32 research outputs found

    Editorial: Basins and related tectonics

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    Mechanism for three types of mafic dyke swarms

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    AbstractThis study proposes three models to explain the mechanism of the three major types of mafic dyke swarms. Parallel dyke swarms form in response to a regional stress field, e.g. the mafic dyke swarms in the North China Craton, whereas small radiating dyke swarm forms due to stress constructions around a plutonic or volcanic edifice, such as the dyke swarm at Spanish Peak, USA. The third type of radiating dyke swarm is giant fan-shaped dyke swarm such as the Mackenzie dyke swarm. Fractures that formed prior to magmatism may play a vital role in dictating the dyke swarm geometry. In most of the cases, the pre-existing fractures are induced by tectonic stresses and not by magma injection though magma injection can increase the fracture size by propagation at the dyke tip

    The interactions of fault patterns and stress fields during active faulting in Central North China Block: Insights from numerical simulations.

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    The interaction of active faults as a factor affecting the mechanisms of large earthquakes has been observed in many places. Most aftershock and clustering earthquake sequences do not recur on the main seismogenic fault but are controlled by fault interactions with adjacent seismic structures. Four groups of conceptual models were generated in this study to determine how the geometry of the seismogenic faults controls the distributions of stress fields and earthquakes. The influences of the fault length ratio, center distance, overlap ratio, echelon distance and fault opening angle were considered in a 2D viscoelastic model. The results indicate that the interaction in the slipping zone is larger when collinear interacting faults are more closely positioned, with one fault lengthening. For noncollinear faults, the interaction is stronger as the inner tips pass each other, which impedes their growth after some degree of overlap. Additionally, fault interaction at the slipping zone becomes stronger as the opening angle approaches 180°. We further generated a 3D viscoelastic model of fault interactions in Central North China Block and applied the finite element method to analyze the relationship between distributions of earthquakes and fault geometry. The calculated results reveal well-matched higher stress and maximum shear strain concentrations in the southern part of the Fen-wei Graben Zone than in other zones in Central North China Block, which can be explained by the longer faults, shorter center distances, shorter overlap lengths and larger opening angles. The stress distributions and fault interactions should be considered in long-term seismic hazard assessment in these zones

    Late Permian to Triassic intraplate orogeny of the southern Tianshan and adjacent regions, NW China

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    The South Tianshan Orogen and adjacent regions of Central Asia are located in the southwestern part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The formation of South Tianshan Orogen was a diachronous, scissors-like process, which took place during the Palaeozoic, and its western segment was accepted as a site of the final collision between the Tarim Craton and the North Asian continent, which occurred in the late Palaeozoic. However, the post-collisional tectonic evolution of the South Tianshan Orogen and adjacent regions remains debatable. Based on previous studies and recent geochronogical data, we suggest that the final collision between the Tarim Craton and the North Asian continent occurred during the late Carboniferous. Therefore, the Permian was a period of intracontinental environment in the southern Tianshan and adjacent regions. We propose that an earlier, small-scale intraplate orogenic stage occurred in late Permian to Triassic time, which was the first intraplate process in the South Tianshan Orogen and adjacent regions. The later large-scale and well-known Neogene to Quaternary intraplate orogeny was induced by the collision between the India subcontinent and the Eurasian plate. The paper presents a new evolutionary model for the South Tianshan Orogen and adjacent regions, which includes seven stages: (I) late Ordovician–early Silurian opening of the South Tianshan Ocean; (II) middle Silurian–middle Devonian subduction of the South Tianshan Ocean beneath an active margin of the North Asian continent; (III) late Devonian–late Carboniferous closure of the South Tianshan Ocean and collision between the Kazakhstan-Yili and Tarim continental blocks; (IV) early Permian post-collisional magmatism and rifting; (V) late Permian–Triassic the first intraplate orogeny; (VI) Jurassic–Palaeogene tectonic stagnation and (VII) Neocene–Quaternary intraplate orogeny

    End Late Paleozoic tectonic stress field in the southern edge of Junggar Basin

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    This paper presents the end Late Paleozoic tectonic stress field in the southern edge of Junggar Basin by interpreting stress-response structures (dykes, folds, faults with slickenside and conjugate joints). The direction of the maximum principal stress axes is interpreted to be NW–SE (about 325°), and the accommodated motion among plates is assigned as the driving force of this tectonic stress field. The average value of the stress index R′ is about 2.09, which indicates a variation from strike-slip to compressive tectonic stress regime in the study area during the end Late Paleozoic period. The reconstruction of the tectonic field in the southern edge of Junggar Basin provides insights into the tectonic deformation processes around the southern Junggar Basin and contributes to the further understanding of basin evolution and tectonic settings during the culmination of the Paleozoic

    Structures in Shallow Marine Sediments Associated with Gas and Fluid Migration

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    Geological structure changes, including deformations and ruptures, developed in shallow marine sediments are well recognized but were not systematically reviewed in previous studies. These structures, generally developed at a depth less than 1000 m below seafloor, are considered to play a significant role in the migration, accumulation, and emission of hydrocarbon gases and fluids, and the formation of gas hydrates, and they are also taken as critical factors affecting carbon balance in the marine environment. In this review, these structures in shallow marine sediments are classified into overpressure-associated structures, diapir structures and sediment ruptures based on their geometric characteristics and formation mechanisms. Seepages, pockmarks and gas pipes are the structures associated with overpressure, which are generally induced by gas/fluid pressure changes related to gas and/or fluid accumulation, migration and emission. The mud diapir and salt diapir are diapir structures driven by gravity slides, gravity spread and differential compaction. Landslides, polygonal faults and tectonic faults are sediment ruptures, which are developed by gravity, compaction forces and tectonic forces, respectively. Their formation mechanisms can be attributed to sediment diagenesis, compaction and tectonic activities. The relationships between the different structures, between structures and gas hydrates and between structures and authigenic carbonate are also discussed

    Alkali feldspar syenites with shoshonitic affinities from Chhotaudepur area: Implication for mantle metasomatism in the Deccan large igneous province

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    Two petrologically distinct alkali feldspar syenite bodies (AFS-1 and AFS-2) from Chhotaudepur area, Deccan Large Igneous Province are reported in the present work. AFS-1 is characterized by hypidiomorphic texture and consists of feldspar (Or55Ab43 to Or25Ab71), ferro-pargasite/ferro-pargasite hornblende, hastingsite, pyroxene (Wo47, En5, Fs46), magnetite and biotite. AFS-2 exhibits panidiomorphic texture with euhedral pyroxene (Wo47-50, En22-39, Fs12–31) set in a groundmass matrix of alkali feldspar (Or99Ab0.77 to Or1.33Ab98), titanite and magnetite. In comparison to AFS-1, higher elemental concentrations of Ba, Sr and ∑REE are observed in AFS-2. The average peralkaline index of the alkali feldspar syenites is ∼1 indicating their alkaline nature. Variation discrimination diagrams involving major and trace elements and their ratios demonstrate that these alkali feldspar syenites have a shoshonite affinity but emplaced in a within-plate and rifting environment. No evidence of crustal contamination is perceptible in the multi-element primitive mantle normalized diagram as well as in terms of trace elemental ratios. The enrichment of incompatible elements in the alkali feldspar syenites suggests the involvement of mantle metasomatism in their genesis