333 research outputs found

    Long properly colored cycles in edge colored complete graphs

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    Let KncK_{n}^{c} denote a complete graph on nn vertices whose edges are colored in an arbitrary way. Let Ξ”mon(Knc)\Delta^{\mathrm{mon}} (K_{n}^{c}) denote the maximum number of edges of the same color incident with a vertex of KncK_{n}^{c}. A properly colored cycle (path) in KncK_{n}^{c} is a cycle (path) in which adjacent edges have distinct colors. B. Bollob\'{a}s and P. Erd\"{o}s (1976) proposed the following conjecture: if Ξ”mon(Knc)<⌊n2βŒ‹\Delta^{\mathrm{mon}} (K_{n}^{c})<\lfloor \frac{n}{2} \rfloor, then KncK_{n}^{c} contains a properly colored Hamiltonian cycle. Li, Wang and Zhou proved that if Ξ”mon(Knc)<⌊n2βŒ‹\Delta^{\mathrm{mon}} (K_{n}^{c})< \lfloor \frac{n}{2} \rfloor, then KncK_{n}^{c} contains a properly colored cycle of length at least ⌈n+23βŒ‰+1\lceil \frac{n+2}{3}\rceil+1. In this paper, we improve the bound to ⌈n2βŒ‰+2\lceil \frac{n}{2}\rceil + 2.Comment: 8 page

    List version of (pp,1)-total labellings

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    The (pp,1)-total number Ξ»pT(G)\lambda_p^T(G) of a graph GG is the width of the smallest range of integers that suffices to label the vertices and the edges of GG such that no two adjacent vertices have the same label, no two incident edges have the same label and the difference between the labels of a vertex and its incident edges is at least pp. In this paper we consider the list version. Let L(x)L(x) be a list of possible colors for all x∈V(G)βˆͺE(G)x\in V(G)\cup E(G). Define Cp,1T(G)C_{p,1}^T(G) to be the smallest integer kk such that for every list assignment with ∣L(x)∣=k|L(x)|=k for all x∈V(G)βˆͺE(G)x\in V(G)\cup E(G), GG has a (pp,1)-total labelling cc such that c(x)∈L(x)c(x)\in L(x) for all x∈V(G)βˆͺE(G)x\in V(G)\cup E(G). We call Cp,1T(G)C_{p,1}^T(G) the (pp,1)-total labelling choosability and GG is list LL-(pp,1)-total labelable. In this paper, we present a conjecture on the upper bound of Cp,1TC_{p,1}^T. Furthermore, we study this parameter for paths and trees in Section 2. We also prove that Cp,1T(K1,n)≀n+2pβˆ’1C_{p,1}^T(K_{1,n})\leq n+2p-1 for star K1,nK_{1,n} with pβ‰₯2,nβ‰₯3p\geq2, n\geq3 in Section 3 and Cp,1T(G)≀Δ+2pβˆ’1C_{p,1}^T(G)\leq \Delta+2p-1 for outerplanar graph with Ξ”β‰₯p+3\Delta\geq p+3 in Section 4.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Structural properties of 1-planar graphs and an application to acyclic edge coloring

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    A graph is called 1-planar if it can be drawn on the plane so that each edge is crossed by at most one other edge. In this paper, we establish a local property of 1-planar graphs which describes the structure in the neighborhood of small vertices (i.e. vertices of degree no more than seven). Meanwhile, some new classes of light graphs in 1-planar graphs with the bounded degree are found. Therefore, two open problems presented by Fabrici and Madaras [The structure of 1-planar graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 307, (2007), 854-865] are solved. Furthermore, we prove that each 1-planar graph GG with maximum degree Ξ”(G)\Delta(G) is acyclically edge LL-choosable where L=max⁑{2Ξ”(G)βˆ’2,Ξ”(G)+83}L=\max\{2\Delta(G)-2,\Delta(G)+83\}.Comment: Please cite this published article as: X. Zhang, G. Liu, J.-L. Wu. Structural properties of 1-planar graphs and an application to acyclic edge coloring. Scientia Sinica Mathematica, 2010, 40, 1025--103

    List (d,1)-total labelling of graphs embedded in surfaces

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    The (d,1)-total labelling of graphs was introduced by Havet and Yu. In this paper, we consider the list version of (d,1)-total labelling of graphs. Let G be a graph embedded in a surface with Euler characteristic Ο΅\epsilon whose maximum degree Ξ”(G)\Delta(G) is sufficiently large. We prove that the (d,1)-total choosability Cd,1T(G)C_{d,1}^T(G) of GG is at most Ξ”(G)+2d\Delta(G)+2d.Comment: 6 page

    The Properties of Graphs of Matroids

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