86 research outputs found

    Disarmament, Development and Security

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    SUMMARY Only action can make further discussion of the relationship between disarmament, development and security credible. Although the Brandt and Palme Commissions heightened public awareness, governments have largely ignored both such bodies and popular movements. The superpowers hold the key but alternative voices must be heard, including middle?country coalitions, the Commonwealth, and the smallest countries which feel special insecurity. Collective security would help developing countries cut arms spending. The Brandt Symposium in April 1985 urged governments to plan for conversion of resources from military to civilian use. The projected UN Conference on Disarmament and Development could make practical advances and reassert the centrality of the disarmament and development relationship. SOMMAIRE Désarmement, développement et sécurité Seul le fait d'agir peut restituer une certaine crédibilité à la discussion des rapports entre le désarmement, le développement et la sécurité. Quoique les commissions Brandt et Palme ont atteint la connaissance du public, les gouvernements ont grandement ignorés ces organisations ainsi que les mouvements populaires. Les grandes puissances tiennent les rênes mais d'autres doivent avoir droit à la parole, les pays moyens y compris, le Commonwealth, et les plus petits pays qui souffrent d'une certaine insécurité. Une sécurité collective aiderait les pays en voie de développement à freiner leurs dépenses en armement. Le Symposium de Brandt en avril 1985 pressait les gouvernements à mettre sur pied une stratégie pour convertir les ressources à but militaire à usage civil. La future Conférence des Nations Unies sur le Désarmement et le Développement pourrait avancer des idées pratiques et réaffirmer la centralisation des rapports du désarmement et du développement. RESUMEN Desarme, desarrollo y sequridad Cualquiera discusión futura acerca de la relación entre desarme, desarrollo y seguridad sólo tendrá credibilidad a través de la acción. Aunque las Comisiones. Brandt y Palme acrecentaron la conciencia pública sobre el problema, por lo general los gobiernos han ignorado tanto a esos organismos como a los movimientos populares. Las superpotencias tienen la última palabra pero las opiniones alternativas debieran hacerse oir incluyendo aquellas de coaliciones de países intermedios, del Commonwealth y los países más pequeños que sienten gran inseguridad. Los países en desarrollo podrían disminuir su gasto de armamentos mediante la creación de sistemas de seguridad colectivos. El symposium Brandt de abril de 1985 urgió a los gobiernos para que planificaran la conversión de recursos de uso militar a uso civil. La proyectada conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Desarme y Desarrollo podría resultar en adelantos prácticos y reafirmar el carácter central de la relación entre desarme y desarrollo

    Correlation of chemical composition and odor concentration for emissions from pig slaughterhouse sludge composting and storage

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    International audienceThe objective of this study was to correlate the chem. compn. and the odor concn. of emissions produced during storage and composting of pig slaughterhouse sludge (PSS). Seven exptl. conditions were monitored using composting reactors with forced aeration and cells designed to simulate storage. Sixty-six gas samples were collected and characterized by both GC-MS and olfactometry. Two types of correlation were investigated between the chem. compn. and the odor concn. (OC) of every gas sample. The odor activity value for a given emitted compd. (OAV) was computed as the ratio of its chem. concn. to its odor detection threshold (ODT). The correlation OAVMAX considered that the OC of a gas sample was equal to its highest OAV whereas the correlation OAVSUM considered that the odor of the gas sample was equal to the sum of the OAV of every compd. contained in the gas sample. As per Std. EN 13725, both OAVMAX and OAVSUM were compared using a confidence level for OC defined as [OC/1.65 to 1.65 × OC]. Whereas OAVMAX values were within the confidence level of OC for 62% of the 66 gas samples, OAVSUM values were within this confidence level for only 53%. Validating OAVMAX as a satisfying correlation between chem. compn. and OC, only three compds. among the 66 identified namely trimethylamine, hydrogen sulfide and methanethiol, accounted for the prediction of OC measured during composting and storage of PSS

    Emissions gazeuses lors de la production d'élevage de poulets selon le type de sol (litière)

