7 research outputs found

    Opportunity rover localization and topographic mapping at the landing site of Meridiani Planum, Mars

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    This paper presents the results of Mars topographic mapping and lander and rover localization for the Opportunity rover at Meridiani Planum during the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) 2003 mission. By Sol 458, the Opportunity rover traversed a distance of 5.20 km. We localized the lander using two-way Doppler radio positioning and cartographic triangulation of craters visible in both orbital and ground images. Additional high-resolution orbital images were taken to verify the determined lander position. Visual odometry and bundle adjustment techniques were applied to overcome wheel slippages, azimuthal angle drift, and other navigation errors (as large as 21% within Eagle crater). In addition, orbit-to-ground image-based adjustment was applied to correct rover location errors where bundle adjustment was not applicable. We generated timely topographic products, including orthoimages, digital terrain models (DTMs), three-dimensional (3-D) crater models, and rover traverse maps. In particular, detailed 3-D terrain models of major features, such as Endurance crater, have been generated using multisite panoramic stereo images based on bundle adjustment and wide baseline stereo technique

    ExoMars/TGO Science Orbit Design

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    This paper describes the development of the science orbit for the 2016 ESA/NASA collaborative ExoMars/Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) mission. The initial requirements for the ExoMars/TGO mission simply described the science orbit as circular with a 400 km altitude and a 74 deg inclination. Over the past year, the JPL mission design team worked with the TGO science teams to refine the science orbit requirements and recommend an orbit that would be operationally feasible, easy to maintain, and most important allow the science teams to best meet their objectives

    Mars Telecom Orbiter mission operations concepts

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    The Mars Telecom Orbiter (MTO) relay capability enables next decadal missions at Mars, collecting gigabits of data a day to be relayed back at speeds exceeding 4 Mbps and it facilitates small missions whose limited resources do not permit them to have a direct link to Earth

    Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic Mapping for the 2003 Mars Exploration

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    This paper presents the initial results of lander and rover localization and topographic mapping of the MER 2003 mission (by Sol 225 for Spirit and Sol 206 for Opportunity). The Spirit rover has traversed a distance of 3.2 km (actual distance traveled instead of odometry) and Opportunity at 1.2 km. We localized the landers in the Gusev Crater and on the Meridiani Planum using two-way Doppler radio positioning technology and cartographic triangulations through landmarks visible in both orbital and ground images. Additional high-resolution orbital images were taken to verify the determined lander positions. Visual odometry and bundleadjustment technologies were applied to overcome wheel slippages, azimuthal angle drift and other navigation errors (as large as 21 percent). We generated timely topographi

    Drug Treatment Effectiveness: The Case of Racial and Ethnic Minorities in America–Some Research Questions and Proposals

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