit{Integral estimates for the family of BB-operators, Operators and Matrices,} \textbf{5}(2011), 79 - 87]{wl} that for every R≥1R\geq 1, p≥1p\geq 1, ∥B[P∘σ](z)∥p≤Rn∣Λn∣+∣λ0∣∥1+z∥p∥P(z)∥p,\left\|B[P\circ\sigma](z)\right\|_p \leq\frac{R^{n}|\Lambda_n|+|\lambda_{0}|}{\left\|1+z\right\|_p}\left\|P(z)\right\|_p, where BB is a Bn \mathcal{B}_{n}-operator with parameters λ0,λ1,λ2\lambda_{0}, \lambda_{1}, \lambda_{2} in the sense of Rahman \cite{qir}, σ(z)=Rz\sigma(z)=Rz and Λn=λ0+λ1n22+λ2n3(n−1)8\Lambda_n=\lambda_{0}+\lambda_{1}\frac{n^{2}}{2} +\lambda_{2}\frac{n^{3}(n-1)}{8}. Unfortunately the proof of this result is not correct. In this paper, we present a more general sharp LpL_p-inequalities for Bn\mathcal{B}_{n}-operators which not only provide a correct proof of the above inequality as a special case but also extend them for 0≤p<1 0 \leq p <1 as well.Comment: 16 Page

    Empowerment among Pakistani nursing leaders: A grounded theory approach

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    Empowerment among Pakistani nursing leaders Nursing is a growing profession worldwide; however, its image still suffers from historical social disapproval, particularly in third-world countries. It has also been observed that nurses working in various capacities suffer from oppression, which not only damages their personality but reduces their performance quality. To overcome this limitation, inculcating empowerment is essential. The increasing complexity of the healthcare system, with the introduction of sophisticated healthcare technology and increased patient acuity levels, has had a significant impact on nursing practice requirements, and this has created heavy demands and expectations from nursing leaders who are already working in a challenging environment. Thus, attaining empowerment is significantly important for nursing leaders. It plays an essential role in helping to lead the followers to bring positive change and influence society as a whole. Although considerable research has been done internationally, less attention has been paid to the empowerment of nursing leaders in Pakistan. It would, thus, be of interest to learn how Pakistani nursing leaders go through the empowerment process. Based on that, a theory will be developed that would enable nursing leaders to come up with a guiding tool that will help nurture current and future nursing leaders. The study\u27s objectives are to discover the key concepts and their relationship with empowerment from the Pakistani nursing leaders’ perspective, identify the empowerment processes, and generate a grounded theory of empowerment. The study utilized the qualitative design using the grounded theory approach. National nursing leaders from the public and private health sectors were selected. Twelve participants (n=12) were interviewed using a structured interview guide. Data analysis was done through constant comparisons of the data and literature reviews. Open coding, axial coding and selective coding were done using the qualitative analysis procedure of grounded theory. Finally, a theoretical model was developed as an outcome of the study. Based on the study findings, conceptual and operational frameworks were proposed. From the conceptual framework, six significant categories highlighted the core category of ‘empowerment’. They were the status of a nurse, the nursing profession, power relationships, leadership and management and value belief systems. The operational framework focused on challenges adopted strategies and outcomes of empowerment. The outcome was the generation of a theoretical model of empowerment, which was described as a process. The core category represents the central theme, and the relationship among all the categories and subcategories has been illustrated through a diagrammatic representation. Recommendations have been given based on the study findings. The significant recommendations are strengthening the nursing education system, providing national and international exposure to nurses, the commencement of master\u27s and PhD programs in nursing at the government and private s levels, including courses like ethics, gender, politics and empowerment in nursing education, especially in the masters’ program, strengthening the nursing regulatory bodies like the Pakistan nursing council (PNC) and the Pakistan nursing federation (PNF) by inducting strong nursing leadership; induction of more male nurses in the profession to have a gender mix in nursing in Pakistan. Empowerment The empowerment process is one of the significant components of enhancing the image of the nursing profession in Pakistan. It can shape the profession constructively and pragmatically. Building the competencies of nurses by providing higher education and an understanding of the political system is crucial to nurse empowerment in the Pakistani context
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