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    In order to determine gaseous emissions during broilers production, an experimental growing room was equipped to continuously monitor air extraction through fans installed on roof of the building. A group of 5000 broilers was disposed on concrete floor with a woodchips litter (240 m2). Fluxes of gases were continuously analysed using Non Dispersive Infra Red spectrometer for CH4, CO2 and N2O, and using acid trapping for NH3. All fan's flow were quantified with several methods according to the different depression's configurations; Fan's working periods were detected by amperometric sensors and recorded with a datalogger which allowed the management of the solenoid valves and the data from NDIR spectrometer. Instantaneous sampling of inlet and outlet air were realised at least 3 times a week to be analysed at laboratory by using gas chromatography. The monitoring was carried out for the growing period (i.e. 35 days). Manure stayed on floors during 3 days after harvesting broilers. Additional investigations on litter's emissions were developed during the 1st and the 3rd day with accumulation chambers and chromatographic analyses. These investigations were made in the same time, both on the concrete floor room and on a beaten earth floor room, distinguishing sleeping, eating, and drinking areas. Carbon dioxide contents were varying from 0,7/0,8 % at the start of growing, to 0,2/0,3 % after 3 weeks growing (stop of air heating machines). Ammonia emissions over the growing period reached to 4,8.10-3 kg N-NH3 per animal, and showed different steps, which can be related to modifications in litter behaviour. Results of accumulation's method after harvesting animals showed only a decrease of N2O content from 1st to 3rd day, from 9.10-3 mg N-N2O.m-3 to 5.10-3 mg N-N2O.m-3, with first day higher concentration probably du to handling engine combustion. A mass balance including started litter, feeding, chicks, broilers, exhaust gas and manure was established to analyse influence of floor construction (+26 kg total Nitrogen in litter on beaten earth floor)

    In situ measurement of ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from broiler houses in France

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    International audienceAn experimental technique was developed for measuring gaseous emissions including ammonia (NH3), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) from broiler houses. This technique included the monitoring of the air flow rate and the gaseous concentrations. NH3 was determined using acid trap while N2O and CH4 were determined continuously by infrared gas analyser and sequentially by gas chromatography. Moreover, N2O and CH4 emissions were monitored above the litter using closed flux chambers at the end of the experiment. No emissions of N2O and CH4 were observed neither during the growth of the broiler nor above the litter at the end of the experiment. Ammonia concentration varied between 0.8 and 32 ppm in the building. Total ammonia emissions were estimated to 5.74 gNanimal1 during this experiment. According to this result, ammonia emissions from broiler houses could be estimated to 5.3 kt of N per year in France

    In situ measurement of ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from broiler houses in France

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    International audienceAn experimental technique was developed for measuring gaseous emissions including ammonia (NH3), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) from broiler houses. This technique included the monitoring of the air flow rate and the gaseous concentrations. NH3 was determined using acid trap while N2O and CH4 were determined continuously by infrared gas analyser and sequentially by gas chromatography. Moreover, N2O and CH4 emissions were monitored above the litter using closed flux chambers at the end of the experiment. No emissions of N2O and CH4 were observed neither during the growth of the broiler nor above the litter at the end of the experiment. Ammonia concentration varied between 0.8 and 32 ppm in the building. Total ammonia emissions were estimated to 5.74 gNanimal1 during this experiment. According to this result, ammonia emissions from broiler houses could be estimated to 5.3 kt of N per year in France

    Fate of phosphorus from biological aerobic treatment of pig slurry. By-products characterization and recovery

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    International audienceThe fate of phosphorus distribution in the products obtained from biological aerobic treatment of pig slurry, e.g. separated solids, liquid effluent and sludge, was monitored in three different farm-scale units. Samples of raw slurry, solid products, aerated slurry, liquid effluent and sludge were characterised and analysed for their concentration in total phosphorus, nitrogen content and heavy metals (Cu and Zn). At each treatment stage, nitrogen, phosphorus and heavy metals mass balance between input and output was established. Moreover, liquid products were characterised and analysed both for their total and dissolved ortho-phosphate content. Separated solids, sluge and liquid effluent represented 5%, 15-40% and 75-83% of the mass of the raw slurry, respectively. A mechanical separation step prior to aeration allowed the export of 25-30% of total phosphorus for further use as organic fertiliser. A large amount of total phosphorus (e.g. 60-70%) was located in sludge while phosphorus remaining in liquid effluent was about 15-25%. Raw slurry separation and sufficient aeration allowed phosphorus to concentrate in the sludge. Insufficient aeration resulted in the release of phosphorus as dissolved ortho-phosphate within the liquid effluent. Finally, relevance of the agronomic use of the products was discussed and improvements of biological aerobic treatment to enhance phosphorus removal and/or recovery were considered

    Biological aerobic treatment of pig slurry in France: nutrients removal efficiency and separation performances

