23 research outputs found

    Interaction created effective flat bands in conducting polymers

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    For a general class of conducting polymers with arbitrary large unit cell and different on-site Coulomb repulsion values on different type of sites, I demonstrate in exact terms the emergence possibility of an upper, interaction created "effective" flat band. This last appears as a consequence of a kinetic energy quench accompanied by a strong interaction energy decrease, and leads to a non-saturated ferromagnetic state. This ordered state clearly differs from the known flat-band ferromagnetism. This is because it emerges in a system without bare flat bands, requires inhomogeneous on-site Coulomb repulsions values, and possesses non-zero lower interaction limits at the emergence of the ordered phase.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure

    T>0 properties of the infinitely repulsive Hubbard model for arbitrary number of holes

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    Based on representations of the symmetric group SNS_N, explicit and exact Schr\"odinger equation is derived for U=∞U=\infty Hubbard model in any dimensions with arbitrary number of holes, which clearly shows that during the movement of holes the spin background of electrons plays an important role. Starting from it, at T=0 we have analyzed the behaviour of the system depending on the dimensionality and number of holes. Based on the presented formalism thermodynamic quantities have also been expressed using a loop summation technique in which the partition function is given in terms of characters of SNS_N. In case of the studied finite systems, the loop summation have been taken into account exactly up to the 14-th order in reciprocal temperature and the results were corrected in higher order based on Monte Carlo simulations. The obtained results suggest that the presented formalism increase the efficiency of the Monte Carlo simulations as well, because the spin part contribution of the background is automatically taken into account by the characters of SNS_N.Comment: 26 pages, 1 embedded ps figure; Phil. Mag. B (in press

    Exact ground-state for the periodic Anderson model in D=2 dimensions at finite value of the interaction and absence of the direct hopping in the correlated f-band

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    We report for the first time exact ground-states deduced for the D=2 dimensional generic periodic Anderson model at finite UU, the Hamiltonian of the model not containing direct hopping terms for ff-electrons (tf=0)(t^f = 0). The deduced itinerant phase presents non-Fermi liquid properties in the normal phase, emerges for real hybridization matrix elements, and not requires anisotropic unit cell. In order to deduce these results, the plaquette operator procedure has been generalised to a block operator technique which uses blocks higher than an unit cell and contains ff-operator contributions acting only on a single central site of the block.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure

    Pentagon chain with spin orbit interactions: exact many-body ground states in the interacting case

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    Based on a positive semidefinite operator technique, exact ground states are deduced for the non-integrable conducting polymers possessing pentagon type of unit cell. The study is done in the presence of many-body spin-orbit interaction (SOI), local and nearest neighbor Coulomb repulsion (NNCR) and presence of external EE electric and BB magnetic fields, such that the effects of BB on both orbital and spin degrees of freedom is considered. The SOI, NNCR, and presented external field configurations presence in exact conducting polymer ground states is a novelty, so the development of the technique for the treatment possibility of such strongly correlated cases is presented in details. The deduced ground states show a broad spectrum of physical characteristics ranging from charge density waves, metal-insulator transitions, to interesting external field driven effects as e.g. modification possibility of a static charge distribution by a static external magnetic field.Comment: 47 pages, 2 figure

    Route to ferromagnetism in organic polymers

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    Employing a rigorous theoretical method for the construction of exact many-electron ground states we prove that interactions can be employed to tune a bare dispersive band structure such that it develops a flat band. Thereby we show that pentagon chain polymers with electron densities above half filling may be designed to become ferromagnetic or half metallic.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure