12 research outputs found

    Development perspectives of new generation medications based on the redox system regulators

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    This survey paper describes the necessity of the development of new medications influencing the body redox-potential. It supports the most pressing branch of pharmacology, which coincides with logically relevant attempts to shift paradigm of pharmacology from molecular to electronic, quantum-wave. This article covers and logically assorts research results of recent years and opinions of wide range of scientists from various countries. The authors also give their own assessment of the possibility to influence body redox potential. It is reported that some biophysical achievements regarded undoubtedly put a new spin in pharmacology of the biophysical leve

    Mafusol and its combination with REXOD as correctors of reduced blood circulation in the skin associated with normoglycemia or diabetes mellitus complicated by exogenous hypercholesterolemia

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    The search for and development of new highly active medications and their combinations of the appropriate direction of action remains an urgent problem due to the complications of diabetes mellitus, especially burdened with atherosclerosis, including skin and vascular lesion

    Судебная этиковедческая экспертиза – новое направление судебно-экспертной деятельности Минюста России

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    The article discusses the basics of application of the specialized knowledge in the field of ethics when conducting forensic analysis of informational materials containing signs of infringement on the Russian spiritual and moral values, moral norms. The authors propose to develop the basics of forensic examination of ethics. They also substantiate the feasibility of organizing the production of forensic ethics examination in forensic institutions of the Ministry of Justice of Russia. The grounds for the appointment of such an examination are determined, its subject and objects are specified, typical tasks are formulated, and an approximate list of questions is presented. В статье рассматриваются основы применения специальных знаний в области этики при производстве судебных экспертиз информационных материалов, содержащих признаки посягательства на духовно-нравственные ценности народа Российской Федерации, нормы морали.Предлагается разработать основы судебной этиковедческой экспертизы. Обоснована целесообразность организации производства судебной этиковедческой экспертизы в судебно-экспертных учреждениях Минюста России. Определены основания ее назначения, предмет и объекты исследования, сформулированы типовые задачи, представлен примерный перечень вопросов

    Development perspectives of new generation medications based on the redox system regulators

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    This survey paper describes the necessity of the development of new medications influencing the body redox-potential. It supports the most pressing branch of pharmacology, which coincides with logically relevant attempts to shift paradigm of pharmacology from molecular to electronic, quantum-wave. This article covers and logically assorts research results of recent years and opinions of wide range of scientists from various countries. The authors also give their own assessment of the possibility to influence body redox potential. It is reported that some biophysical achievements regarded undoubtedly put a new spin in pharmacology of the biophysical leve


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    Aim. Study of SS-68 impact on primary generalized convulsions in basic estimation tests of anticonvulsant action of agents.Material and methods. Study of the SS-68 impact on primary generalized convulsions included an estimation of anticonvulsant action with maximal electric shock, thiosemicarbazide and pilocarpine antagonism tests performed on white outbred male mice and rats.Results. SS-68 compound possesses dosage dependent anticonvulsant action in maximal electric shock test indicating its ability to prevent death of 100% animals and its activity in thiosemicarbazide and pilocarpine antagonism tests as well. In the maximal electric shock test SS-68 surpassed sodium valproate in its anticolvulsant activity.Conclusion. Neurotransmitter systems of the brain such as GABA, cholinergic and amino acid stimulant system as well as K+, Na+ and Ca2+ channels of neurons shall be the most possible molecular targets of SS-68 anticonvulsant action. Higher activity of SS-68 comparing with sodium valproate in the maximal electric shock test (increasing GABA content in central nervous system) can be related with its wide range of neurotropic action