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    International audienceFour types of biological aerobic treatment units were identified in France: (1) intermittent aeration without any separation, (2) intermittent aeration followed by sedimentation of aerated slurry, (3) mechanical separation of raw slurry followed by intermittent aeration of the liquid fraction and sedimentation of aerated slurry and (4) mechanical separation of raw slurry followed by intermittent aeration of the liquid fraction and mechanical separation of the aerated slurry. Among the 26 treatment units built in Brittany (June 1999), three were studied for 8 weeks. This monitoring period allowed to establish nutrient distribution for nitrogen, phosphorus, copper and zinc. Between 60 and 70 % of the nitrogen was removed in gaseous form. Mechanical separation of the raw slurry (press-auger) concentrated 25-30% of total phosphorus, 10% of total nitrogen and 8-12% of heavy metals (copper and zinc) into a solid fraction representing 4-5% of the raw slurry on a weight basis. Separation of the treated slurry using sedimentation or mechanical separation concentrated phosphorus and heavy metals in the sludge (60-90%). This separation could lead to a high content of copper and zinc in the sludge up to 160 and 340 g/ton, respectively. Consequently, the use of this product on the farm as organic fertilizer led to an overload with regard to agronomic requirements and export was difficult due to the high copper and zinc contents. The clarified supernatant obtained by separation of the treated slurry could be irrigated with a reduced environmental risk. Concerning the biological reactor, the variation of the volumetric load owing to the variation of raw slurry characteristics was identified as the main parameter influencing the treatment efficiency

    Fate of phosphorus from biological aerobic treatment of pig slurry. By-products characterization and recovery

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    International audienceThe fate of phosphorus distribution in the products obtained from biological aerobic treatment of pig slurry, e.g. separated solids, liquid effluent and sludge, was monitored in three different farm-scale units. Samples of raw slurry, solid products, aerated slurry, liquid effluent and sludge were characterised and analysed for their concentration in total phosphorus, nitrogen content and heavy metals (Cu and Zn). At each treatment stage, nitrogen, phosphorus and heavy metals mass balance between input and output was established. Moreover, liquid products were characterised and analysed both for their total and dissolved ortho-phosphate content. Separated solids, sluge and liquid effluent represented 5%, 15-40% and 75-83% of the mass of the raw slurry, respectively. A mechanical separation step prior to aeration allowed the export of 25-30% of total phosphorus for further use as organic fertiliser. A large amount of total phosphorus (e.g. 60-70%) was located in sludge while phosphorus remaining in liquid effluent was about 15-25%. Raw slurry separation and sufficient aeration allowed phosphorus to concentrate in the sludge. Insufficient aeration resulted in the release of phosphorus as dissolved ortho-phosphate within the liquid effluent. Finally, relevance of the agronomic use of the products was discussed and improvements of biological aerobic treatment to enhance phosphorus removal and/or recovery were considered

    Enfouissement du lisier, qu'attendez-vous ?

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    National audienceL'enfouissement des lisiers limite les odeurs, ce qui permet de réduire les distances d'épandage par rapport au tiers. Aussi, grâce à cette technique les émissions d'ammoniac sont diminuées par rapport à un épandage en surface. Mais selon le type de lisier épandu, le taux d'abattement de l'ammoniac n'est pas le même..

    Mise au point et évaluation de la faisabilité d'un procédé naturel de traitement du lisier de porcs par le sol

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    [Departement_IRSTEA]EEE [TR1_IRSTEA]E33-Maîtrise et gestion des déchetsA pilot scale study under field conditions for treating pig slurry using natural soil processes is being evaluated for 4 years at the Plouvorn site. The scheme is made up from three main stages, a managed field (3280 m²) which allows the total recovery of all the leachate water which percolates through, a system of storage pump reactor (160, 350 et 450 m3 capacity) for denitrification and a non-managed field for completing treatment. Schematically the process involves the following operations : (i) overdosing the managed field with surplus slurry (ii) collectiong and treating the nitrate rich leachate (iii) irrigating the final treated water over other fields. The aim of this experiments is to evaluate the feasability of such a process and to precise the treatment performances, particularly the nitrogen removal efficiency of the soil/water system utilized. The results conclusively show the solepur process is a promising method.Un dispositif expérimental de traitement du lisier de porcs basé sur une épuration naturelle par le sol est à l'étude depuis 4 ans sur le site de Plouvorn (29). Il comprend une parcelle aménagée (3280 m²) en drainage intégral qui reçoit des épandages intensifs et répétés de lisier de porc, une ensemble de bassins (160, 350 et 450 m3) permettant in fine une filtration et épuration par le sol. L'objectif de cet essai est de tester en grandeur réelle la faisabilité à l'échelle de la ferme d'un tel procédé et notamment de préciser les performances d'épuration azotée du système sol/eau étudiés ici. Cette note présente les principaux éléments de fonctionnement du pilote ainsi qu'un aperçu des résultats du suivi en cours. Les résultats obtenus ont mis en évidence la faisabilité du procédé et notamment le bon déroulement des deux étapes clés : la nitrification par le sol et la dénitrification des eaux de drainage en bassin