19 research outputs found

    Measurements of RF Properties of Thin Film Nb\u3csub\u3e3\u3c/sub\u3eSn Superconducting Multilayers Using a Calorimetric Technique

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    Results of RF tests of NB3SN thin film samples related to the superconducting multilayer coating development are presented. We have investigated thin film samples of Nb3Sn/Al2O3/Nb with Nb3Sn layer thicknesses of 50 nm and 100 nm using a Surface Impedance Characterization system. These samples were measured in the temperature range 4 K-19 K, where significant screening by Nb3Sn layers was observed below 16-17 K, consistent with the bulk critical temperature of Nb3Sn

    Spontaneous left main coronary artery dissection complicated by pseudoaneurysm formation in pregnancy: role of CT coronary angiography

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    We report a case of a 26-year-old female, who presented at 34 weeks of an uncomplicated pregnancy with an acute ST elevation anterior wall myocardial infarction. Cardiac catheterization suggested a left main coronary artery dissection with pseudoaneurysm formation. The patient's course was complicated by congestive heart failure. She was initially managed conservatively by a multidisciplinary team including heart failure specialists, obstetricians, and cardiovascular surgeons. 4 days after admission, her LMC was imaged by dual-source 64 slice Cardiac computed tomography, coronary dissection was identified extending to the lumen, and the presence of pseudoaneurysm was confirmed. She underwent subsequently a staged procedure, which included placement of an intra-aortic balloon pump, cesarean section, and coronary artery bypass grafting. This case illustrates the utility of coronary artery CT imaging to assess the complexity and stability of coronary artery dissections, thereby helping to determine the need for, and timing of revascularization procedures

    The Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome (congenital absence of uterus and vagina) – phenotypic manifestations and genetic approaches

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    The Mayer-Rokitansky-KĂĽster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome affects at least 1 out of 4500 women and has for a long time been considered as a sporadic anomaly. Congenital absence of upper vagina and uterus is the prime feature of the disease which, in addition, is often found associated with unilateral renal agenesis or adysplasia as well as skeletal malformations (MURCS association). The phenotypic manifestations of MRKH overlap various other syndromes or associations and thus require accurate delineation. Since MRKH manifests itself in males, the term GRES syndrome (Genital, Renal, Ear, Skeletal) might be more appropriate when applied to both sexes. The MRKH syndrome, when described in familial aggregates, seems to be transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait with an incomplete degree of penetrance and variable expressivity. This suggests the involvement of either mutations in a major developmental gene or a limited chromosomal deletion. Until recently progress in understanding the genetics of MRKH syndrome has been slow, however, now HOX genes have been shown to play key roles in body patterning and organogenesis, and in particular during genital tract development. Expression and/or function defects of one or several HOX genes may account for this syndrome

    Electrochemical removal of chloride from polychlorinated biphenyls in an oil/n-butanol/HCl and an n-propanol/HCl system

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    We present an exploratory study that seeks to identify new routes for the treatment of transformer dielectric oils contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), through the usage of direct reduction electrochemical methods, employing Pb/PbO2 electrodes. It is possible to prepare a PCB emulsion using tensoactive agents in order to perform a direct PCB reduction effectively. Nevertheless, this procedure has drawbacks. We are focusing this study towards identifying a media capable of dissolving the contaminated oil and conferring it enough conductivity to make the direct reduction of the PCBs possible or to carry out an extraction of the PCBs from the contaminated oil before the electrolysis. To reach this goal, n-butanol as a solubilization agent and n-propanol as an extraction agent added with HCl were selected. The high electrical resistance of the media does not allow a direct reduction of the PCBs. Instead, a selective electrolysis of the PCBs, once extracted from the contaminated oil at Pb/PbO2 electrodes can take place. ©The Electrochemical Society

    Copper removal from aqueous media using a cylindrical flow electrochemical reactor

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    The construction and application of an electrochemical cylindrical flow reactor packed with copper wires, was used to eliminate Cu2+ ions from dilute aqueous CuSO4 solutions. The cathode of reactor was constructed with a series copper wire cylindrical hanks, piled up one on top of the other. The anode consisted of a graphite road electrode surrounded with a drilled PVC tube wrapped with Celgard that serves to separate both the cathode and anode electrodes. Current and potential are supplied by an external power source. Results for Cu2+ ion concentration profile for dilute aqueous solutions applying an 8 V potential and a 0.17 cm3/s flow are reported. Copper removal efficiency ranges from 35 to 70% for all the samples examined. The experimental concentration profile fits an exponential decay along the axial reactor coordinate, in agreement with the theory for porous tubular flow reactors. A decrease in both solution conductivity and pH due to the reduction of copper ion concentration and water oxidation was observed. The Electrochemical Society

    New method to evaluate optical properties of core-shell nanostructures

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    We present an exploratory study that seeks to identify new routes for the treatment of transformer dielectric oils contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), through the usage of direct reduction electrochemical methods, employing Pb/PbO2 electrodes. It is possible to prepare a PCB emulsion using tensoactive agents in order to perform a direct PCB reduction effectively. Nevertheless, this procedure has drawbacks. We are focusing this study towards identifying a media capable of dissolving the contaminated oil and conferring it enough conductivity to make the direct reduction of the PCBs possible or to carry out an extraction of the PCBs from the contaminated oil before the electrolysis. To reach this goal, n-butanol as a solubilization agent and n-propanol as an extraction agent added with HCl were selected. The high electrical resistance of the media does not allow a direct reduction of the PCBs. Instead, a selective electrolysis of the PCBs, once extracted from the contaminated oil at Pb/PbO2 electrodes can take place. "The Electrochemical Society.",,,,,,"10.1149/1.3532321",,,"http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/41196","http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-79959677611&partnerID=40&md5=5836e6a8befaf2a3a6d038f67af90b33",,,,,,"1",,"ECS Transactions",,"24