54 research outputs found

    Bell sampling from quantum circuits

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    A central challenge in the verification of quantum computers is benchmarking their performance as a whole and demonstrating their computational capabilities. In this work, we find a model of quantum computation, Bell sampling, that can be used for both of those tasks and thus provides an ideal stepping stone towards fault-tolerance. In Bell sampling, we measure two copies of a state prepared by a quantum circuit in the transversal Bell basis. We show that the Bell samples are classically intractable to produce and at the same time constitute what we call a circuit shadow: from the Bell samples we can efficiently extract information about the quantum circuit preparing the state, as well as diagnose circuit errors. In addition to known properties that can be efficiently extracted from Bell samples, we give two new and efficient protocols, a test for the depth of the circuit and an algorithm to estimate a lower bound to the number of T gates in the circuit. With some additional measurements, our algorithm learns a full description of states prepared by circuits with low T -count.Comment: 5+14 pages, 2 figures. Comments welcom

    Entanglement structure of current-driven diffusive fermion systems

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    When an extended system is coupled at its opposite boundaries to two reservoirs at different temperatures or chemical potentials, it cannot achieve a global thermal equilibrium and is instead driven to a set of current-carrying nonequilibrium states. Despite the broad relevance of such a scenario to metallic systems, there have been limited investigations of the entanglement structure of the resulting long-time states, in part, due to the fundamental difficulty in solving realistic models for disordered, interacting electrons. We investigate this problem by carefully analyzing two "toy" models for coherent quantum transport of diffusive fermions: the celebrated three-dimensional, noninteracting Anderson model and a class of random quantum circuits acting on a chain of qubits, which exactly maps to a diffusive, interacting fermion problem. Crucially, the random circuit model can also be tuned to have no interactions between the fermions, similar to the Anderson model. We show that the long-time states of driven noninteracting fermions exhibit volume-law mutual information and entanglement, both for our random circuit model and for the nonequilibrium steady-state of the Anderson model. With interactions, the random circuit model is quantum chaotic and approaches local equilibrium, with only short-range entanglement. These results provide a generic picture for the emergence of local equilibrium in current-driven quantum-chaotic systems, and also provide examples of stable, highly-entangled many-body states out of equilibrium. We discuss experimental techniques to probe these effects in low-temperature mesoscopic wires or ultracold atomic gases.Comment: v5: 32 pages, 11 figures, note adde

    Correlated photon dynamics in dissipative Rydberg media

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    Rydberg blockade physics in optically dense atomic media under the conditions of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) leads to strong dissipative interactions between single photons. We introduce a new approach to analyzing this challenging many-body problem in the limit of large optical depth per blockade radius. In our approach, we separate the single-polariton EIT physics from Rydberg-Rydberg interactions in a serialized manner while using a hard-sphere model for the latter, thus capturing the dualistic particle-wave nature of light as it manifests itself in dissipative Rydberg-EIT media. Using this approach, we analyze the saturation behavior of the transmission through one-dimensional Rydberg-EIT media in the regime of non-perturbative dissipative interactions relevant to current experiments. Our model is able to capture the many-body dynamics of bright, coherent pulses through these strongly interacting media. We compare our model with available experimental data in this regime and find good agreement. We also analyze a scheme for generating regular trains of single photons from continuous-wave input and derive its scaling behavior in the presence of imperfect single-photon EIT.Comment: Final version. 6 pages, 4 figures (+ Supplemental Material; 7 pages, 3 figures

    Scalable probes of measurement-induced criticality

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    We uncover a local order parameter for measurement-induced phase transitions: the average entropy of a single reference qubit initially entangled with the system. Using this order parameter, we identify scalable probes of measurement-induced criticality (MIC) that are immediately applicable to advanced quantum computing platforms. We test our proposal on a 1+1 dimensional stabilizer circuit model that can be classically simulated in polynomial time. We introduce the concept of a "decoding light cone" to establish the local and efficiently measurable nature of this probe. We also estimate bulk and surface critical exponents for the transition. Developing scalable probes of MIC in more general models may be a useful application of noisy-intermediate scale quantum (NISQ) devices, as well as point to more efficient realizations of fault-tolerant quantum computation.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, v2 added Figure 2 and supplemen

    Localization as an entanglement phase transition in boundary-driven Anderson models

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    The Anderson localization transition is one of the most well studied examples of a zero temperature quantum phase transition. On the other hand, many open questions remain about the phenomenology of disordered systems driven far out of equilibrium. Here we study the localization transition in the prototypical three-dimensional, noninteracting Anderson model when the system is driven at its boundaries to induce a current carrying non-equilibrium steady state. Recently we showed that the diffusive phase of this model exhibits extensive mutual information of its non-equilibrium steady-state density matrix. We show that that this extensive scaling persists in the entanglement and at the localization critical point, before crossing over to a short-range (area-law) scaling in the localized phase. We introduce an entanglement witness for fermionic states that we name the mutual coherence, which, for fermionic Gaussian states, is also a lower bound on the mutual information. Through a combination of analytical arguments and numerics, we determine the finite-size scaling of the mutual coherence across the transition. These results further develop the notion of entanglement phase transitions in open systems, with direct implications for driven many-body localized systems, as well as experimental studies of driven-disordered systems.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, and supplemen

    High-Order Multipole Radiation from Quantum Hall States in Dirac Materials

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    We investigate the optical response of strongly disordered quantum Hall states in two-dimensional Dirac materials and find qualitatively different effects in the radiation properties of the bulk versus the edge. We show that the far-field radiation from the edge is characterized by large multipole moments (> 50) due to the efficient transfer of angular momentum from the electrons into the scattered light. The maximum multipole transition moment is a direct measure of the coherence length of the edge states. Accessing these multipole transitions would provide new tools for optical spectroscopy and control of quantum Hall edge states. On the other hand, the far-field radiation from the bulk appears as random dipole emission with spectral properties that vary with the local disorder potential. We determine the conditions under which this bulk radiation can be used to image the disorder landscape. Such optical measurements can probe sub-micron length scales over large areas and provide complementary information to scanning probe techniques. Spatially resolving this bulk radiation would serve as a novel probe of the percolation transition near half-filling.Comment: v2: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Thresholds in the Robustness of Error Mitigation in Noisy Quantum Dynamics

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    Extracting useful information from noisy near-term quantum simulations requires error mitigation strategies. A broad class of these strategies rely on precise characterization of the noise source. We study the robustness of such strategies when the noise is imperfectly characterized. We adapt an Imry-Ma argument to predict the existence of a threshold in the robustness of error mitigation for random spatially local circuits in spatial dimensions D2D \geq 2: noise characterization disorder below the threshold rate allows for error mitigation up to times that scale with the number of qubits. For one-dimensional circuits, by contrast, mitigation fails at an O(1)\mathcal{O}(1) time for any imperfection in the characterization of disorder. As a result, error mitigation is only a practical method for sufficiently well-characterized noise. We discuss further implications for tests of quantum computational advantage, fault-tolerant probes of measurement-induced phase transitions, and quantum algorithms in near-term devices.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure