28 research outputs found

    Operationalizing Albee\u27s Incidence Formula

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    Between the absolutes of birth and death, human behavior occurs in a countless variety of forms. Some behaviors are considered functional, whereas others are considered dysfunctional. In the world of Western medicine where all health problems have specific causes and sets of symptoms, illness has biogenic roots. Operating from this premise, many within the medical community in the late 19th century searched for germs in a futile attempt to find an explanation for dysfunctional behavior. This exploration was replaced in the 20th century by a search for viruses, chemical imbalances, and presently, for genes, which many psychiatrists argue are responsible for dysfunctional behavior. The problem is that the majority of emotional problems are not diseases that can ..

    The journal of prevention: Hopefully an axle in a sea of wheels

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    Primary Prevention Works

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    Adolescent life experiences

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    Adolescent life experiences

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    xxxi, 592 p. : ill. ; 23 cm