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    Aim. The study of Dimephosphon impact on survival of the dermal graft on the pedicle and the fasciocutaneous autograft in the arterial, venous and arteriovenous deficiency on the background of the experimental diabetes mellitus complicated by exogenous hypercholesterolemia.Material and Methods. In experiments on white rat males with Alloxan diabetes complicated by exogenous hypercholesterolemia the Dimephosphon effect was estimated for survival of the dermal graft on the pedicle (in the back area) and non-free fasciocutaneous autograft (of the anterior abdominal wall) in arterial, venous and arteriovenous circulation deficiency. To estimate dermatoprotective action of Dimephosphon the length the survived dermal draft part and the necrotic area of the non-free fasciocutaneous autograft were measured. In blood serum the glucose rate (by glucose oxidant method with a standard “Glucose-FKD” (Russia) reagents set ), as well as the total cholesterol , triglyceride, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol rate (by “Olmex” standard reagent sets on the FP-901 (Finland) analyzer ) were measured. Extralow and low density lipoprotein cholesterol and also atherogenicity index were calculated with common formulas.Results. Under accepted experimental conditions Dimephosphon (100mg/kg per day subcutaneously within 14 days) has well-defined dermatoprotective action as well as correcting effect on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.Conclusion. Dimephosphon dermatoprotective action can be provided by its ability to be involved in various parts of homeostasis including carbohydrate and lipid metabolism

    Impact of new Rexod® injection form on blood microcirculation in rat skin

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    Background. Free radical oxidation underlies many morbid processes in various organs and tissues, including skin. A major antioxidant preventing the free radical impact is superoxide dismutase (SOD). A particularly valued SOD-containing agent is recombinant human SOD, Rexod, possessing a wide spectrum of medical applications in form of lyophilisate. Marketing of a new Rexod® injection preparation in form of solution requires research into its properties, including the impact on blood microcirculation in skin, especially with the lack of relevant clinical trials.Objectives. Evaluation of anticipated positive effects of the new injection form of Rexod® on blood microcirculation in rat skin.Мethods. The new Rexod® preparation impact on blood microcirculation in skin was studied with laser Doppler fl uometry by recording the following non-oscillatory parameters of the basal blood fl ow: microcirculation (MC), mean squared deviation (MSD) and coeffi cient of variation (CV). Blood fl ow fl uctuations were measured in a wavelet analysis at different frequency bands: 0.0095–0.02, 0.02–0.046, 0.07–0.15, 0.15–0.4 and 0.8–0.16 Hz corresponding to endothelial (Ae), neurogenic (An), myogenic (Am), respiratory (Ar) and pulse (Ap) rhythm amplitudes, respectively.Results. The new Rexod® injection preparation at a dose of 8000 U/kg after 15 min of intraperitoneal administration in rats caused a statistically signifi cant (p < 0.05) increase in the blood fl ow fl uctuation amplitudes Ae (43.1%), An (43.4%), Am (60.8%), Ar (58.3%) and Ap (32.0%) compared to the control group. Because the Ae fl uctuations coincide with nitric oxide (NO) emission episodes, such a growth indicates an elevated NO excretion by endothelial cells leading to endothelium-dependent vasodilation. The observed changes in blood microcirculation in skin are also associated with higher integral values of the basal blood fl ow, MC (33.4% increase), MSD (14.0%) and CV (27.6%), although only MC and CV values were statistically signifi cant (p < 0.05). The results obtained suggest that the new injection form of Rexod® stimulates endothelial NO excretion, exerts adrenergic relaxation in smooth muscle cells of arteriolae and arteriovenular anastomoses, reduces precapillary sphincter and arteriolar contractility through Ca2+-dependent muscle relaxation, affects respiratory modulation of the venular blood microcirculatory compartment and vegetative cardiac support, intensifi es arterial blood fl ow by increasing the cardiac output.Conclusion. Application of the new Rexod® injection form improves blood microdynamics in rat skin via stimulating endothelium-dependent and independent vasodilatation and endothelial metabolism, decelerating adrenergic vasomotor activity and peripheral microvascular resistance. These processes in coupling improve blood fl ow to nutritive microvascular bed and normalise venular outfl ow. Our results provide further insights into pharmacodynamics of recombinant human SOD (Rexod)

    Composition and Structure of Yeast Cell Walls

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