59 research outputs found

    Some peculiarities of water regime and photosynthetic capasity of wheat genotypes under drought conditions

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    Досліджено особливості водного режиму, вмісту білка та фотосинтетичну здатність хлоропластів у листі генотипів пшениці в умовах посухи. Виявлено, що стабільність фотосинтетичної здатності хлоропластів стійкого генотипу зумовлена високим відносним вмістом води, низьким водним дефіцитом і високим вмістом білка у листі протягом періоду посухиИсследованы особенности водного режима, содержания белка и фотосинтетическая способность хлоропластов в письме генотипов пшеницы в условиях засухи. Выявлено, что стабильность фотосинтетической способности хлоропластов устойчивого генотипа обусловлена высоким относительным содержанием воды, низким водным дефицитом и высоким содержанием белка в письме в течение периода засухиThe peculiarities of water regime, protein content and photosynthetic capacity of chloroplasts in the leaves of wheat of the different genotypes have been investigated under drought conditions. It was established that the stability of photosynthetic capacity of chloroplasts of a tolerant genotype is stipulated by high relative water content, low water deficit and high protein content in leaves during the drought perio

    Eczema: tactics of choice external therapy

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    The therapeutic effects of synthetic tannins are based on their binding action, as well as on their anti-pruritic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Materials and methods. A clinical study of Neotanin spray, Neotanin lotion (suspension) and Neotanin cream was carried out in 8 clinical centres during the period from June, 2017 to January, 2018. The study had an open and non-comparative character. The study included 68 patients of both sex es aged from 1 month to 80 years suffering from eczema dermatosis in the acute weeping phase, including cases with complications after secondary infections (including eczema elements localized on the face). Before the study, information on the clinical history, demographic data, co-morbidities, physical examination data of the patients was collected. The treatment regimen included 2 stages: 1) Neotanin in the spray or lotion (suspension) form 3–4 times per day during 1–5 days, up to the full drying of eczema elements; 2) Neotanin in the cream form 3 times per day, up to the disappearance of the clinical manifestations of skin dermatosis. The duration of the study ranged from 5 to 14 days: the study was completed when a patient had achieved remission. The criteria for assessing the drug efficacy were as follows: dynamics of subjective complaints, objective assessment of the patient's condition (the presence and severity of clinical symptoms), dynamics of the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI). Results. Neotanin preparations showed a high efficacy in the acute and subacute stages of the inflammatory process as an antipruritic agent. Itching stopped within 5 minutes after the drug application, with the antipruritic effect lasting for an average of 3–4 hours. In 85 % of the patients, marked excoriations were absent on the 3rd day of treatment. Neotanin demonstrated a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. In 92 % of the patients, the symptoms of erythema and edema were significantly reduced one week after the beginning of treatment, with the manifestations of inflammatory exudation being conclusively decreased. One week following the beginning of treatment, 100 % of the patients demonstrated no oozing lesions. The absence of serious undesirable effects in the patients during the study evidences to the good tolerability and safety of this drug

    Searching for Very-High-Energy Gamma-Ray Bursts from Evaporating Primordial Black Holes

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    Temporal and energy characteristics of the very-high-energy gamma-ray bursts from evaporating primordial black holes have been calculated by assuming that the photospheric and chromospheric effects are negligible. The technique of searching for such bursts on shower arrays is described. We show that the burst time profile and the array dead time should be taken into account to interpret experimental data. Based on data from the Andyrchy array of the Baksan Neutrino Observatory (Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences), we have obtained an upper limit on the number density of evaporating primordial black holes in a local region of space with a scale size of ~10^{-3} pc. Comparison with the results of previous experiments is made.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure


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    The analysis of the performed study has established that zoledronic acid is an effective agent in multimodality therapy for locally advanced prostate cancer (PC) and allows long-term stabilization of bone tissue. In addition, there is evidence for the efficacy of zoledronic acid in preventing bone metastases (BM) and increasing the time to the first BM. The currently accumulated experience with zoledronic acid used in PC permits one to consider its use as standard concomitant therapy.На основании анализа проведенного исследования установлено, что золедроновая кислота является эффективным препаратом в комплексной терапии местно-распространенного рака предстательной железы (РПЖ) и позволяет стабилизировать в течение длительного времени состояние костной ткани. Кроме того, подтверждена эффективность золедроновой кислоты в профилактике костных метастазов (КМ), а также в увеличении времени до появления первого КМ. Накопленный к настоящему времени опыт использования золедроновой кислоты при РПЖ позволяет рассматривать ее назначение как стандартную сопроводительную терапию

    Оценка степени местной распространенности рака предстательной железы по данным магнитно-резонансной томографии и клинических прогностических ф акторов

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    To estimate the extent of local tumor spread is a main goal in the diagnosis of prostate cancer (PC). The value of this criterion is that its clinical stage plays a key role in choosing a treatment policy. Overestimation of the clinical stage of cancer leads to the fact that specialists refuse radical and its underestimation gives rise to its recurrence. Our trial defined criteria for the diagnostic efficiency of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in 150 PC patients who had undergone radical prostatectomy. The findings were as follows: the diagnostic sensitivity of the method in determining the spread of the cancer beyond the organ was 76.8 %; its diagnostic specificity and accuracy were 80.2 and 78.7 %, respectively. The positive predictive value in detecting the extra-organ spread of the tumor was equal to 76.8 %; the negative predictive value was 80.2 %. A prognostic classification of a risk for locally advanced PS has been developed using the independent clinical and MRI signs found.Оценка степени местной распространенности опухоли является основной задачей в диагностике рака предстательной железы (РПЖ). Ценность данного критерия заключается в том, что клиническая стадия играет ключевую роль в выборе тактики лечения. Завышение клинической стадии приводит к отказу специалистов от радикального лечения, а занижение – к рецидиву болезни. В нашем исследовании определены критерии диагностической эффективности магнитно-резонансной томографии (МРТ) у 150 больных РПЖ, которым была выполнена радикальная простатэктомия. Полученные результаты: диагностическая чувствительность метода в определении выхода рака за пределы органа составила 76,8 %, диагностическая специфичность – 80,2 %, точность – 78,7 %. Положительное предсказательное значение выявления экстраорганного распространения опухоли было равно 76,8 %, отрицательное предсказательное значение – 80,2 %. Разработана прогностическая классификация риска наличия местно-распространенного РПЖ на основании выявленных независимых клинических и МРТ-признаков